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  • Minister Černač in the Zasavje region: Just Transition Fund supports businesses in Zasavje

    In the frame the Government visit to the Zasavje region Minister for Development and EU Cohesion Policy Zvone Černač visited the municipality Litija and Trbovlje. State Secretary at the Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy mag. Monika Kirbiš Rojs visited municipality Zagorje ob Savi.

  • Minister Logar discusses Slovenia’s EU Council Presidency and the importance of transatlantic cooperation at the virtual CEPA Forum

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Anže Logar attended the annual CEPA Forum organised by the Washington-based think-tank Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) as one of the keynote speakers. The event, entitled “Renewing the Transatlantic Alliance in a Contested World”, is being held in a virtual form.

  • Slovenia favours strengthening and implementation of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

    State Secretary Stanislav Raščan met with the Chair of the 10th NPT Review Conference, Ambassador Gustavo Rodolfo Zlauvinen. They discussed preparations for the high-level conference scheduled to be held at the United Nations (UN) headquarters in New York at the beginning of next year.

  • Meeting of the Working Group for Urban Development on the future of the Urban Agenda for the EU

    A meeting of the Working Group for Urban Development, chaired by Deputy Director-General of the Spatial Planning, Construction and Housing Directorate at the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning Aša Rogelj, took place in Ptuj as a part of the Slovenian Presidency.

  • European blockchain week 2021

    European Blockchain Week 2021(EBCW 2021) was one of the soundest events in the framework of Slovenian Presidency of the Council of EU. Co-organized by the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, in collaboration with Digital Innovation Hub Blockchain for Trusted Data Ecosystems, Digital Innovation Hub Slovenia, Slovenian Digial Centre, BTC City, together with European Commission, EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum, INATBA - International Association of Trusted Blockchain Applications, Blockchain Alliance Europe, Blockchain for Europe and many other partners, it achieved great success, backed by more than 100 panelists, more than 25 panels, workshops and roundtables and more than 1200 participants from 86 countries worldwide.

  • Prime Minister Janša visits the Zasavje region

    A Slovenian Government delegation visited the Zasavje region today. The Zasavje statistical region is Slovenia’s smallest in terms of surface area and comprises the municipalities of Hrastnik, Litija, Trbovlje and Zagorje ob Savi.

  • State Secretary Dovžan attends the opening of the 17th Salzburg Europe Summit

    At the invitation of the Institute of the Regions of Europe (IRE), State Secretary Gašper Dovžan attended the opening of the 17th Europe Summit held in Salzburg this year under the title ‘Europe and Peace’. He appeared at the opening panel titled ‘Democracy and Freedom in Europe after Corona’.

  • Meeting of the Network of Territorial Cohesion Contact Points on communication and implementation of the Territorial Agenda 2030

    As part of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU, the town of Ptuj hosted a meeting of the national members of the Network of Territorial Cohesion Contact Points (NTCCP), chaired by Mr Tomaž Miklavčič from the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning.

  • Minister Logar expresses support for the EU's enlargement process at the Western Balkans Speakers' Meeting

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Anže Logar addressed the participants of the Western Balkans Speakers' Meeting at Brdo pri Kranju as part of the parliamentary dimension of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. “The enlargement policy has a transforming power and is a prerequisite for a stable, secure and democratic Europe,” declared Minister Logar in his introductory speech.

  • Irena Grmek Košnik: High vaccination coverage brings us closer to the end of the pandemic

    A press conference on the current situation regarding COVID-19 was attended by Dr Irena Grmek Košnik, epidemiologist of the National Institute of Public Health’s Kranj Regional Unit.

  • Alfred Brežnik: Slovenia exceeded all expectations and has become a commendable and successful country, an example worthy of imitation

    Throughout his life, Alfred Brežnik - Fredi, an electrical engineer, a businessman and a long-term Honorary Consul General of the Republic of Slovenia in New South Wales, Australia, has been promoting Slovenianness and his home country with dedication and sacrifice. He moved to Australia in 1959. Together with other compatriots in Australia, Brežnik was particularly active during Slovenia’s independence process. Prior to that, he held intensive discussions with Australian politicians regarding the recognition of Slovenian independence. And also thanks to him, Australia was the first overseas country to acknowledge Slovenia as an independent state in January 1992.

  • Minister's message on the World Tourism Day

    On the occasion of World Tourism Day, Minister Zdravko Počivalšek expresses optimism about the recovery of Slovenian and world tourism as well. As he says, tourism is an extremely flexible ecosystem and it will react and transform in line with the current situation. He also believes that Slovenia has everything it takes to become one of the most desirable tourist destinations.

  • Minister Andrijanič: Europe can be a global leader in trustworthy AI

    In his opening address via video-conference, Mark Boris Andrijanič opened the virtual conference of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, entitled "2021 OECD Business and Finance Outlook on AI". The conference took place on Friday, 24 September 2021.

  • Minister Mark Boris Andrijanič: We want to become one of the five most digitally advanced European countries in less than a decade

    On Thursday, Minister Andrijanič delivered an opening address at the conference "Leaders’ Dialogue: How Can We Create a Region of Mavericks, Unicorns, and Global Winners?", which was held as part of the sixth Slovenia Business Bridge Investment and Development Conference.

  • Improving online consumer protection and consumer protection in tourism is vital

    At an informal meeting held on 24 September 2021 at Brdo pri Kranju, ministers responsible for consumer protection discussed how to enhance consumer protection for future generations in the age of digitalisation and tourism.

  • Minister Logar attends the 76th session of the UN General Assembly

    Foreign Minister Anže Logar accompanied Slovenian President Borut Pahor as he addressed the General Assembly on behalf of the Republic of Slovenia at the general discussion. He also attended President Pahor’s meeting with António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN).

  • Participation at the 61st CAHDI meeting

    A delegation of the Republic of Slovenia headed by Marko Rakovec, Chief Legal Adviser and Director-General for International Law and Protection of Interests, took part at the 61st meeting of the Committee of Legal Advisers on Public international Law (CAHDI) in Strasbourg on 23 and 24 September.

  • Second European Citizens' Panel of the Conference on the Future of Europe on values, the rule of law and security

    “Democracy, values, rights, responsibilities, and the rule of law are the foundations of the European Union, the base on which it stands,” said Gašper Dovžan, State Secretary and Co-Chair of the Executive Board of the Conference on the Future of Europe, ahead of the beginning of the second European Citizens' Panel in Strasbourg today.

  • Minister Černač at the High-Level Forum of the Committee of the Regions

    Minister for Development and EU Cohesion Policy Zvone Černač today participated in the High-Level Forum on Regional Recovery and Resilience which was jointly organised by the Committee of the Regions (CoR) and the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU in Lipica, Slovenia. The Forum put spotlight on ways to ensure synergies between EU Cohesion Policy and Recovery and Resilience Facility by strengthening partnerships between EU, national, regional and local authorities. It was organised in a hybrid format as part of the programme of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU.

  • State Secretary Kirbiš Rojs at the meeting of entrepreneurs of the Koroška region

    State Secretary mag. Monika Kirbiš Rojs addressed the participants of the event Meeting of a supportive environment for entrepreneurship from the Koroška region that took place in Slovenj Gradec.