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EU Home Affairs Ministers meet in Brussels to discuss the situation on the main migration routes
Minister of the Interior Tatjana Bobnar attended an extraordinary meeting of the Justice and Home Affairs Council in Brussels. Ministers discussed the situation on the main migration routes.
International conference on prevention of people smuggling held in Portorož
Police Chiefs met at the international conference in Portorož on 17 and 18 November 2022, and discussed the stepping-up of information exchange and police cooperation in the region for the purpose of prevention of organised crime and dismantling of the highly profitable illicit business model of the criminal networks.
State Secretary Lobnikar: Slovenia and the EU closely monitor the situation in Ukraine and the neighbourhood
State Secretary, Dr Branko Lobnikar, attended the two-day ministerial meeting of the member states of the Salzburg Forum in Bucharest.
Termination of local jurisdiction in the procedure of gender change data
Transgender persons are no longer to be exposed to involuntary disclosure of transgender identity in the local environment.
Slovenia’s appeal helps abolish certain visa-free regimes for entry to Serbia
In recent months Slovenia has called upon the European Commission and partner countries in the Western Balkans several times to align the visa regimes of countries in the region – especially Serbia – with the EU visa policy. Large numbers of illegal border crossings are now being made by nationals of third countries who have not been part of previous migration flows. These are above all being made by citizens of India, Burundi and Cuba, who entered Serbia legally and then illegally entered EU countries, including Slovenia.
Joint action crucial for successful response to the increase in migration flows along the Western Balkan route
State Secretary Dr Branko Lobnikar attended a Berlin Process meeting of interior ministers, hosted by German Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser in Berlin.
European Anti-Trafficking Day intended to raise awareness about the people fleeing the war in Ukraine
On 18 October this year, European Anti-Trafficking Day, the National Working Group on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings focuses on raising awareness about the exposure to trafficking in human beings of people fleeing the war in Ukraine.
Immediate action by the European Commission on non-harmonised visa regimes of third countries urgently needed
Interior minister Tatjana Bobnar attended the Justice and Home Affairs Council meeting in Luxembourg.
Raising awareness among children and adolescents about trafficking in human beings
The Ministry of the Interior began implementing workshops to raise awareness among children and adolescents about human trafficking. This year, the workshops are focusing on ninth-graders in primary schools in the Central Slovenian, Gorenjska, Goriška and Zasavje regions and second-year secondary school students in the Podravje, Pomurje, Koroška and Savinjska regions.
Revised plan for activation and use of state aircraft for emergency tasks of protection, rescue and assistance
Today, on Thursday, 6 October 2022, the ministers of defence, the interior, health and infrastructure signed an updated plan for activation and use of state aircraft for emergency tasks of protection, rescue and assistance.
Lobnikar: Slovenian police successful in addressing smuggling of illicit drugs
State Secretary dr. Branko Lobnikar inaugurated the eighth annual meeting of the Pompidou Group’s South-East Europe Airports Group with an opening address. The two-day meeting held in Ljubljana was organised by the Council of Europe and the Slovenian criminal police, current holder of the Group’s presidency.
Lobnikar: Migration challenges can only be addressed effectively through cooperation and a common approach
In Sarajevo, State Secretary Dr Branko Lobnikar attended a two-day regional conference entitled 'Sarajevo Migration Dialogue'.
Counter-terrorism remains high on the agenda of the ministry and the police
Today, State Secretary Dr Branko Lobnikar received the EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator, Ilkka Salmi, who is visiting Slovenia as part of his working visits to EU member states after taking up his post on 1 October 2021.
Renewed police cooperation agreement to be concluded after several years
Today, Minister of the Interior mag. Tatjana Bobnar met with her Croatian counterpart, Dr Davor Božinović, in Brežice.
Removal of the wire fence signifies a new direction in Slovenia’s migration policy
The new migration policy being prepared by the Ministry places greater emphasis on respect for human rights, the rule of law, and the values that every democratic society should uphold – a humane attitude towards every individual and the provision of the assistance they need.
Security, Combating Sexual Child Abuse and Migration on the Agenda for Ministers of the Interior in Prague
Minister of the Interior mag. Tatjana Bobnar has attended the Informal meeting of Justice and Home Affairs Ministers in Prague.
The new migration policy will be based on solidarity, inclusion and respect for human rights
Today, the Ministry of the Interior held the first meeting of the Consultative Body on Migration, which was entitled 'A Safe, Solidarity-based and Inclusive Society'. It was attended by representatives of state authorities, NGOs, international organisations and civil society working in the area of migration.
Minister Bobnar and Director Gregori committed to constructive cooperation
Minister of the Interior, Tatjana Bobnar met with Nina Gregori, the Executive Director of the EU Agency for Asylum (EUAA), in Ljubljana today.
Salzburg Forum to strengthen cooperation on regional security
Acting Director-General of the Migration Directorate Nataša Potočnik attended a videoconference of the Salzburg Forum convened by Poland currently holding the Forum presidency.
Return is one of key pillars of an effective migration policy
The Ministry of the Interior, in cooperation with the Austrian Ministry of the Interior, is organising a two-day international conference about cooperation on return, focusing on the Western Balkans.