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  • Hezbollah designated a terrorist organisation

    The Government of the Republic of Slovenia took note of the Report of the Permanent Coordination Group for Restrictive Measures on Hezbollah’s Activities and Mode of Operation, reaching the decision to treat Hezbollah as a criminal and terrorist organisation that poses a threat to peace and security.

  • It is not enough to know the measures, we need to believe in them

    The press conference on the current COVID-19 situation was attended by the Head of the intensive care unit at the Clinic for Infectious Diseases at UKC Ljubljana, Matjaž Jereb, and the government spokesman, Jelko Kacin.

  • Kacin: The highest daily incidence of new cases persists in the east of the country, new hotspots in the Primorska region

    Today’s epidemiological situation: a relatively large number of tests were carried out yesterday (as many as 6,587). One thousand six-hundred and nine cases were confirmed, which means that the proportion of positive tests was 24.4%. Hospital care required 22 more COVID-19 patients (namely 1,324) in comparison to Wednesday. Two-hundred-six patients needed intensive care, which is nine less than the day before. Ninety-eight patients were discharged from hospitals in total. Yesterday we also had a lot of deaths in Slovenia: 48 people died in hospitals, nursing homes and care homes.

  • A Slovenian Christmas Tree in the Vatican City

    This year, following the decision of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and in agreement with the Holy See, a Slovenian Christmas tree, a spruce from the Kočevje forests, will be erected in St Peter's Square in the Vatican City. It will be decorated with handmade Slovenian ethnographic ornaments. A Slovenian Christmas tree being put up in the Vatican, as well as the accompanying promotional events that will take place, is an excellent way to promote Slovenia, especially in the light of Slovenia’s Presidency of the Council of the EU in the second half of 2021. The project is managed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food. The opening ceremony will take place in the Vatican City on 11 December 2020.

  • Government extends measures

    The press conference on the current Covid-19 situation was attended by the acting director of the Healthcare Directorate of the Ministry of Health, Marija Magajne, psychologist Peter Markič, and the government spokesperson, Jelko Kacin.

  • Care homes again have difficulties coping with the virus in the second wave

    The afternoon press conference on COVID-19 was attended by the General Manager of the Šmarje pri Jelšah Care Home Gordana Drimel and psychologist at France Bevk primary school in Tolmin Žarko Trušnovec.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša and the working group on the status, preparations for mass voluntary tests and voluntary vaccination registrations

    On 20 November, Prime Minister Janez Janša ordered, based on the epidemic situation and counsel at EU level, the competent ministries to prepare everything necessary for mass voluntary coronavirus tests, and to establish a programme for registering candidates for voluntary vaccinations by 5 December at the latest.

  • The government expects harmonisation of steps towards lifting of lockdown restrictions

    Today’s press conference on the current situation regarding the COVID-19 disease was attended by the head of the UKC Maribor emergency centre Dr Gregor Prosen, State Secretary at the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities Mateja Ribič, deputy head of the Communicable Disease Centre of the National Institute of Public Health Nuška Čakš Jager, and the government spokesman Jelko Kacin.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša: With the sixth anti-corona package, we aim to maintain the condition of society, the state, and the economy

    At today's 49th extraordinary session of the National Assembly, Prime Minister Janez Janša presented in detail the draft Act determining intervention measures to contain the consequences of the second wave of COVID-19, or the sixth anti-corona package for mitigating and eliminating the effects of the COVID-19 epidemic, and the legislative package aimed at maintaining the condition of society, the state, and the economy, after the epidemic.

  • Šircelj: Free school meals for all children up to tax class 3

    The Minister of Finance, Andrej Šircelj, presented the Government's measures relating to the economic, social and health area, which are covered by the sixth anti-corona package.

  • The virus remains widespread in our society

    The press conference today on the current COVID-19 situation was attended by the head of the regional civil protection service in Koper for the DSO area, Gabrijela Valenčič, the head of the RS civil protection service, Srečko Šestan, and the government spokesperson, ambassador, Jelko Kacin.

  • Retirement homes are waiting on instructions concerning rapid tests

    The director of the Centre for the blind, visually impaired, and elderly in Škofja Loka, Silva Košnjek, assoc. prof. Robert Masten from the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of Psychology, and Jelko Kacin, the government spokesperson, participated at the afternoon press conference about the current COVID-19 status.

  • The epidemic is not calming down yet

    Dr Milivoj Piletič, Medical Director of Novo mesto General Hospital, and Government spokesperson Ambassador Jelko Kacin attended the today’s press conference on the current situation regarding the COVID-19 epidemic.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša visits Murska Sobota General Hospital

    On Saturday evening, Prime Minister Janez Janša had a meeting with the management of Murska Sobota General Hospital, in which they focused on efforts to control the spread of the novel coronavirus in one of the most endangered regions. They also talked about successes that the public hears too little about, necessary investments, and the importance of mutual solidarity among teams that protect health and save lives.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša visits University Medical Centre Maribor and City Municipality of Maribor

    On Saturday late afternoon and evening, Prime Minister Janez Janša visited University Medical Centre Maribor (UMCM) and the City Municipality of Maribor.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša discussing compromise solutions for the recovery package with German Chancellor Angela Merkel

    “Friday is nearly over, after spending the whole day coordinating COVID-19 measures and holding long conversations in between with Angela Merkel, currently presiding over the EU Council, and other EU heads of state in order to find compromise solutions for adopting the seven-year EU budget and the recovery fund. The situation calls for reason,” Prime Minister Janez Janša wrote on Twitter.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša: Ministries starting preparations for voluntary mass coronavirus testingica

    Based on the current state of the epidemic and the latest EU Council video conference, the competent ministries have been instructed today to prepare everything necessary by 5 December to launch the voluntary mass coronavirus testing campaign and set up a programme for registering individuals opting for voluntary vaccination,” Janez Janša announced on Twitter.

  • First signs of stability of proper adherence to measures

    The spokesperson, Jelko Kacin, said at the press conference that 1546 infections were identified from 5673 tests yesterday, which is a 27.25% infection rate - 3 percentage points down from the day before. About a quarter fewer infections were detected in 1100 fewer tests compared to Wednesday.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša on TV Slovenija: My letter to the European leaders was a letter calling for a solution and not a letter in which I would take anyone's side.

    Prime Minister Janša was a guest on the programme A Talk with the Prime Minister on Televizija Slovenija. The key topic of the interview was the Government's efforts to tackle the epidemic, including the adoption of measures to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus. The Prime Minister also touched on current political issues, on Slovenia's role in the European Union and the world, and on the relations in the coalition.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša: The coronavirus situation is very serious all over the EU

    Today Prime Minister Janez Janša attended an informal video conference of the European Council on the current COVID-19 situation.