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  • State Secretary Dovžan discusses Slovenian Presidency priorities with AmCham EU members

    State Secretary Gašper Dovžan presented the priorities of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU at a virtual event hosted by the American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union. The Brussels-based business association traditionally organises such events when an EU member state assumes the presidency of the Council of the European Union.

  • Acting Director-General holds talks on the Presidency Priorities in development cooperation with French Director-General

    Acting Director-General Igor Jukič held consultations with the French Director-General for Global Affairs, Culture, Education and International Development, Michel Miraillet, via video conference.

  • Formal opening of the international Europe Readr cultural platform in Izola

    The launch of the Slovenian EU Council Presidency is accompanied by the opening of the Europe Readr digital platform, its leading cultural and promotional project. The selection of books in the virtual library that will be available free of charge will bring readers closer to the current social issues and encourage them to reflect on, and discuss, the world we want to live in. A number of accompanying events will be organised around the world, along with the creation of public spaces for reading and exchanging ideas, all the way from Paris and Helsinki to Washington and Bangkok. The formal opening of the platform will take place on 7 July in the Lighthouse Park in Izola.

  • EU agriculture and fisheries ministers hold the last Council meeting under the Portuguese presidency – Slovenia takes the helm of agrifish

    Today, EU agriculture and fisheries ministers finished a two-day meeting where they focused on confirming the deal on the reform of the common agricultural policy. As part of fisheries items, the ministers discussed the Communication on the state of play of the common fisheries policy and consultation on the fishing opportunities for 2020. As part of phytosanitary items, the ministers adopted a Council Decision requesting the Commission to submit a study on biological control agents (macroorganisms) of plant pests. They also discussed setting a protection goal for honey bees. Minister Jože Podgoršek attended the meeting on behalf of Slovenia. The Portuguese ministers responsible for agriculture and fisheries symbolically handed over the Presidency of the AGRIFISH Council to Minister Podgoršek. Agriculture minister also held several bilateral meetings with ministers of other EU member states.

  • Hojs: Western Balkans Slovenia's political and strategic priority

    Minister of the Interior Aleš Hojs took part in the videoconference of the Berlin process ministers of the interior. Ministers were examining options for further cooperation in fight against organised crime and corruption in the Western Balkan countries and talked about EU's support to Western Balkan countries in managing migrations.

  • EU agriculture ministers confirm the compromise deal on the reform of the common agricultural policy

    At today's meeting of the Council of the EU, EU ministers confirmed the compromise deal on the reform of the common agricultural policy (CAP). The European Parliament and the Council of the EU came to a political agreement on the deal last Friday. The deal covers all three legislative proposals (Strategic Plans Regulation, amendments to the Regulation on the common market organisation and Horizontal Regulation). Minister Jože Podgoršek has attended the meeting on behalf of Slovenia.

  • Minister Logar hosts Portuguese Foreign Minister in the run-up to the Slovenian EU Council Presidency

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Anže Logar is hosting Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Augusto Santos Silva on an official visit. For the first time in fourteen years, Portugal’s foreign minister is paying a visit to Slovenia. “The recent visit to Slovenia by President de Sousa confirmed the excellent bilateral and friendly relations between the two countries and their intensive cooperation in the Trio Presidency”, emphasised Minister Logar. The visit by Minister Santos Silva provides an opportunity to review the Portuguese Presidency’s achievements and to take up the presidency baton.

  • Minister Logar presents priorities of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union

    One week before Slovenia officially takes the helm of the European Union, Minister of Foreign Affairs Anže Logar outlined the priorities and objectives of the Slovenian Presidency, which comes at a crucial moment, when the European Union is adopting important packages on green and digital renewal and building its resilience. “The Presidency is an opportunity to strengthen integration within the EU and within its institutions, and to steer development towards an innovative and creative community based on sustainable development," stressed Minister Logar.

  • Handing over the EU Council Presidency in the field of development cooperation to Slovenia

    State Secretary Stanislav Raščan attended the handover of the Trio Presidency of the EU Foreign Affairs Council in the format of development cooperation ministers. The meeting took the form of an audio-video conference and was attended by the Portuguese State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Francisco André, and the German State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, Martin Jäger.

  • State Secretary Dovžan at Intergovernmental Conferences with Montenegro and Serbia

    Following the General Affairs Council meeting, State Secretary Gašper Dovžan also took part in the Intergovernmental Conferences at the ministerial level on the accession of Montenegro and Serbia to the EU. The Conferences confirmed the political guidelines on the continuation of the enlargement negotiations for these two candidate countries.

  • Minister Logar attends Permanent Slovenia-Bavaria Mixed Commission meeting in Bavaria

    Foreign Minister Anže Logar visited Munich today, where he met with Bavarian Minister for European and International Affairs Melanie Huml. They discussed the activities for enhancing political and economic relations between Slovenia and Bavaria in the light of the upcoming Slovenian EU Council Presidency.

  • State Secretary Gašper Dovžan attends the General Affairs Council

    Members of the General Affairs Council discussed the preparations for the June European Council, EU enlargement, and the stabilisation and association process, and took note of the Conference on the Future of Europe. Under “any other business”, they held a debate on the rule of law in Poland and Hungary under Article 7 of the Treaty on European Union.

  • Minister Hojs presents the priorities of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU at the EU-US Justice and Home Affairs Ministerial Meeting

    Interior Minister Aleš Hojs attended the EU-US Justice and Home Affairs Ministerial Meeting in Lisbon today. At the meeting, he presented the priorities of the upcoming Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU in the field of justice and home affairs.

  • State Secretary Dovžan holds talks with Dutch Foreign Minister and visits EU Court of Justice and European Court of Auditors

    On the eve of the meeting of the General Affairs Council, State Secretary Gašper Dovžan held talks with the Dutch representative in the General Affairs Council and Foreign Minister, Sigrid Kaag.
    He also visited the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Auditors with headquarters in Luxembourg.

  • Minister Logar attends Foreign Affairs Council meeting in Luxembourg

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Anže Logar attended a meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council in Luxembourg on Belarus, Iraq and Latin America. The Belarus opposition leader Svetlana Tihanovska joined the ministers for an informal breakfast before the Council meeting, presenting the current situation and expectations following the activities undertaken by the European Union aimed at the democratisation of Belarus.

  • State Secretary Dovžan on the importance of integration and increased resilience at the Conference on the Future of Europe

    Today, State Secretary Gašper Dovžan attended the first plenary session of the Conference on the Future of Europe in the European Parliament in Strasbourg via videoconference. In his address, he emphasised that the Conference must strive to raise awareness of the historical achievements and the importance of the integration process in Europe. "It simply should not be taken for granted. It is the foundation of our coexistence and peace, security, and prosperity. Therefore, we must spread this awareness, especially among young people," stressed State Secretary Dovžan.

  • Minister dr. Logar v Parizu pred prevzemom predsedovanja Svetu EU

    Foreign Minister Logar visited Paris and met with his host, French Foreign Minister Le Drian, with whom he exchanged views on the priorities of the Slovenian EU Presidency. Minister Logar also met with French National Assembly Vice-President Laëtitia Saint-Paul. They confirmed the excellent relations, pointing out that this year marks the 10th anniversary of the conclusion of the strategic partnership, which significantly stimulated bilateral relations and put them at the highest level. In addition to membership of the European Union and NATO, Slovenia and France also share Alpine and Mediterranean identities.

  • State Secretary Gašper Dovžan attends Quadrilateral meeting in Liechtenstein

    State Secretary Gašper Dovžan attended the Quadrilateral meeting between Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Slovenia, this time in Vaduz, at the invitation of Director of the Office of Foreign Affairs Martin Frick. Slovenia, Liechtenstein, Austria and Switzerland share closely aligned values, face numerous challenges and promote a common approach in a demanding international environment.

  • Minister Šircelj at the meeting of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council

    Today, on 18 June 2021, Minister Andrej Šircelj attended the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) meeting in Luxembourg. Ministers took stock in particular on recovery and resilience plans, economic recovery in the European Union, the European Semester and value-added tax.

  • Minister Aleš Hojs on a working visit in Cyprus on preparations for Presidency

    As Slovenia prepares to hold the Presidency of the EU Council in the second half of 2021, Slovenian Minister of the Interior Aleš Hojs and delegation made a two-day visit to Cyprus and held talks with Cypriot Minister of the Interior Nicos Nouris and Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Christodoulides, focusing on the preparations for the upcoming Slovenian Presidency.