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    Letter of Prime Minister Janez Janša to the President of the European Comission Ursula von der Leyen

    We are publishing the letter of Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia Mr. Janez Janša to the president of the European Comission Ursula von der Leyen.

  • Informal videoconference of ministers responsible for internal market and industry

    Minister of Economic Development and Technology Zdravko Počivalšek participated in an informal videoconference of ministers of EU Member States responsible for the internal market and industry. The morning session was dedicated to a political discussion of the European Semester in the context of the Union’s recovery process and national recovery and resilience plans as an instrument for the implementation of industrial strategy, strengthening the internal market, the twin transition and strategic autonomy, and a discussion of the new consumer agenda. The afternoon session featured a discussion of the draft directive on the public disclosure of certain tax information by undertakings (i.e. the Country-By-Country Reporting or CbCR Directive).

  • State Secretary Raščan at the web conference “E-Mobility: Slovenia–Germany” on the common challenges of the rapid development of new technologies

    Today, State Secretary Stanislav Raščan delivered the opening address at the “E-Mobility: Slovenia–Germany” web conference organised by the Slovenian E-mobility Association. In his address, he emphasised the great importance of economic cooperation between the two countries, above all in the automotive industry, which accounts for more than a quarter of total bilateral trade.

  • Substantial additional EU funding to restart business in problematic border areas

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved additional EU funding for the “Call for proposals for financing of initiatives to restart business in problematic border areas – COVID 19” implemented by the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology. The total funding made available under the call for proposals amounts to over EUR 14.2 million of which the European Regional Development Fund contribution represents over EUR 10.5 million.

  • State Secretary Kirbiš Rojs and V4+ counterparts discuss preparation of national recovery and resilience plans

    State Secretary mag. Monika Kirbiš Rojs today participated in a video conference featuring high-level officials from the Visegrad Group, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Slovenia to share experience in the preparation of national recovery and resilience plans. The video conference was organised by the Polish Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy under the auspices of the Polish Presidency of the Visegrad Group.

  • Coastal-Karst region back in red phase

    Today’s press conference on the current situation with regard to Covid-19 was attended by State Secretary at the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology Simon Zajc, State Secretary at the Ministry of Infrastructure Blaž Košorok, Deana Potza of the Health Inspectorate, and Deputy Director General of the Police Tomaž Pečjak.

  • Press release regarding the financing of the Slovenian Press Agency (STA)

    On 27 January 2021, the Communication Office of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia (GCO) fulfilled all of its obligations to the Slovenian Press Agency (SPA) arising from the public service contract.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša: Discussion with parliamentary party leaders “useful”

    Prime Minster and leader of the Slovenian Democratic Party Janez Janša attended a meeting today with the leaders of the parliamentary parties, hosted by Slovenian President Borut Pahor. The meeting was attended by leader of the Modern Centre Party (SMC) Zdravko Počivalšek, leader of the New Slovenia Party (NSI) Matej Tonin, leader of the Social Democratic Party (SD) Tanja Fajon, leader of the Alenka Bratušek Party (SAB) Alenka Bratušek, leader of the Slovenian Nationalist Party (SNS) Zmago Jelinčič and leader of the Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia (DeSUS) Karl Erjavec.

  • Minister Logar with Luxembourg Foreign Minister Asselborn on building a resilient Union

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Anže Logar is visiting the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg today, where he was welcomed by his host, Jean Asselborn, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs and Minister for Immigration and Asylum, and Fernand Etgen, President of the Chamber of Deputies. The Minister also visited the European Investment Bank, where he met with its president, Werner Hoyer.

  • 35 cases of UK variant confirmed

    A press conference on the current situation regarding the COVID-19 virus was held by Director of the National Laboratory for Health, Environment and Food Tjaša Žohar Čretnik and Ada Hočevar Grom of the National Institute of Public Health.

  • State Secretary Raščan and his Romanian counterpart Feruţa on bilateral cooperation

    State Secretary Stanislav Raščan today held a video conference with the State Secretary for Global Affairs and Diplomatic strategies of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Romania, Cornel Feruţa.

  • EU funding for district RES heating

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has issued a financial support decision for the “Call for proposals for co-financing district heating using renewable energy sources (code: JR DO OVE 2021)”. The total funding available under the call for proposals is fully contributed by the Cohesion Fund and amounts to EUR 16 million.

  • Proposal for cooperation in formulating responses to fundamental development challenges in the 2021–2022 period

    The Office of Prime Minister Janez Janša has communicated to all leaders of parliamentary parties (List of Marjan Šarec, Social Democrats, Party of Modern Centre, The Left, New Slovenia – Christian Democrats, Party of Alenka Bratušek, Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia, Slovenian National Party) and to the deputies of the national communities a proposal for an agreement between all political parties and the representatives of the national communities in the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia for cooperation in formulating responses to the fundamental development challenges in the 2021–2022 period.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša presents the candidacy for the Minister of Health

    At today's 62th extraordinary session, the National Assembly considered the proposal of the candidacy of Janez Poklukar for the post of Minister of Health. He was proposed for this function by Prime Minister Janša pursuant to the first paragraph of Article 112 of the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, and Articles 229 and 234 of the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly.

  • State Secretary Dovžan at the General Affairs Council meeting

    State Secretary Gašper Dovžan took part in a videoconference meeting of members of the General Affairs Council today. Ministers and state secretaries responsible for European affairs focused on the preparations for the European Council meeting, the European Democracy Action Plan, the state of play of preparations for the Conference on the Future of Europe, and EU-UK relations.

  • EU funding for the purchase of cars used to provide protection of people with disabilities and community mental health care

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has issued a financial support decision for the “Call for proposals for co-financing the purchase of mobile units (cars) used to perform the tasks of the coordinator for community mental health care and the tasks of the coordinator for the provision of protection of people with disabilities”. The available funding under the call for proposals amounts to EUR 400,000 of which the European Regional Development Fund contribution stands at EUR 320,000.

  • EU ministers meeting on fishery topics

    Today, the EU Ministers competent for fisheries met on the second current year’s meeting of the EU Council under the Portuguese Presidency, which took place in the audio-visual form. This time, the Agenda included topics on fisheries. On exit of the United Kingdom from the EU, the Ministers familiarised themselves with the state of play of bilateral consultations between the EU and the UK on fishing opportunities for 2021 and on deep-sea fish stocks for 2021 and 2022. Slovenia was represented by the acting Directress General of the MAFF Food and Fisheries Directorate, Ms Ana Le Marechal Kolar.

  • Minister Logar attending the EU Foreign Affairs Council

    Today, Minister of Foreign Affairs Anže Logar took part in the regular meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) in Brussels. The ministers focused their discussions on EU-Russia relations and the situation in Hong Kong. The Council also held a video conference with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on future cooperation with the new US administration regarding the common foreign and security policy.

  • Minister Logar takes part in the 46th UN Human Rights Council

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Anže Logar today took part in the High-Level Segment of the 46th regular session of the UN Human Rights Council, which is being held in as a virtual event this year. In his address, the Minister expressed his concern over the consequences brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic and stressed that it is imperative that the post-pandemic recovery include measures aimed at achieving greater equality, solidarity, and social protection.

  • State Secretary Raščan takes part in High-Level Segment of the Conference on Disarmament

    State Secretary Stanislav Raščan delivered a video address today at the High-Level Segment of the Conference on Disarmament. He also raised the issue of membership expansion, which has remained unresolved for too long, and called for progress in this matter with a view to enhancing universality, transparency, and multilateralism.