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  • Inter-Ministerial Commission on Human Rights holds 24th session

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted the 24th session of the Inter-Ministerial Commission on Human Rights, with the participation of Human Rights Ombudsman Peter Svetina. The main item of the agenda was the Universal Periodic Review of the human rights situation in Slovenia, which was held last month in the UN Human Rights Council.

  • Public Administration Minister Rudi Medved meets with his Serbian counterpart Branko Ružić

    The Minister of Public Administration Rudi Medved attended the fifth meeting of the Slovenian and Serbian Governments held on 17 December 2019. The visit of the Slovenian Government is a continuation of regular and intensive high-level political dialogue and a continuation of the practice of joint meetings between the two governments. Today's meeting in Novi Sad, which is the fifth such meeting, showed that relations between the two countries have been strengthening in all areas.

  • Meeting of Slovenian and Serbian Governments in Novi Sad

    "Slovenia wants to be an active partner in Serbia's path to the European Union. For Slovenia, Serbia is an extremely important economic partner in the region. We want to help it tackle the greatest challenges of rural development by offering our knowledge and examples of good practices," said the Prime Minister of the of the Republic of Slovenia, Marjan Šarec, at today's press conference following the meeting of the Governments of the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Serbia in Novi Sad.

  • EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council discusses progress on CAP reform, fish quotas and the importance of forests

    The last meeting of the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council under Finnish Presidency, which was attended by State Secretary Dr Jože Podgoršek, focused on fishing, agricultural and forestry issues. The ministers adopted the Regulation fixing for 2020 the fishing opportunities in the Black and Mediterranean Seas, reviewed the progress made in negotiations on the reform of the common agricultural policy and exchanged views on the importance of forests and forestry for a sustainable future. As part of preparations for the Presidency of the Council of the EU, the State Secretary met with the German and Portuguese ministers of agriculture.

  • Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2020

    Let the upcoming year 2020 be sealed with happiness, success and health.

  • Slovenian and Serbian Governments met in Novi Sad

    “Slovenia wants to be an active partner in Serbia’s European journey. Serbia is an exceptionally important economic partner for us in the region. By sharing our knowledge and examples of good practice, we also want to help Serbia face its most significant rural development challenges”, said Slovenian Prime Minister Marjan Šarec.

  • Minister Dr Cerar at ASEM meeting on climate change, sustainable development and women's role

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr Miro Cerar is taking part in the 14th ASEM Foreign Ministers’ Meeting under the title Asia and Europe: Together for Effective Multilateralism. During the debate on enhancing the multilateral system and consolidating ASEM partnership on global challenges, he outlined Slovenia’s outlook on multilateralism and its efforts relating to climate change, sustainable development and gender equality.

  • Minister Dr Cerar holds bilateral meetings at ASEM

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr Miro Cerar held several bilateral meetings on the sidelines of the 14th ASEM Foreign Ministers’ Meeting held in Madrid on 15–16 December 2019. He met separately with the EU High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy, Josep Borrell Fontelles, Vietnamese Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh, Foreign Minister of Singapore Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha and Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi.

  • Foreign Minister Dr Miro Cerar meets Foreign Minister of Singapore Dr Vivian Balakrishnan at ASEM meeting in Madrid

    The talks focused on bilateral and multilateral cooperation of the two countries, the situation in Asia and some topical international developments. The ministers advocated for enhanced relations between their respective countries at various levels, underlining the need to strengthen cooperation in the economy and science. They also outlined the advantages of the Port of Koper as the leading Northern Adriatic port.

  • Chinese Foreign Minister visits Slovenia

    China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi was in Slovenia today for an official visit. Together with his host, Foreign Minister Dr Miro Cerar, they pleaded for enhanced political and economic cooperation.

  • European Council reaches agreement on climate neutrality by 2050

    Slovenian prime minister Marjan Šarec is attending the regular meeting of the European Council in Brussels. The first day of the meeting, which is being chaired for the first time by its new president, Charles Michel, was dedicated primarily to discussing climate change.

  • State Secretary Marn at the Centre for European Perspective Conference

    State Secretary Matej Marn gave an introductory address to participants of the Centre for European Perspective Conference, which was held under the title “Alternatives to European Enlargement?”

  • MFA on EU Advocate General's opinion on admissibility of Slovenia's action against Croatia concerning infringements of EU law

    The Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has taken note of the Opinion by Advocate General Pikamäe regarding the jurisdiction of the EU Court of Justice in the action brought by Slovenia against Croatia concerning the infringements of EU law.

  • Slovenia launched national test blockchain infrastructure and Slovenian Blockchain partnership

    Today Slovenia launched national test blockchain infrastructure SI-Chain, which will enable testing of existing and new blockchain applications for public and private sector. Slovenia is first Member State of EU established blockchain test infrastructure, after last week's announcement of China on similar plans in the future. Within the EU framework, Slovenia will activelly participate in the development of use-cases, implemented on European Blockchain Services Infrastructure.

  • At COP25, members of the Green Group call for more ambitious climate action

    Madrid is hosting the 25th UN Climate Change Conference bringing together states parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to discuss efforts against climate change. Members of the Green Group (Slovenia, Iceland, Costa Rica, Singapore, Cabo Verde and the United Arab Emirates), jointly striving for an effective response to environmental challenges, called for more ambitious climate action in a Joint Ministerial Statement.

  • Minister Dr Cerar and German Foreign Minister Maas discuss key EU topics and cooperation within the Trio Presidency

    Minister Dr Miro Cerar held a working meeting with German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas today to discuss bilateral cooperation and key issues within the European Union. Also today, the Trio partners, Germany, Portugal and Slovenia, submitted their draft 18-month Trio Presidency programme to the General Secretariat of the Council of the EU.

  • International Human Rights Day – Youth Standing Up for Human Rights

    Today, the world marks International Human Rights Day, which this year celebrates the efforts of young people to engage in the promotion and protection of human rights. Slovenia strives every day to promote respect for human rights, including in its foreign policy, and today, Foreign Minister Dr Cerar and other Slovenian representatives join in various international events dedicated to this goal.

  • Prime Minister meets with members of 40th Slovenian contingent in Peć

    On the second day of his visit to Kosovo, Prime Minister Marjan Šarec met with members of the 40th Slovenian contingent in Peć. After an official reception with military honours, the prime minister met with commander of the multinational battlegroup Regional Command West (RC West) Daniele Pisani. The majority of the Slovenian contingent is present and established on missions in this area of KFOR’s operations.

  • PM Šarec meets members of the Slovenian contingent and the commander of KFOR in Kosovo

    After visiting members of the Slovenian contingent in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Prime Minister Marjan Šarec spent the afternoon meeting members of the Slovenian contingent serving with KFOR in Kosovo and KFOR commander Major General Michele Risi.

  • Youth awareness raising on the International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime

    Today marks the International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime, unanimously declared by the UN General Assembly at the initiative of Armenia in 2015. On 9 December 1948, the United Nations adopted the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, the first document to have a significant impact on combating and preventing the crime of genocide. The purpose of the day is to commemorate the victims of this crime and also to raise awareness of the Convention and to prevent developments that may lead to mass atrocities.