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  • Minister Fajon with NATO Foreign Ministers on the importance of unity among allies on key strategic issues

    Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon took part in a two-day meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers in Brussels, which focused on NATO’s 75th anniversary, preparations for the Washington Summit in July, support for Ukraine and strengthening cooperation with partners in the Indo-Pacific region. She underlined the importance of unity among allies on key strategic issues.

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    98th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today's session, the Government adopted a proposal for a new Lipica Stud Farm Act, setting the conditions for the Stud Farm's development and more efficient management, as well as the preservation of cultural heritage and its economic development. The Government also issued several Decrees concerning agriculture, which grant some of the requests from the recent protests. The Government decided to extend the mediation with the Fides trade union for one week.

  • 95th meeting of the Bureau of the Barcelona Convention

    On April 3 and 4, 2024, the 95th meeting of the Bureau of the Barcelona Convention was held in Ljubljana, which Slovenia hosted as the presiding country.

  • Presentation of economic diplomacy in the Savinja region

    As part of the presentation of economic diplomacy, State Secretary Marko Štucin and representatives of the Directorate for Economic and Public Diplomacy visited the Savinja region to present to local companies how economic diplomacy can help Slovenian companies to internationalise their business.

  • Prime Minister Golob: "Innovation is the key to our success"

    Today, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Robert Golob, attended the GREMO Innovation Conference, where participants discussed the development of the Slovenian automotive and mobility industry in the light of the green and digital transformation.

  • Second working meeting with Maribor Mayor

    Prime Minister Robert Golob met today with the Mayor of the Municipality of Maribor, Saša Arsenovič.

  • Joint invitation to prepare and sign amendments to the agreements for the development of regions published

    On Friday, 29 March 2024, the Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development published the first amendment of the invitation to prepare agreements for the development of regions. The agreements will serve as the basis for co-financing projects under European Cohesion Policy objectives in 12 development regions. “The agreements for the development of regions are an important form of allocating EU funding in accordance with the bottom-up principle,” said Minister Dr Aleksander Jevšek.

  • EU funding for raising the quality of bilingual education

    The Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development has approved EU funding for the project Raising the level of bilingual education of the Hungarian national community in Slovenia and the Slovenian national community in Hungary.

  • Highlights of Slovenia's activities in the United Nations Security Council in March 2024

    Slovenia is concluding its third month in the Security Council. During the presidency of Japan, the month was marked by the adoption of a resolution on Gaza, showcasing the leading role of the 10 elected members in peace efforts. Japan organized open debates on the working methods of the UN Security Council and the role of women in conflict prevention.

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    »The Thought of a Poet and the Call of a Soldier«

    The Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted a decision of declaring the year 2024 as the Year of General Rudolf Maister, since it marks the 150th anniversary of his birth and the 90th anniversary of his death. The Archives of the Republic of Slovenia is paying its respect to this great Slovenian man by presenting to the audience a short documentary film that was written and directed by Milan Ljubić. By using documents, photographs and film shots of places where Maister resided, the author of the film portrays a narrative of Maister’s life and work.

  • Easter message from Prime Minister Robert Golob

    Dear Citizens, dear Slovenians at home and abroad, I sincerely wish you happy Easter holidays.

  • Prime Minister Golob: Our scientists are diligently working on solutions aimed at improving lives

    Today, Prime Minister Robert Golob visited the Department of Haematology at the University Medical Centre Ljubljana, where the most complex and immunocompromised patients receive treatment. The Department of Haematology is the only tertiary institution for haematology patients in Slovenia.

  • Ambassador Mirošič participated in the inaugural Western Balkan Salon Roundtable in Washington

    Ambassador Iztok Mirošič participated in the inaugural Western Balkan Salon Roundtable, a collaborative event series hosted by the Atlantic Council and the embassies of the Western Balkan nations in Washington on March 28, 2024.

  • The Republic of Slovenia celebrates 20 years of NATO membership

    On 29 March 2004, the Republic of Slovenia became a full member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) after successfully depositing its Instrument of Accession in Washington. By joining this important political-military alliance, Slovenia achieved one of the main foreign policy and defence-military objectives it set itself at the time of its independence in 1991. This historic milestone was celebrated yesterday with a high-level meeting, panel discussions and a national ceremony at the Brdo Congress Centre.

  • Dr. Erjavec: Challenges exist, but in Slovenia, we are experiencing a rural renaissance

    As the 20th anniversary of Slovenia's accession to the EU approaches, in a new episode of the podcast, we hosted agricultural economist Dr Emil Erjavec. During the negotiations for EU accession, he was a member of the core negotiating team for agriculture and fisheries, the "expert engine" of the negotiations for agriculture. He is a highly popular professor at the Biotechnical Faculty and above all, a great expert in agricultural policy.

  • Slovenia conducted the INEX-6 international exercise

    The international exercise INEX-6, prepared by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD NEA), was completed at the Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration (SNSA).

  • Social dialogue as the only way to meet key challenges

    Wishing to resume social dialogue, Prime Minister Robert Golob invited the union representatives sitting on the Economic and Social Council to attend a working meeting.

  • At home in Europe - safe in Nato

    On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Nato and the 20th anniversary of Slovenia's accession to the military organisation, an exhibition and a roundtable discussion on the importance and future of Nato were opened at the Military History Park in Pivka on 27 March. The panellists agreed that the Alliance has played an important role in maintaining peace in Europe and will continue to do so in the future.

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    97th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today's session, the Government approved proposals for new amendments to the Compulsory Motor Third-Party Liability Insurance Act and to the Market in Financial Instruments Act. It also adopted the Immigration Strategy, a draft Resolution on the long-term peaceful use of nuclear energy in Slovenia, and the Decree on detailed spatial planning rules for siting photovoltaic installations and solar collectors.

  • EU funding for boosting employment

    The Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development has issued two grant decisions for boosting employment, namely for the project Boosting employment – and for the Call for proposals to co-finance social activation+ projects.