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  • Renewed Škocjan Caves trail to attract thrill seekers

    Adventurers enjoying a descend into the wonders of Slovenia's underground cave system will soon be able to walk a reconstructed trail through the Hanke Canal in the Škocjan Caves. The narrow and rocky path runs high above the river Reka and gives adrenaline junkies something to look forward to.

  • There is still significant unconscious bias against women and girls in science

    On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly for 11 February, the Minister of Education, Science and Sport, Jernej Pikalo, drew attention to the important contribution of Slovenian female researchers in the field of research and development.

  • Presentation of the Nomination File for the inscription of Plečnik's architectural works in Ljubljana on the Unesco World Heritage List

    At the end of January, the permanent representative of Slovenia to Unesco presented the World Heritage Centre in Paris with the Nomination File entitled "Ljubljana: The Timeless, Human Capital Designed by Jože Plečnik" for inclusion in Unesco’s World Heritage List. According to the Ministry of Culture, the Nomination File is formally included in the 2020-2021 evaluation cycle.

  • Basket of Towns Presidency Manual

    The preparations for Slovenia’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the second half of 2021 are in full swing.

  • State ceremony in the spirit of Zdravljica, the national anthem

    On the eve of Prešeren Day, the Slovenian Cultural Holiday, a state ceremony will be held during which the Prešeren Prize and Prešeren Fund Prizes will be awarded as the highest recognition in the Republic of Slovenia for achievements in the field of artistic creation.

  • Slovenia welcomes new proposal on enlargement policy

    Slovenia has welcomed a European Commission proposal for a reform of the EU membership process that provides stronger sanctioning of aspiring EU members if they backslide on their reform efforts.

  • Wetland biodiversity

    This year’s focus of 2 February, World Wetlands Day, annually celebrated in the framework of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, is on the role of wetlands in preserving biodiversity. Despite the growing awareness of the importance of wetlands, they are still being changed or even destroyed.

  • European Commission to reinforce fight against cancer

    4 February marks World Cancer Day. On this occasion, the European Commission presented its initiative for Europe’s new Beating Cancer Plan.

  • Opening of the "Path from the initiative to the proclamation of World Bee Day" exhibition

    Slovenia can be justly proud of its successful initiative to declare 20 May World Bee Day.

  • Slovenia urges EU to enhance labelling rules for honey

    Slovenia and Portugal have urged the European Commission to introduce a clearer system of labelling the origin of honey to give consumers more comprehensive and reliable information.

  • Texas feels Slovenia

    Just before new year, Slovenia was given an excellent opportunity for cooperation: to partner with the American NBA Dallas Mavericks where Luka Dončić currently plays. The effects of this partnership will be multi-layered and visible in several fields: tourism, economy, mobility. Six partners saw this great opportunity for a better recognition of Slovenia in the American market: the Sport Media Focus Agency, the Government Communication Office (UKOM), the Slovenian Tourist Board (STO), AmCham Slovenia, SPIRIT Slovenia, and Ljubljana Tourism. It has quite often been proven that we achieve greater success and recognition if we collaborate.

  • Prime Minister Šarec at WEF on Western Balkans and artificial intelligence

    Prime Minister Marjan Šarec was a attending the 50th World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos at the invitation of its founder and Executive Chairman, prof. Klaus Schwab, on 21 and 22 January 2020.

  • Repatriation: Larger group of Slovenians from Venezuela arrive in Slovenia

    A larger group of Slovenians from Venezuela who applied for repatriation have already arrived in Slovenia, told State Secretary Olga Belec at the press conference held at the Government Office for Slovenians Abroad. The repatriation is still open and the Office is accepting new applications. So far, repatriation has been approved to 29 persons of which 21 are already in Slovenia. All those who arrived in Slovenia are feeling well and relieved to live in peace and freedom.

  • World's first tamburitza opera

    Tamburitzas in an opera? Some people may find this unusual or say that it cannot be done, but composer Gregor Zagorc and his excellent team have managed to prove them wrong, surprising the audience with a beautiful opera. Ambrož and Katarina, a saga of forbidden love, is the world's first opera written for a tamburitza orchestra.

  • Slovenia and Portugal to announce a joint initiative for marking the exact geographical origin of honey

    Slovenia and Portugal announced at the January meeting of the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council their joint initiative for marking the exact geographical origin of honey.

  • Slovenia's partnership with the Dallas Mavericks Club

    Just before the new year, Slovenia entered into a partnership with the American NBA club Dallas Mavericks, where one of the players is our outstanding basketball player Luka Dončić.

  • Slovenia among top 20 places to visit in 2020 according to British media giant The Guardian

    The Guardian published its top 20 alternative global destinations worth visiting in 2020.

  • Meeting of the Green Group ministers

    Slovenian Foreign Minister Miro Cerar attended the Green Group ministerial round table in Abu Dhabi in addition to other participants from Singapore, Iceland, Costa Rica, United Arab Emirates and Cape Verde. He also met the Foreign Minister of the United Arab Emirates Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

  • Woman Engineer of the Year 2019

    The Woman Engineer of the Year title for 2019 went to Aida Kamišalić Latifić, a researcher and professor at the Maribor Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, as the award ceremony was held on Wednesday in the Cankarjev Dom arts centre. Kamišalić Latifić came to Slovenia as a Bosnian war refugee in 1992.

  • A European Perspective for the Western Balkans among the Priorities of Slovenia’s Presidency of the EU Council

    The Slovenian Foreign Minister, Miro Cerar, attended an event held by the Institute for Strategic Solutions (ISR), where the latest edition of the institute’s annual publication, The Adriatic Journal, titled Strategic Foresight 2020 was presented.