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  • 75 years since the unification of most of Primorska with Slovenia

    On Thursday, 15 September, Slovenia observed the Return of Primorska to the Motherland Day.

  • 4 new Michelin stars for Slovenia

    A major success for Slovenian gastronomy: Michelin inspectors awarded Hiša Franko two stars again, already for the third time.

  • First Day of School

    The summer holidays are almost over and on Thursday schools opened for about 270,000 basic and upper secondary school pupils.

  • The most visible and prestigious volleyball competition in the world

    Slovenia will host the Volleyball Men’s World Championship between 26 August and 7 September. This is the most visible and prestigious volley competition in the world.

  • At the 17th Bled Strategic Forum on Ukraine and the crisis of the multilateral world

    The focus of this year's Bled Strategic Forum (BSF), which will be held between August 29 and 30 under the title 'The rule of power or the power of rules', will be the discussions about the repercussions of Russian aggression against Ukraine and the crisis of multilateralism. Parallel to the main event, the Young Bled Strategic Forum (Young BSF) will also take place from August 26 to 29 in Ljubljana and Bled.

  • Slovenia's Green Wellness Route ranked among top five sustainable holidays across Europe by The Guardian

    The Guardian has released five of the best sustainable holidays across Europe, ranking Slovenia and its Green Wellness Route, a 322-kilometre cycling route connecting Slovenian health resorts, in the first place.

  • CNN calls Piran one of the most beautiful European towns

    The American TV network, CNN, ranked Piran among Europe’s most beautiful towns. On its CNN Travel website, which focuses on travelling, CNN highlighted that this "mini Venice" is one of the prettiest towns on the short Slovenian coast.

  • World Ice Cream Day 2022

    Probably every day of the year is dedicated to a certain topic. Thus, we have days that celebrate mountains, poetry, walks, beer, etc. Ice cream lovers also have their own special day on the 3rd Sunday in July. What do official statistics show about this topic?
    EU Member States produced 3 billion litres of ice cream in 2020. The biggest producer was Germany. In 2021, Slovenia imported almost EUR 16 million of ice cream and exported over five times more.

  • Bicycles, cyclists and cycling

    Last year Slovenia imported 82,600 regular and 16,400 electric bicycles. Bicycles were used on 204,000 daily trips, most of the time the purpose was leisure. Most residents of Slovenia with the same first/family name combination as Slovenian cyclists in this year’s Tour de France are Matej Mohorič.

  • 10 years since the discovery of the Higgs boson

    On Monday 4 July, it was 10 years since researchers at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) presented to the public the results of an experiment at the Large Hadron Collider pointing to the existence of the Higgs boson. The Jožef Stefan Institute (IJS) also participated in the discovery of this elementary particle and marked the tenth anniversary of this landmark discovery with an event whose honorary patron was Slovenian President Borut Pahor.

  • Welcome Home

    The traditional event entitled Welcome Home, which is dedicated to all Slovenians who live abroad – both members of the national minorities in neighbouring countries, and those who live further afield – will this year take place in Ljubljana and Novo mesto. The whole event will take place from Thursday until Sunday, and it always takes place on the days around “Emigrant Sunday”, which is the first Sunday in July.

  • Ljubljana officially declared European Best Destination 2022

    Ljubljana was officially declared European Best Destination 2022 on Monday, 27 June. The prestigious award was given to Mayor Zoran Janković by the CEO of the European Best Destinations organisation, Maximilien Lejeune.

  • Statehood Day commemorates the events of 31 years ago

    On this coming Saturday, Slovenia will mark its 31st anniversary of independence.

  • Slovenia joins World Music Day

    Since 1981, more and more cities around the world have been celebrating World Music Day with free street concerts on the longest day of the year.

  • Start of the 27th Slovenian Book Days

    At today’s opening event, the organisers will pay tribute to the giant of Slovenian literature, Boris Pahor, with a passage from his novel, Nekropolis interpreted by the actor Pavle Ravnohrib. A literary evening organised by the Slovene Writers’ Association will follow. The readings will be given by members of the Slovene Writers’ Association, the Slovenian Association of Literary Translators and the Slovene PEN Centre.

  • 800 Kilometers Long #FightForGreen Is Starting

    The 28th edition of the Tour of Slovenia, the biggest cycling race in the country, starts today in Nova Gorica. The race’s most important name will be Slovenian ace Tadej Pogačar, who will test his form with the UAE Team Emirates ahead of the Tour of France and aim for a second consecutive victory on home soil.

  • There is only one Earth

    World Environment Day is celebrated on 5 June. It is one of the oldest world days celebrated at the initiative of the United Nations and its environmental programme. It represents the principal tool of the United Nations to promote awareness and measures favouring the environment around the world and forms the crucial foundation for promoting progress in the environmental aspects of the Sustainable Development Goals.

  • National Volunteer Week

    National Volunteer Week is organised every year in Slovenia in the month of May. The Slovene Philanthropy will organise it this year between 23 and 29 May. The purpose of the week is to celebrate voluntarism and thank the volunteers for their activities. Volunteer organisations will present their activities through various events, and invite visitors to join their ranks.

  • Robert Golob elected as the new prime minister

    On Wednesday, the National Assembly held a secret voting session and elected Robert Golob, president of the Gibanje Svoboda political party, the formateur of the new government. He was supported by 54 members of parliament; 30 voted against.

  • The Hidden Power of Museums

    To mark today's International Museum Day, numerous Slovenian museums and galleries will be offering a diverse programme to visitors, from the traditional free entrance and guided tours to new exhibitions. Museum experts will discuss the potential of Slovenian museums at a special conference. This year's leading theme is the power of museums.