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  • Prime Minister Janez Janša at Ljubljana University Medical Centre

    Today, Prime Minister Janša visited Ljubljana University Medical Centre, where he met General Manager Janez Poklukar with whom he visited the still unfinished section of Ljubljana University Medical Centre.

  • Slovenia nominated to the WHO Executive Board

    Today, the WHO Regional Office for Europe published the results of the vote by secret ballot of the new members of the WHO Executive Board for the period 2021–2024. In view of the current epidemiological situation, the elections took place in the form of a postal ballot. Slovenia was nominated with its candidate, Ms Vesna Kerstin Petrič.

  • Slovenia highlighted in two respected international media

    The US media outlet Forbes has ranked Slovenia among the twenty best travel destinations in 2021, while the print edition of the popular gastronomic magazine Food and Travel from the UK published a photograph of the picturesque Bled island with its church.

  • Our common goal is clear: to contain the spread of the virus

    The situation concerning COVID-19 was discussed at a press conference by Mateja Logar from the Clinic for Infectious Diseases at the University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Matej Tušak from the Faculty of Sport and Government spokesperson Jelko Kacin.

  • News from Nuclear Slovenia – October 2020

    The new issue of the News from Nuclear Slovenia is published.

  • Government coronavirus call centre enjoys high level of public trust

    The speakers at today's press conference on the current situation concerning the COVID-19 epidemic were Prof. Mojca Matičič from the Clinic for Infectious Diseases at the University Medical Centre Ljubljana, who is also a professional mentor to students at the government call centre, and government spokesperson Ambassador Jelko Kacin.

  • Public call for promoting the re-establishment of Slovenia’s air connectivity

    Today, 26 October 2020, the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology published a public tender for the promotion of the re-establishment of Slovenia's air connectivity. The aim of the tender is to maintain existing international airlines, encourage the re-establishment of scheduled airlines that have already stopped flying to Slovenia due to the consequences of the pandemic, and encourage new airlines to fly in Slovenia.

  • EU funding for cycle route in Izola

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has issued a financial support decision for the project “Izola cycle route”. The project worth a little under EUR 1.9 million will be implemented by the Municipality Izola and will receive EUR 763,000 of European Regional Development Fund support.

  • The Archives of the Republic of Slovenia temporary closed for the public

    The Archives of the Republic of Slovenia will be closed to all visitors and users of archival records from 26 October 2020 until further notice. To obtain information or data from archival records, contact the archive in writing by regular mail or e-mail or during office hours by telephone.

  • 75 years of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia as an independent institution

    The Archives of the Republic of Slovenia - the central and largest archival institution in Slovenia - is currently celebrating its 75th birthday. Namely, on October 31, 1945, the National Government of Slovenia issued a decree establishing the Central State Archives of Slovenia and Archival Council.

  • The new ordinance on temporary partial restriction of movement and gatherings as well as prohibits on movement between municipalities

    At today’s correspondence session, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia issued the Ordinance on temporary partial restriction of the movement of people and the restriction or prohibition of public gatherings in order to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infections and published it in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša: Restriction of movement to municipalities from Tuesday onwards

    On the social network Twitter, Prime Minister Janez Janša wrote that the Government is taking new measures due to the growing number of infected people. The restriction of movement to municipalities will thus be introduced on Tuesday, whereby the same exceptions will apply as in the spring. This restriction will initially be in place for a week for the whole of Slovenia and will be lifted gradually, starting with the regions that first limit the spread of the epidemic.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša on Sovereignty Day: What happened in October 1991 had been inconceivable for most people even a year before

    Nothing in the life of a person or a nation should be taken for granted. Especially events as glorious as birth and the successful defence of an independent country. The Sovereignty Day is a national holiday when we commemorate one of the crucial events in Slovenia’s process of gaining independence. In October 1991, the last soldier of the occupying Yugoslav People’s Army left Slovenia. Slovenia thus not only formally, but de facto became a sovereign country.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša meets with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama

    Today, Prime Minister Janez Janša met with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama at a working meeting.

  • EU funding for co-financing operating costs for companies in tourism and hospitality sector during the COVID-19 epidemic

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has issued a financial support decision for the project “Co-financing of operating costs for companies in tourism and hospitality sector during the COVID-19 epidemic”. The project worth EUR 10 million will be implemented by the public agency SPIRIT and will receive over EUR 7.2 million of European Regional Development Fund support.

  • Changes when issuing quarantine decisions and changes on the list of countries

    At its correspondence session, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia issued the Ordinance of imposing and implementing measures to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic at border crossing points at the external border and inspection posts within national borders of the Republic of Slovenia and published it in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia.

  • Slovenian-Ukrainian consultations on cybersecurity

    Slovenia and Ukraine held virtual consultations on cybersecurity. The Slovenian delegation was led by State Secretary Tone Kajzer, and the Ukrainian side was headed by the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Vasyl Bodnar.

  • Ministers Cigler Kralj, Počivalšek, Kustec and Ministry of Health representative Petrič present measures from the fifth anti-coronavirus package and the prohibitions coming into effect tomorrow

    Today’s press conference on the current situation regarding the coronavirus was attended by Minister of Economic Development and Technology Zdravko Počivalšek, Minister of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities Janez Cigler Kralj, Minister of Education, Science and Sport Simona Kustec, Acting Director-General of the Public Health Directorate at the Ministry of Health Vesna-Kerstin Petrič, and Government spokesman Jelko Kacin.

  • EU Ministers Reach Agreement on General Approach to Common Agricultural Policy Reform

    Early this morning, the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council reached agreement on the general approach to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform beyond 2020 legislative package. This is an important achievement as the agreement facilitates opening the negotiations with the European Parliament. On behalf of Slovenia, the meeting was attended by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Dr Jože Podgoršek, who earmarked the compromise as extremely important achievement within the EU for the entire agricultural sector. “It is most important that we, the ministers, have come to an agreement that facilitates the continuation of the demanding CAP reform process and its subsequent timely implementation. In negotiations, Slovenia succeeded in ensuring the essential elements for the development of agriculture in Slovenia, while simultaneously following the environmental protection guidelines. Particular attention has been on small farmers in terms of reducing the administrative burdens.” At the meeting that commenced on Monday, the ministers discussed certain other topics in agriculture and fisheries.

  • United Nations Day

    What is the future that we want? Are we on the right track to reach it? What must be done to overcome the differences?