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  • Prešeren Awards 2022

    Board of Directors of the Prešeren Fund annually announces recipients of the highest state awards for artistic achievements on December 3, on this Joyous Day, when several cultural institutions throughout Slovenia open their doors to celebrate the birthday of France Prešeren. The awards ceremony is then held on February 7, on the eve of Prešeren Day, a Slovenian cultural and national holiday, when we mark the anniversary of the death of the Slovenian poet.

  • 2022 declared the year of Jože Plečnik and Giuseppe Tartini

    The Government has declared 2022 the year of the architect Jože Plečnik and the composer Giuseppe Tartini.

  • Virtual exhibition on Slovenian architects rounded off with exhibition and book project at National Museum of Slovenia

    The continually updated virtual exhibition "Pioneers of Slovenian Modern Architecture – Fabiani, Plečnik and Vurnik – Forms for a New Democracy" is being rounded off with an exhibition at the National Museum of Slovenia and a comprehensive monograph on the three great Slovenian architects produced by Bojana Čampa in Stane Jeršič.

  • Personae – an Exhibition by Mexican-American photographer Carlos David

    A photo exhibition entitled Personae is on display in the lobby of the Ministry of Culture. Mexican-American portrait photographer Carlos David explores the complex relationship between how we see ourselves and the way we present ourselves to others. The exhibition is on display until February 22, 2022.

  • Response from the Ministry of Culture to the LIBE Committee Report

    The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia is responding to the report by the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) on the state of democracy in Slovenia.

  • Culture for a better tomorrow

    At the meeting of ministers responsible for culture, audiovisual and media in Brussels, which was chaired by the Slovenian culture minister, Vasko Simoniti, the Slovenian Presidency's commitment to a better tomorrow – for a green, sustainable, culturally diverse and resilient European Union – was reaffirmed with the approval of conclusions and discussions.

  • Minister Simoniti at the meeting of the Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council

    The Minister of Culture Vasko Simoniti will chair a meeting of ministers of culture, audiovisual affairs and the media in Brussels on 30 November. Agenda of the meeting includes adoptions of the decisions on high-quality architecture and the New European Bauhaus initiative, as well as European audiovisual and media content. Several other discussions and presentations are also on the agenda.

  • Ten classics from the Slovenian film treasury to be shown in Brussels in December

    The Retrospective of Slovenian Film opens on Thursday, 2 December, at 19:00 in Brussels. Between 2 and 22 December 2021, ten feature-length classics from the Slovenian film treasury – from the silent beginnings to present day productions – will be shown on the big screen of the Royal Belgian Film Archive in Brussels. The retrospective will open with a showing of the first Slovenian silent feature-length film In the Kingdom of Goldenhorn (V kraljestvu Zlatoroga) accompanied by live original music.

  • The conference on the challenges in the European audiovisual sector has successfully ended

    A two-day international expert conference has been held in Ljubljana on how to facilitate an equal relationship between players in the global market of audiovisual content providers. The development of new technologies and the outbreak of COVID-19 epidemic have led to significant changes in the production and distribution or accessibility of audiovisual works.

  • An opportunity for decision-makers, producers and creators of audiovisual content to exchange views

    The Minister of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia Vasko Simoniti opened a conference "Increasing the accessibility and competitiveness of European audiovisual and media content", which took place in Cankarjev dom congress center in Ljubljana as well as online from 12 to 13 October 2021.

  • Increasing the availability and competitiveness of European Audiovisual and Media Content

    From 12 to 13 October 2021, an international expert conference "Increasing the accessibility and competitiveness of European audiovisual and media content" will take place in Cankarjev dom congress center in Ljubljana as well as online. The participants will be addressed by dr. Vasko Simoniti, Slovenian Minister of Culture and President of the Council of the European Union for Culture and Giuseppe Abbamonte, Director of Media Policy at the European Commission.

  • Culture and cultural heritage should become the humanist agenda of Europe

    "Culture and cultural heritage should become the humanist agenda of Europe united by European values," was the main message of the two-day international conference entitled The Right to Heritage as a Catalyst for Sustainable Development, which concluded on 12 September 2021.

  • An inspiring evening of solos interpreted by Bernarda and Marcos Fink

    The renowned mezzo-soprano Bernarda Fink and bass baritone Marcos Fink enchanted the audience in yesterday's Songs without Borders concert at the Bozar Centre for Fine Arts in Brussels. They paid homage to the outstanding achievements of European, including Slovenian, and Argentine musical and poetic creativity.

  • Concert Songs without Borders: Bernarda and Marcos Fink

    On 8 September 2021 at 20:00, a gala concert entitled Songs without Borders will be held in Brussels, where the internationally renowned opera singers Bernarda Fink (mezzo-soprano) and Marcos Fink (bass baritone) will perform a repertoire of solo cantatas by European, including Slovenian, and Argentine composers.

  • 87th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today's meeting, the Government extended the validity of most ordinances related to COVID-19, requiring organisers of events, gatherings and sports competitions, providers of services and goods in the field of drivers and vehicles in Slovenia, and cableway operators and associated ski slopes to verify whether participants meet the recovered/vaccinated/tested rule. Cross-border migrant workers residing within 10 kilometres of the border with a neighbouring country were added to the exceptions for entering Slovenia without going into quarantine and without meeting the recovered/vaccinated/tested rule. The Government also founded the Government Office for Digital Transformation.

  • Europa Cantat Festival Is Coming

    From 17 to 22 July, Ljubljana will host the International Choir festival Europa Cantat 2021, which will be held in hybrid form due to the COVID-19 pandemic – with events online and live. The festive opening of the festival will take place on Saturday, 17 July at 21 pm in Cankarjev dom with a musical spectacle directed by Matej Filipčič. The audience will be addressed by the President of the Republic of Slovenia Borut Pahor, who is also the honorary patron of the festival, and the Minister of Culture Vasko Simoniti. The event will be broadcast live by TV Slovenija 1 and ARS, Radio Slovenia third channel.

  • Exhibition by Alan Hranitelj at the headquarters of the Council of the European Union in Brussels

    A retrospective exhibition of works from the rich oeuvre by Slovenian costume designer Alan Hranitelj who has been working in the field of opera, theatre and film for over 30 years, opened today, 13 July 2021, in the Justus Lipsius building in Brussels.

  • The Slovenian contemporary fine art exhibition at the European Parliament

    The Slovenian contemporary fine art exhibition entitled We Live in Interesting Times opened yesterday, 12 July 2021, at the European Parliament in Brussels.

  • Speech by the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia Vasko Simoniti at the opening of the exhibition in the European Parliament

    The Minister of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia Vasko Simoniti opened an exhibition of contemporary Slovenian fine art, titled "We are living in exciting times" in the European Parliament in Brussels. The Slovene curator of the exhibition Marko Košan has prepared a selection of works by thirteen Slovene artists who, in the midst of a modern flood of visual images propagated through mass media, are looking for new ways of painting, sculptural and photographic expression aimed at new utopias. In addition to the Minister of Culture Vasko Simoniti the attendees were also addressed by Chair of the Artistic Committee of the European Parliament, Prof. Karol Karski.

  • Video

    The premiere of the Waterman ballet as inspiration for a kinder future

    The premiere of the Waterman ballet marked the start of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The ballet staged on Bled Island and choreographed by internationally renowned choreographer Edward Clug was attended by representatives of the Slovenian Government and members of the College of Commissioners.