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  • Quo vadis Europe?

    Europe Day is a day to celebrate peace and unity in Europe. The Council of Europe celebrates it on 5 May and the European Union on 9 May. A reflection on the future of the European Union was at the forefront of this year's Europe Day.

  • 1 May, Labour Day

    The International Labour Day is the right time to reflect on what is happening on Slovenian labour market.

  • Parliamentary elections in Slovenia

    In Sunday’s elections, the voters chose who they want in Deputy seats in the National Assembly for the next four years. The final results of the parliamentary elections are yet to be published.

  • Slovenia exceeds the set objectives at Expo

    Slovenia has surpassed its set objectives at Expo and the first results are already apparent, as companies are concluding business deals and tourist agencies from the United Arab Emirates are inquiring about package tours in Slovenia.

  • Time for a book

    Book Night, celebrated on 22 April, is a voluntary self-organised national and international project taking place for the seventh consecutive year in Slovenia, beyond its borders and around the world. Book Night marks World Book Day celebrated on 23 April and declared by UNESCO in 1996. The day of books was well-received in Slovenia. We celebrate books for an entire week.

  • Town of chocolate

    After a two-year hiatus due to the coronavirus, the largest chocolate event in Slovenia is returning to Radovljica: the 9th Chocolate Festival. The festival is not only a celebration of chocolate, but also excites with its rich accompanying programme and the observance of the principles of sustainable development. It will take place between 23 and 24 April.

  • Video

    Slovenia and Poland to host the 2022 Volleyball Men’s World Championship

    A joint press conference of the Slovenian and Polish Prime Ministers, Janez Janša and Mateusz Morawiecki, was held today to announce that Slovenia and Poland will organise the Volleyball Men’s World Championship 2022. Russia cannot host this event due to the current circumstances and its aggression against Ukraine.

  • For the third year in a row, Ljubljana receives the Tree City of the World award

    After 2019 and 2020, Ljubljana was also awarded the title of Tree City of the World in 2021. The Ljubljana Urban Municipality is proud of having again been recognised for its efforts to make Ljubljana literally green.

  • The municipalities of Bled and Gorje certified as the first European zero waste municipalities

    The municipalities of Bled and Gorje have been certified as the first European zero waste municipalities, according to the Mission Zero Academy. The Academy assessed that the municipalities successfully implement measures aimed at achieving zero net waste and operate in accordance with the conditions required by the certificate.

  • Slovenian Flag Day

    Slovenian Flag Day is celebrated on 7 April. The flag was first unveiled by Slovenian students in Vienna in 1848, but it was on 7 April 1848 that the Slovenian patriot and student Lovro Toman first hoisted the Slovenian tricolour on Slovenian lands, at the site of the former inn Pri Zlati Zvezdi on Wolfova Ulica in Ljubljana.

  • Our planet, our health

    World Health Day has been celebrated on 7 April since 1950, the date marking the anniversary of the founding of the World Health Organisation.

  • A giant Carniolan bee on the roof of Cankarjev dom

    These days, Cankarjev dom is hosting a gigantic Carniolan honeybee. The so-called 3D Carniolan honeybee, a physical model of the worker bee Apis mellifera carnica, was put on display in cooperation with the Slovenian Beekeeping Association to mark World Bee Day on 20 May and the 11th year of urban beekeeping on the roof of the building.

  • Slovenian Pavilion at the Dubai Expo hosted almost one million visitors

    The World Expo 2020, which started on 1 October, ended on the last day of March. During that time, the Slovenian Pavilion welcomed almost one million visitors and the business centre hosted more than 200 events.

  • Slovenia strengthening its tourism sector

    In addition to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has had a significant impact on the development of tourism in Slovenia in the past two years, the industry is now also affected by the war in Ukraine. With the support of the State, the tourism sector will therefore have to adapt and focus on promoting Slovenia as a safe, sustainable and crowd-free destination.

  • Minister Jože Podgoršek: "A small step for us, but a large one for bees and other pollinators"

    Minister Jože Podgoršek attended the all-Slovenian day of planting honey plants, which took place throughout Slovenia at the initiative of the Slovenian Beekeepers’ Association.

  • The National Hall in Trieste again owned by the Slovenians

    The procedure of returning the Fabiani Palace ended at the Prefecture of Trieste with a solemn signing over of the ownership of the National Hall, which took place on Monday.

  • The best invitation to Planica

    The excellent performance of Slovenian ski jumpers at Vikersund and Oberstdorf is without any doubt the best advertisement for the finals of the 43rd Nordic Combined World Cup event.

  • Ties between Slovenia and Slovenians abroad

    The Government Council for Slovenians Abroad and the Government Council for Slovenians in the Neighbouring Countries met last week.

  • "Opt for sustainably produced wood for humans and the planet!"

    On the initiative of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), 21 March marks the International Day of Forests. This year's theme focuses on the sustainable production and consumption of forest resources. Through sustainable forest management and restoration, we can help preserve the planet's biodiversity and combat climate change, while promoting economic activity that creates jobs and improves life.

  • The 43rd traditional pruning of the Old Vine in Maribor

    This Saturday, the traditional ceremonial pruning of the Old Vine takes place in Maribor. This is the oldest vine in the world.