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  • First treetop trail in Slovenia opens at Rogla

    Rogla, the well-known Slovenian winter tourism centre, is now offering guests a new experience, a panoramic treetop trail, where they will be able to walk along the elevated pathway among the treetops and get to know Pohorje from a different perspective.

  • The Constitution in a comic strip

    On the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Slovenian Constitution, the National Assembly and the Constitutional Court have prepared a joint project called The Constitution in a Comic Strip. The strip, which was drawn by Zoran Smiljanić, uses the language of comic strips to make complicated legal ideas sound interesting, educational and fun – even for kids, but not just for them.

  • Sinfo: In the company of the best

    It has become a tradition for our September issue to draw attention to topics related to Slovenian literature and themes associated with the Bled Strategic Forum. These two areas are a platform for presenting Slovenia's art, cultural heritage, successful projects in science and business, tourism, cuisine, and more. When a successful project or an interesting person captures our attention, we always feel an urge to share the story with you.

  • NATO Chiefs of Defence to meet in Ljubljana

    Between 13 and 15 September 2019, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovenian Armed Forces (SAF) will host the NATO Military Committee Conference in Chiefs of Defence session with the participation of all allied armed forces and the highest NATO military representatives. The aim of the conference is to enable Chiefs of Defence and strategic commanders to exchange views on topical defence and security matters important for the Alliance as part of its peacekeeping and security efforts.

  • Slovenia, land of beekeeping

    Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Aleksandra Pivec is on a three-day visit to Canada, where she is attending the 56th Apimondia International Apicultural Congress. During her visit she met with several apiculture representatives from all over the world, and at the fair she presented Slovenia as a beekeeping country.

  • Slovenia's tourism up in global competitiveness ranking

    Slovenia is up five spots in the latest biannual global Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report, standing at 36th place among the 140 countries surveyed by the World Economic Forum (WEF). Economy Minister Zdravko Počivalšek commented on the improvement by saying that Slovenia was on the right track in the field of tourism.

  • Two Slovenian researchers win European Research Council starting grants

    On Tuesday, the European Research Council (ERC) published the results of a call for proposals from researchers who are just beginning their research careers. Among the 3062 project proposals submitted, 408 were selected for funding, including two Slovenian projects.

  • Government to help 47 Slovenians in Venezuela

    At its latest session, the Slovenian government adopted a decision to repatriate persons of Slovenian origin from Venezuela, which has been undergoing a protracted economic and political crisis. The list currently includes 47 persons who wish to return to Slovenia.

  • Slovenia and Serbia confirm good relations

    Slovenian Prime Minister Marjan Šarec paid an official visit to Serbia at the invitation of Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić. At their meeting, the two Prime Ministers focused above all on bilateral relations and plans for future cooperation between the two governments, with an emphasis on strengthening economic cooperation and achieving further progress with regard to succession issues.

  • Ljubljana calling! After 18 years, British Airways returns to Ljubljana Airport

    It was on 15 July, that the first British Airways flight landed at Ljubljana Airport – after long 18 years. The flight connection between London Heathrow and Ljubljana will run until 2nd of September, every Monday and Friday.

  • Slovenian researchers in major materials breakthrough

    A group of researchers from the Jožef Stefan Institute has discovered what they describe as an entirely new kind of matter that cannot be understood with existing physics and which opens up an entirely new field. Their paper was published in the latest issue of Nature Materials.

  • Government confirms Janez Lenarčič as candidate for European commissioner from Slovenia

    At it’s session, the Government decided to put forward Janez Lenarčič, Ambassador to the EU, as candidate for the European Commissioner from Slovenia. He is an experienced candidate with long-standing top references in international and European matters, who meets all the criteria required.

  • Government adopts a strategy with regard to migrations

    The Government adopted at its session a strategy with regard to migrations, treating them in a multifaceted and comprehensive manner over the long term, putting emphasis on better understanding of all aspects of migrations and improving the measures for their management.

  • If you want to get to know Slovenia, you have to look with the heart

    Statistics tell us about both quantity and quality. They also present us with an average, a mean, while building on the diversity of data. But behind all this are stories.

  • Bled Strategic Forum - Save the Date

    The 14th Bled Strategic Forum will be dedicated to discussing the role of (re)sources in shaping the global dynamics of peace and security, sustainable development and economic progress. The Forum will take place on 2 and 3 September 2019 in Bled, Slovenia, under the title ‘(Re)sources of (in)stability’.

  • The Prime Minister reviewed the situation on the border with Croatia

    Prime Minister Marjan Šarec, together with the Minister of the Interior, Boštjan Poklukar and Director General of the Police, Tatjana Bobnar, LLM reviewed the situation on the border with the Republic of Croatia in the Municipality of Ilirska Bistrica on Monday. He also had a meeting with police officers, members of the Slovenian Armed Forces and the Croatian police operating along the border.