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55th Regular Session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
At its today’s session, the Government adopted the decree on aid to promote the deployment of energy from renewable sources, storage and heat from renewable sources, and the proposal to update the National Energy and Climate Plan. It also adopted the proposed amendment to the Agriculture Act.
The Slovenian Government is serious about launching the NPP2 project
Prime Minister Robert Golob, Minister of the Environment, Climate and Energy Bojan Kumer and Minister of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning Uroš Brežan visited Krško today.
Positive Decision from the European Commission for the Promotion of Renewable Energy Deployment
The Ministry of the Environment, Climate, and Energy has notified the European Commission of a new measure of investment aid to promote the production of electricity and heat from renewable sources, as well as the storage of electricity and heat.
Minister attends EU Energy Council meeting
At an EU Energy Council meeting, EU ministers discuss the reduction of gas consumption, changes in the electricity market and the green transition.
Reorganisation will contribute to more successful government work
Today’s taking of the oath by ministers in the National Assembly marks the beginning of a new era in the government term of Dr Robert Golob. The establishment of an efficient organisational structure of ministries will ensure better operability and more successful implementation of the Government’s tasks on the basis of the commitments from the Coalition Agreement.