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  • The Government needs an active civil society

    After a meeting with non-governmental organisations, Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob pointed out that today’s meeting was the first step towards fruitful cooperation with civil society and emphasised that government structures actually need an active civil society, because non-governmental organisations work in the field and are in contact with people, which means that they not only are aware of the challenges and problems but can also address and resolve them quickly, avoiding long-lasting procedures.

  • 4th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today’s press conference following the Government session, Prime Minister Robert Golob outlined the first step in a strategy to tackle soaring food and energy costs. The Government discussed measures relating to oil and petroleum products.

  • Government decisions at sessions of government committees

    At today’s session of the Government Committee for State Organisation and Public Affairs, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia opened a new budget item with the budget user, the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia, for the payment of redeemed digital vouchers, to which funds in the amount of EUR 28.8 million will be transferred from the financial plan of the Government Office for Digital Transformation.

  • Response to the position of the Fiscal Council regarding the coalition agreement

    The Government supports the work of the Fiscal Council as the independent and autonomous body overseeing the country’s public finance policy. At the recent meeting with the leadership of the Fiscal Council, Prime Minister Dr Robert Golob expressed his interest in constructive future cooperation and dialogue about the important questions of fiscal stability.

  • 3rd regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    The Government has decided to draft an expert analysis of the legal bases that were used in minor offence proceedings against individuals due to violations of measures against the SARS-CoV-2 viral disease by the end of August.

  • The Prime Minister’s Working Group on Rising Energy and Food Prices Mitigation holds its first meeting

    The Prime Minister’s Working Group on Mitigation of High Energy and Food Prices today held its first meeting and started drafting preliminary proposals and measures. The working group is headed by the Prime Minister and includes the ministers of the economy, infrastructure, agriculture, labour and finance.

  • 1st regular session of the Government of RS

    The Government of the Republic of Slovenia under the leadership of Robert Golob met at their inaugural sessions today and adopted multiple decisions.

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    Prime Minister Janša: If the EU finds the right approach it will stabilise energy prices

    Today, Prime Minister Janez Janša continues to attend the European Council meeting in Brussels. At the meeting, European leaders are discussing the situation in Ukraine, defence, energy and food security.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša attends a special European Council meeting

    Today, Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša is attending a special European Council meeting in Brussels. The European Council meeting will also take place tomorrow with discussions on Ukraine, defence, energy and food security.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša meets with representatives of Fides

    Prime Minister Janez Janša met today with the representatives of Fides – trade union of doctors and dentists of Slovenia.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša attends videoconference with President of the European Council and some EU Counterparts

    Today, Prime Minister Janez Janša took part at a working meeting via videoconference before the forthcoming extraordinary session of the European Council.

  • Fifth World Bee Day is celebrated on 20 May

    On Friday, Slovenia and the entire world will, for the fifth time, commemorate World Bee Day, a celebration declared by the United Nations General Assembly (UN) on 20 December 2017. The main purpose of World Bee Day is to raise the awareness of the global public about the importance of bees and other pollinators for humanity in light of food security, global eradication of hunger and care for the environment and biodiversity.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša meets with Qatari Emir Al Thani

    Prime Minister Janša today met with Qatari Emir Tamim Sheikh bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, who is on an official visit to Slovenia at the invitation of Slovenian President Borut Pahor.

  • 123th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At 123th regular session, the Slovenian Government issued the Ordinance on temporary measures to prevent and control infections with the COVID-19 infectious disease, which abolishes the RVT (recovered, vaccinated, tested) requirement in all health and social care activities. The Government also adopted decisions relating to Annex 1 to the General Agreement for 2022. The Government also adopted a decree on the basis of the Digital Inclusion Promotion Act, which allows digital vouchers to be used within a month.

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    Prime Minister Janez Janša: The Ukrainian people are on the right side of history

    Prime Minister Janez Janša, along with a number of other European leaders, addressed an online parade called "Solidarity for Victory", which was broadcast on Ukrainian national television.

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    Prime Minister Janez Janša in an interview with Polish television station TVP World

    Today, on the margins of the donors’ conference in Warsaw, Prime Minister Janez Janša had an interview at the Polish television TVP World, where he spoke about the achievements of today’s conference.

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    Prime Minister Janez Janša attends the donors' conference for Ukraine in Warsaw

    Prime Minister Janez Janša today attended the donors' conference for Ukraine in Warsaw. The conference was co-hosted by Poland and Sweden, in cooperation with European Council President Charles Michel and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. The United Nations also joined the donors' conference.

  • Government decisions at sessions of government committees

    At today's session of the Government Committee for the Economy, the Government gave its consent to the Ministry of Infrastructure to assume and pay the obligations on dedicated budget items at the level of a group of budget users through the planned spending rights in the adopted state budget for 2022. At the session, the Government included the "Nature Conservation Investments" project in the Development Programme Plan. At the session of the Government Committee for State Organisation and Public Affairs, the Government included an extension and reconstruction of the Kočevje Nursing Home in the current Development Programme Plan.

  • When the government works for the people, the result is greater prosperity and security for everyone

    Below is the message by Prime Minister Janez Janša for 1 May, International Labour Day and the feast day of St Joseph the Worker

  • Government’s decision to provide Ukraine with material assistance

    In light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which puts the Ukrainian population at risk, the Slovenian government made a decision at today’s correspondence session to provide Ukraine with material assistance in the form of IP phones, computer equipment, gas generators, antennas and cables, and to do so via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.