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  • 1st Brigade prepares SAF capabilities for the EUBG

    The Slovenian Armed Forces (SAF) continues to take part in the regional association of countries - the European Union Battle Group (EUBG), led by the Italian Julia Brigade, which in addition to the Slovenian Armed Forces, also incorporates the forces of Austria, Croatia and Hungary.
    The Slovenian Armed Forces is planning to take part in the EUBG from July to December 2021 with an infantry company and its support elements. The SAF capabilities are provided by the 1st Brigade, which will also man positions at all levels of the EUBG command structure.
    Slovenian contingent, which will operate under the auspices of Italy and will include up to 190 members, is led by the SAF 10th Infantry Regiment. The preparations of the regiment for the assigned tasks is already underway, since SAF capabilities assigned to the EUBG forces are to be ready for possible operation within the battle group in the first half of this year.

  • EU funding for at-home rehabilitation programmes

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has issued a financial support decision for the call for proposals “Mobile rehabilitation teams” which will be published by the Ministry of Health. The total funding made available under the call for proposals and contributed by the European Social Fund amounts to EUR 1 million.

  • 15. 1. 1991: Conscientious objection and Milan Balažic (Party of Democratic Reform): »Time will tell«

    A proposal to issue the Military Service Act was discussed at the session of the Commission for Defence at the Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia. The proposed Act introduced innovations made necessary due to changes in the political and defence systems: the duration of military service was shortened, conscientious objection to military service for religious, philosophical and moral reasons was recognised, and the obligations relating to reserve service were reduced.

  • Potza and Pečjak report on the activities of supervisory authorities and the police

    Today’s press conference on the current situation with regard to COVID-19 was attended by Robert Carotta, COVID beds coordinator at the Ministry of Health, Deana Potza of the Health Inspectorate, Tomaž Pečjak, Deputy Director General of the Police, and Government spokesperson Jelko Kacin.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša and Minister of Agriculture, Jože Podgoršek, talking to representatives of the Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry

    Today the Prime Minister Janez Janša and Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Jože Podgoršek, held a meeting in Ljubljana with representatives of the Slovenian Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry.

  • Minister Logar on a working visit to Finland for closer cooperation on green and digital economic revival

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Anže Logar is paying a working visit to Helsinki today. He met with his host, Foreign Minister Pekka Haavistö, the Minister for European Affairs, Tytti Tuppurainen, and was also received by Finnish President Sauli Niinistö. He outlined the main highlights of the programme of the Slovenian six-month Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the second half of this year, focusing on measures to mitigate the economic and social effects of the crisis caused by the epidemic and to strengthen the resilience of the Union to a variety of challenges.

  • An opportunity for Slovenian companies in space technology

    The main strategic goal of the Slovenian economic policy is the increase of the added value of our companies.

  • A special series of "I feel Slovenia" vehicles

    As the custodian of the "I feel Slovenia" national brand, we are pleased that a series of "I feel Slovenia" vehicles has been placed on the market which represents the best the Slovenian automotive industry has to offer.

  • 14. 1. 1991: Milan Kučan receives a uniform for his 50th birthday

    14 January 1991 was greatly marked by the Soviet military intervention in Lithuania that had ended the day before. The prominent Soviets led by Mikhail Gorbachev had shied away from their responsibility for the bloodshed that killed 14 people, and which turned into a fiasco for the Soviets.

  • Rise in hospital admissions

    Today’s press conference on the current situation with regard to COVID-19 was attended by Nuška Čakš Jager, Deputy Director of the Centre for Communicable Diseases at the National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ), Marta Grgič Vitek, National Vaccination Programme Coordinator at the NIJZ, Sašo Rebolj, Director of Kamnik Medical Centre, and Government spokesperson Jelko Kacin.

  • An informal video conference held by EU health ministers to discuss vaccination against coronavirus

    In his capacity as health minister, today Prime Minister Janez Janša attended an informal video conference of EU health ministers. The aim of this conference was to exchange experiences with the various vaccination monitoring systems used, the lessons learned from the first days of administering the vaccine, and views on the current and planned contracts for additional vaccine doses.

  • Vaccination is crucial for life to go back to normal

    The press conference on the latest situation regarding the Covid-19 disease was attended by Minister of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Janez Cigler Kralj, Head of the Institute of Microbiology and Immunology and Head of the Laboratory for the Diagnosis of Viral Infections, Miroslav Petrovec and Government spokesperson, Jelko Kacin.

  • PM Janez Janša presents COVID-19 vaccination plan

    Prime Minister Janez Janša, who is also the acting Minister of Health, and National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ) director Milan Krek gave a detailed presentation of the public vaccination programme planned for the first half of the year at a press conference today.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša: The operational part of the police will be exempted from the uniform salary system and the regulation of relations will be fairer

    On Twitter, Prime Minister Janez Janša announced that the Government will “exempt the operational part of the police from the uniform salary system and make the regulation of relations fairer.”

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša on Radio Ognjišče: "The deep state is not losing influence in the background."

    Prime Minister Janez Janša was a guest of today's “Pogovor o” talk show on Radio Ognjišče. In the show he spoke about the plebiscite and Slovenia’s attainment of independence thirty years ago, the fight against the epidemic, the vaccination strategy, current political situation, the formation of a new coalition, the role of the opposition during the epidemic, moves made by the Constitutional Court, the police strike, media and Slovenian foreign policy.

  • Slovenia recognised as a well-known and popular tourist destination in the global media

    The global luxury and lifestyle travel magazine Conde Nast Traveller ranked Slovenia among the world’s top ten sustainable destinations to visit in 2021.

  • EU funding for cycling path from Litija to Pogonik settlement

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has issued a financial support decision for the project “Construction of the cycling path from the town of Litija to the settlement of Pogonik”. The project worth EUR 3 million will be implemented by the Munucipality of Litija and will receive approximately EUR 981,000 of European Regional Development Fund support.

  • 13. 1. 1991: The new Slovenian Constitution should renounce the sovereignty of federal bodies in Slovenia’s territory

    Over 90 deputies of DEMOS, government ministers and prominent representatives of the ruling coalition parties met in Poljče on the second weekend in January 1991. Behind closed doors, they discussed the new Slovenian Constitution arising from the plebiscite decision.

  • PM Janez Janša talks about vaccination and the challenges of the epidemic on TV show Odmevi

    Prime Minister Janez Janša was a guest on current affairs show Odmevi [“Echoes”] on Tuesday, where he talked about the progress of COVID-19 vaccinations, the joint European strategy for the purchase of vaccines, ongoing measures by the government to contain the epidemic and the current political situation.

  • Dialects enrich the Slovenian language

    Slovenia is a small country, but remarkably diverse and dynamic. Its colourfulness is also reflected in the Slovenian language, which prides itself on its many dialects. The dialects reflect the specific features of individual Slovenian regions, their culture, as well as linguistic and ethnographic heritage.