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  • 1 May, Labour Day

    The COVID-19 pandemic has also affected the labour market.

  • 22 April – Earth Day. This year, with the slogan "Restore Our Earth"

    The slogan "Restore Our Earth" on this year's World Earth Day – the fifty-first one – aims to remind us that mitigation and adaptation alone are not the only ways to cope with environmental challenges.

  • Slovenia on the list of best places to retire

    Travel + Leisure, a renowned American outlet, placed Slovenia and the city of Ljubljana on the list of destinations recommended for living after retirement. When choosing these destinations, climate, culture and environment were taken into account. The European countries are becoming ever more popular for seniors.

  • Here's a little treat for you: new cycling routes

    Slovenia has a great number of cycling routes, suitable for on-road cycling as well as mountain biking.

  • 35th Slovenian Music Days

    The Slovenian Music Days, an event that has earned the title of the festival of Slovenian music, will take place online this year.

  • Slovenia gets its own ecological footprint calculator

    The Institute for Health and the Environment has released the Slovenian version of the ecological footprint calculator, letting anyone calculate their ecological footprint. Only by assessing our lifestyles and raising awareness can we make a difference to ensure a cleaner environment and thereby improve people's health.

  • The launch event of IRCAI

    On March 29 and 30, a launch event of the International Research Center on Artificial Intelligence under the auspices of UNESCO - IRCAI, which was founded by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and has its headquarters at the Jožef Stefan Institute was held. Over 1000 registered individuals from more than 50 countries attended and were addressed by esteemed speakers on the first day of the event.

  • IRCAI official launch as a virtual conference

    The International Research Center on Artificial Intelligence under the auspices of UNESCO (IRCAI), will hold its official launch event on 29-30 March 2021. IRCAI was established by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and is located at Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

  • Beekeeping to be nominated for UNESCO heritage status

    The Ministry of Culture leads the project of drafting the nomination of intangible heritage unit of beekeeping in Slovenia for inscription on UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

  • This week about Slovenia in The Times, The Independent and Conde Nast Traveller

    The world media once again highlighted Slovenia as a desirable tourist destination.

  • World Water Day 2021: Valuing Water

    In 1993, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed World Water Day - celebrated each year on 22 March - in order to raise awareness about the importance of water resources and the need for sound management.

  • Slovenia resumes use of AstraZeneca vaccine, state leaders receive their vaccinations

    Today, four presidents – of the Republic, the Government, the National Assembly and the National Council – were vaccinated against COVID 19 with the AstraZeneca vaccine.

  • Call for solidarity and equal access to COVID-19 vaccines

    On Tuesday, Prime Minister Janez Janša attended a working meeting in Vienna hosted by the Chancellor of Austria, Sebastian Kurz, where the discussion focused on the distribution of vaccines among the EU Member States.

  • Honey Story Bee Pavilion

    The Slovenian Beekeepers’ Association introduced the "Honey Story" educational informative pavilion this week. The pavilion is a new innovative mobile beehive aimed at presenting the lives of bees to visitors, who will be given the opportunity to observe, listen, and smell the world of bees, and try their tasty and healthy products.

  • The government has extended the state of epidemic by another 30 days

    The government has decided to extend the state of epidemic by another 30 days effective as of 18 March. According to official data on the number of infected cases, the second wave of the epidemic continues in Slovenia.

  • International Women’s Day: Numerous calls for narrowing the gender gap and warnings regarding the effects of the epidemic on women

    On the International Women’s Day celebrated this past week, many organisations and individuals highlighted the fact that there was still a long way to gender equality, with the COVID-19 epidemic only further increasing the well-known problems.

  • Beekeeping soon possible on computers

    Slovenia has around 205,000 queen bees, which ranks it very highly among the world’s beekeeping countries.

  • This year’s World Wildlife Day dedicated to forests

    The World Wildlife Day is celebrated on 3 March. This year it is dedicated to forests and their importance for sustaining people and the planet. Forests cover nearly 60% of Slovenia and, among other things, they are protected as part of the Natura 2000 sites.

  • Giro d'Italia to visit Slovenia again

    After seventeen years, the spectacular Italian bicycle race Giro d’Italia will again run through Slovenia.

  • In the light of Slovenia’s presidency of the EU

    Slovenia is the only EU member state that celebrates its cultural holiday as a public holiday, with a day off work.