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  • REACT-EU funding for Ljubljana Intermediate Care Department

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has issued a funding decision for the project COVID-19 – Hospital renovation to extend capacities of Ljubljana Intermediate Care Department. The EUR 5.6 million project will be implemented by the Ministry of Health and supported by the European Regional Development Fund, with the contribution standing at EUR 4.5 million. This is already the second investment in a series of REACT-EU investments made under the massive NextGenerationEU instrument which helps EU countries recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Minister Poklukar presents an updated national vaccination strategy

    At the government press conference, Minister of Health Janez Poklukar presented the second version of the national COVID-19 vaccination strategy.

  • South African coronavirus variant now in Slovenia

    At today's press conference, Minister of Health Janez Poklukar said that Slovenia has confirmed the first case of the South African coronavirus variant, detected in the Maribor area in a person who has returned from Africa. The Epidemiological Service traced all high-risk contacts and sent them into quarantine.

  • A 4-phase exit strategy for hospitals designed to reduce the number of COVID-19 patients

    The press conference on the current situation regarding COVID-19 was attended by State Secretary at the Ministry of Health Alenka Forte and Mojca Kirbiš, Headteacher at Rado Robič Limbuš Primary School.

  • Press conferences are Government representatives’ primary means of communication

    Today’s press conference on the current situation with regard to COVID-19 was held by Bojana Beović, head of the advisory group at the Ministry of Health, Slavko Krištofelc, head of the Occupational Safety and Health Inspection Service at the Labour Inspectorate, Deana Potza of the Health Inspectorate, and Deputy Director General of the Police Tomaž Pečjak.

  • Consistent observance of protective measures even more important as restrictions lifted

    Today’s press conference on the latest situation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic was attended by Alenka Forte, State Secretary at the Ministry of Health, Simon Podnar, technical director of the Neurological Clinic at the Ljubljana University Medical Centre, and Darko Černe, head of the Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Biochemistry at the Ljubljana University Medical Centre.

  • Mass rapid testing is important, as there is a great deal of virus among the population

    A press conference on the current situation regarding the COVID-19 virus was held by state secretary at the Ministry of Health Marija Magajne and Director of the National Institute of Public Health Milan Krek.

  • Healthcare and education sectors doing everything necessary to re-start in-school classes

    Today’s press conference on the current situation regarding COVID-19 was attended by State Secretary at the Ministry of Health Alenka Forte, Director of the National Education Institute Vinko Logaj, clinical psychologist Mateja Hudoklin, Director of the Counselling Centre for Children, Adolescents and Parents, and Maja Drobnič Radobuljac, Head of the Intensive Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Unit at the Ljubljana University Psychiatric Clinic.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša: First case of the UK coronavirus variant officially confirmed in Slovenia

    Prime Minister Janez Janša spoke about the UK coronavirus variant in Slovenia at today’s press conference, and the related measures which need to be adopted.

  • Basis for Ministry of Health’s decision on mandatory testing is Communicable Diseases Act

    Today’s press conference on the current situation regarding Covid-19 will be attended by Director-General of the Public Health Directorate Vesna Kerstin Petrič and Anton Gradišek of the Jožef Stefan Institute.

  • Slovenia's donation to the WHO

    Slovenian Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva Ambassador Sabina R. Stadler handed over today a high-tech disinfection system, to the World Health Organization in Geneva. The device will be used at the WHO Geneva headquarters, where it will provide additional protection to its employees and visitors.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša: The current epidemiological situation allows for the relaxation of measures in some regions

    Prime Minister Janez Janša stressed in today's statement to the media following the 50th regular session of the government that, on the basis of prior consultation with the management of the National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ) and the Government Advisory Group, some decisions were made stemming from the current epidemiological situation and the plan for relaxation of measures.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša: 3 million doses of vaccine guaranteed for 1,600,000 citizens this year

    Prime Minister Janez Janša and Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities Minister Janez Cigler Kralj held a press conference today in Brdo pri Kranju to provide an update on vaccination against COVID-19 and present the eighth coronavirus relief package designed to mitigate the consequences of the epidemic.

  • Magajne: Between 80 and 90 percent of positive rapid tests show correct result

    A press conference on the current situation regarding the COVID-19 virus was held by state secretary in charge of vaccinations Jelko Kacin and state secretary at the Ministry of Health Marija Magajne.

  • Mayors express great interest in organising rapid testing

    Marija Magajne, State Secretary at the Ministry of Health, presented the vaccination process and a new system of rapid testing in the country.

  • Vaccination and mass testing very successful

    State Secretary at the Ministry of Health Marija Magajne reacted to the successful first day of vaccinations, which took place across the country. Vaccination went smoothly and according to plan, the vaccine was well tolerated among the patients, there were no reports of adverse reactions, and there was a lot of optimism among the elderly.

  • The Government has extended the declared state of epidemic by one month

    At a session, the Government issued the Ordinance on the declaration of the COVID-19 epidemic in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia and published it in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia. By this ordinance and on the basis of the Communicable Diseases Act, an epidemic of the COVID-19 communicable disease was declared in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia. The ordinance shall enter into force on 18 December 2020 and remain in force for 30 days.

  • EU funding for new premises of the Centre for Treatment of Children’s Diseases in Šentvid pri Stični

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has issued a financial support decision for the project “Construction of a new building of the Centre for Treatment of Children’s Diseases”. The project worth over EUR 5.8 million will be managed by the Ministry of Health and will receive a little over EUR 4.4 million of European Regional Development Fund support.

  • The government has extended the state of epidemic by another 30 days

    At today’s correspondence session, the Government declared that the state of epidemic with regard to COVID-19 would be extended for another 30 days for the entire country.

  • Slovenia nominated to the WHO Executive Board

    Today, the WHO Regional Office for Europe published the results of the vote by secret ballot of the new members of the WHO Executive Board for the period 2021–2024. In view of the current epidemiological situation, the elections took place in the form of a postal ballot. Slovenia was nominated with its candidate, Ms Vesna Kerstin Petrič.