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  • Additional seat allocated to Slovenia in the European Parliament

    The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs welcomes the adoption of the European Council's decision on the composition of the European Parliament for the parliamentary term 2024–2029, which gives Slovenia one additional seat, bringing the total number of seats to nine.

  • Draft amendment of the 2014-2020 operational programme gets a go-ahead

    A total of EUR 50 million of overcommitments will be redirected to the Reconstruction Fund and a further EUR 20.5 million in cohesion funding will be reallocated to post-flood intervention measures in order to mobilise available resources from cohesion policy programmes and allow for full absorption of the funding made available to Slovenia in the 2014-2020 programming period.

  • 69th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    The Government starts examining information on the preparation of the budgets of the Republic of Slovenia for 2024 and 2025. It gave its consent to the draft amendment of the Operational Programme for the Implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy 2014–2020, took note of the Autumn Forecast of Economic Trends 2023 and the information on the baselines for the preliminary programme for the repair of direct damage resulting from the August floods.

  • The Government takes note of the Report on the Implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Plan before submitting the second request for payment

    The Government takes note of the Report on the Implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) before submitting the second request for payment under the Recovery and Resilience Facility, which includes information on meeting the milestones and goals for individual instalments. The Government also discussed the financial implementation of the Plan.

  • Reaction to the final State of the Union Address by President of the European Commission in this mandate

    European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen today delivered the final State of the Union Address at the European Parliament in this mandate, assessing the political priorities achieved and providing an overview of the challenges ahead of next year's European elections.

  • State Secretary Štucin at discussion on a strong and resilient EU

    State Secretary Marko Štucin took part in a discussion entitled "A strong and resilient EU in response to the challenges of the future", organised by the European Commission Representation in Slovenia on the occasion of this year's State of the Union address by President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen.

  • 12th Slovenian Economic Diplomacy Day on mitigating natural disasters

    Minister Tanja Fajon delivered the opening address at the 12th Economic Diplomacy Day, which took place in the framework of the traditional 55th International Trade Fair in Celje with the message: "When I meet with companies, I find that Slovenian companies offer solutions that contribute to solving the challenges of climate change, not only in Slovenia, but also worldwide."

  • The Republic of Slovenia: US$1bn 5.000% 10-year 144A/Reg S Bond offering

    On Tuesday, 12th September 2023, the Republic of Slovenia, rated A3 (stable) / AA- (stable) / A (stable), successfully entered the markets with a US$ 1bn 10-year 144A / Reg S bond. This landmark transaction represents the return of Slovenia to the US$ market for the first time since 2014. The success of the transaction, with over US$ 3.8bn of demand (including JLMs interest), is a strong testimony of the confidence institutional investors have in the Republic of Slovenia. Barclays, BNP Paribas, Citi, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs Bank Europe S.E. and J.P. Morgan jointly led the offering.

  • 129th correspondence session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At its correspondence session, the Government gave its consent to the proposed amendments to the draft act amending the Mental Health Act.

  • Government decisions at a session of the government committee

    At government committee sessions, the Government agreed with the proposed amendments to the Financial Operations, Insolvency Proceedings and Compulsory Dissolution Act and the proposed amendments to the Bloudek Awards Act. In the Development Programmes Plan 2023–2026, the Government added several new projects.

  • Slovenia announced its presidency of the Barcelona Convention

    In Istanbul, Turkey, the last intensive preparations are underway for the 23rd Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention (COP23). Slovenia will host the 23rd meeting in December 2023 and take over the two-year presidency of the Barcelona Convention for the period 2024-2025.

  • Working meeting with representatives of the Association of Social Institutions of Slovenia

    State Secretary for Intergenerational Dialogue and Housing Policy Nataša Lužar received the representatives of the Association of Social Institutions of Slovenia.

  • Video

    Prime Minister in Luxembourg: Together, we can create a success story in space activities

    At the invitation of the Prime Minister of Luxembourg, Xavier Bettel, the Prime Minister Robert Golob paid an official visit to Luxembourg. This is a follow-up to Prime Minister Bettel's visit to Slovenia in February this year, when the two countries pledged to work even more closely together, particularly in economic matters.

  • State Secretary Lužar meets with representatives of the deaf and hard of hearing

    State Secretary for Intergenerational Dialogue and Housing Policy Nataša Lužar met with the representatives of the Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

  • State Secretary Boštjan Šefic: Municipalities can suggest measures for reconstruction and development

    Today, on 12 September 2023, the State Secretary for the Coordination of Measures and Activities for Post-Flood Reconstruction, Boštjan Šefic, visited the Municipality of Litija and met with Mayor Franci Rokavec. The purpose of the working visit was to discuss the challenges and needs facing the municipality and residents living in the affected area, as well as further relief measures.

  • Minister Poklukar proposes to his Croatian counterpart Božinović to strengthen surveillance in the border area

    In a telephone conversation, Minister of the Interior Boštjan Poklukar once again drew the attention of his Croatian counterpart Dr Davor Božinović to the high number of illegal crossings of the Slovenian-Croatian border, in particular in the area of the municipality of Brežice.

  • Minister Švarc Pipan at a conference in Riga: "Slovenia is a determined defender of the international legal order"

    At the invitation of the Latvian Minister of Justice and the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Slovenia's Minister of Justice Dominika Švarc Pipan attended the Conference of Ministers of Justice of the Council of Europe in Riga. The aim of the discussion is to support the reforms of the Ukrainian justice system and the restoration of the international legal order by ensuring the full responsibility of the Russian Federation for its aggression against Ukraine.

  • Minister Han visits Carinthia as part of his visits to key economic border regions

    Minister of the Economy, Tourism and Sport Matjaž Han today visited Carinthia as part of his tour of the border regions that form Slovenia's economic hinterland. As part of the Slovenian Minority Business Coordination, the Minister aims to strengthen economic cooperation with the regions along Slovenia's border, as these regions account for 30% of trade with neighbouring countries.

  • Minister Tanja Fajon in Basovizza on respect and cooperation

    Today, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon attended a commemorative ceremony in honour of the heroes of Basovizza, marking the 93rd anniversary of their death. She delivered a solemn address and laid a memorial wreath.

  • Economical routes for more life

    The traditional European Mobility Week campaign began last weekend as one of the most massive and influential initiatives in Slovenia and Europe at large.