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  • EU funding for the restoration and improvement of the conservation status of natural habitats along the Mura river in Pohorje

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has issued a funding decision for the project Restoration of wetland habitats along the Mura river and Vision Pohorje 2030 – Improving the conservation status of grasslands, water habitats and forest habitats and setting up quiet zones in Pohorje. The two projects, whose total budget will amount to over EUR 6.7 million, will be supported by the European Regional Development Fund with the support totaling more than EUR 5.3 million.

  • EU funding for entrepreneurial training in Primorsko-notranjska and Pomurje development region

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has issued a grant decision for the project “Taking an entrepreneurial approach to addressing the challenges in the Primorsko-notranjska development region” and “Taking an entrepreneurial approach to addressing the challenges in the Pomurje development region”. The projects worth over EUR 1.4 million will receive European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) support in the amount of over EUR 1 million. The projects represent two of the eight projects that make up the project “Taking an entrepreneurial approach to addressing challenges” that is to be implemented throughout Slovenia. The goal of the project is entrepreneurial training for people trying to realise their entrepreneurial idea.

  • The news item "SPECIAL REPORT: Janez Janša's Newest Investment Scared the Government and Big Banks" is an online scam

    The news report, which was published on a fraudulent website and is making the rounds on social media, is an online scam. There are statements on the website that were not made or written by Prime Minister Janez Janša and were falsely attributed to him, moreover, the photos were published without authorisation from the authors.

  • Meeting of Slovenian and Croatian Foreign Ministers

    Today, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia Dr Anže Logar met with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia Dr Gordan Grlić Radman.

  • Video

    "The epidemic is a test of solidarity and wisdom. We cannot say that we can’t do it."

    On Monday, 874 tests were carried out and 14 new cases were confirmed, including one in the Hrastnik Care Home. The Head of the Expert Group on the containment and control of the COVID-19 epidemic, Dr Bojana Beović, and Deputy Government Spokesperson, Ms Špela Horjak, discussed the current situation regarding the COVID-19 disease at a press conference.

  • EU funding for more independent living of users of Centre for Training, Work and Care in Črna na Koroškem

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has issued a grant decision for the project “Deinstitutionalisation of the Centre for Training, Work and Care in Črna na Koroškem”. The project worth a little less than EUR 2.4 million will receive European Social Fund support in the amount of over EUR 1.9 million.

  • EU funding for construction of wastewater infrastructure in business zone Polzela

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has issued a grant decision for the project “Construction of wastewater infrastructure for Garant Polzela area”. The value of the project, which will be implemented by the Municipality of Polzela, amounts to more than EUR 703,000, of which the European Regional Development Fund will contribute EUR 337,500.

  • EU funding to support the internationalisation of SMEs

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has issued a funding decision for the call for proposals Co-financing of costs of digitalising sales processes and producing promotional and marketing materials for foreign markets - JPTT2020-COVID19. The call will be published by the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology and will make EUR 800,000 available from the European Regional Development Fund.

  • Slovenian and Austrian Minister approve the test project of joint supervision of border between countries with technical equipment

    Slovenian minister of the interior Aleš Hojs participated at a two-day ministerial summit in Vienna on efficient combat against current challenges of migration on the eastern Mediterranean route. Austrian federal minister of the interior Karl Nehammer called the conference due to increasing migration flows on the eastern Mediterranean migration route. The purpose of the meeting was to overview the overall situation regarding irregular migrations and agree on closer operational cooperation in addressing irregular migration with particular attention on border management.

  • The first positive signs of stabilisation of the situation at the Hrastnik Care Home

    The press conference on the COVID-19 situation following Thursday's regular Government session focused on controlling the spread of the virus at the Hrastnik Care Home. The main speakers were the Minister of Health, Tomaž Gantar, the Minister of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Janez Cigler Kralj, and the deputy government spokesperson, Špela Horjak.

  • Foreign ministers Logar and Czaputowicz on cooperation within EU and regional initiatives

    Today, Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr Anže Logar met with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, Dr Jacek Czaputowicz and Minister for European Affairs Konrad Szymánski in Warsaw. The working visit confirmed the outstanding relations between the two partner countries in the EU and NATO allies, which also work together successfully within regional initiatives in Central Europe and other international forums.

  • 27th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    The Government of the Republic of Slovenia finalised the text of the proposed Energy Efficiency Act, adopted the Guidelines for the drawing up of the draft revised budget of the Republic of Slovenia for 2020, the proposed amendments to the budget of the Republic of Slovenia for 2021 and the proposed budget of the Republic of Slovenia for 2022, and decided to extend the measure of partial reimbursement of salary compensation for temporarily laid-off workers until 31 August 2020. The Government revoked the minimum trading hours of shops and lifted the ban on the operation of shops on Sundays.

  • Business delegation visits Slovakia

    On the occasion of the official visit by the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, to Slovakia, a business forum organised by SPIRIT Slovenia and the Slovak partner institution SARIO, in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was held on 22 July 2020.

  • Working consultation of the Government

    After successfully concluding negotiations and securing EUR 10.5 billion in funds for Slovenia, the Government today held a working consultation on the absorption of funding. The Government first took note of Slovenia's absorption of funds from the 2014–2020 EU budget, which stands at a low rate of 39%.

  • 28th Slovenian UNIFIL Contingent assumes duties within the international mission in Lebanon

    On Monday, July 20, Shamaa military base in Lebanon was the venue of a handover ceremony between the 27th and 28th Slovenian UNIFIL contingents.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša: We are leaving the EU summit satisfied, we have reached an ambitious agreement

    Today, after several days of negotiations, the European Council reached an agreement on a multiannual financial framework and a recovery instrument totalling EUR 1,824 billion. The agreement brings extensive additional funds for Slovenia, which will facilitate the recovery after the COVID-19 crisis and encourage investments in the green transition and digital transformation.

  • An application to protect people's health and lives to be available for download in mid-August

    The press conference on the COVID-19 situation focused on the epidemiological situation in the country and the region, as well as the presentation of an application for the protection of people's health and lives during the pandemic. The main speakers were the Minister of Public Administration, Boštjan Koritnik, the deputy head of the Communicable Disease Centre at the National Institute of Public Health, Nuška Čakš Jager, and the deputy government spokesperson, Špela Horjak.

  • Minister Logar in virtual talks with European Commissioner Reynders

    Today, Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr Anže Logar held a videoconference with Didier Reynders, European Commissioner for Justice. Among the topics for discussion were the rule of law and the new EU mechanism for monitoring the state of the rule of law in all EU Member States, under which the first annual rule of law report is being drafted by the Commission. This is a preventive tool aimed at deepening dialogue between Member States and EU institutions, and increasing awareness of the rule of law principle, including in relation to candidate countries.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša: There is a realistic hope of reaching a final agreement today or tomorrow

    European leaders are continuing their negotiations in Brussels today on the EU recovery package related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša holds a video conference with the Chief Executive Officer of Sandoz

    Today, Janez Janša, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, held a video conference in Brussels with Richard Saynor, the Chief Executive Officer of Sandoz, the generic pharmaceuticals division of Novartis International AG.