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  • Artificial Intelligence is not a digital Aristotle, but it can help you find material

    Instead of artificial intelligence, we could use the term virtual intelligence, as powerful machines are still far from being intelligent, and instead of an ethics of artificial intelligence, we could talk about the ethics of those who use modern technologies, said Igor Papič, Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, in his opening remarks on the second day of the Global Forum on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence.

  • The path to AI is our helpful and welcome assistant, not a fear or a threat

    "We are aware that AI can improve our lives, but it can also pose certain dangers," said dr. Emilija Stojmenova Duh, Minister for Digital Transformation, at a press conference in the middle of the first day of the Global Forum on the Ethics of AI.

  • Annual event of the Recovery and Resilience Plan discusses the impact of the double transition for sustainable economic growth

    The European Commission Representation in Slovenia and the Recovery and Resilience Office today hosted the annual event of the Recovery and Resilience Plan in Slovenia. At the conference entitled Double Transition for Sustainable Economic Growth, the participants discussed the competitiveness of the Slovenian economy in light of the green and digital transition.

  • Minister Jevšek: When it comes to EU Cohesion Policy funds absorption, Slovenia is a success story

    At the informal meeting of ministers responsible for cohesion policy, held in Mons, Belgium, Minister of Cohesion and Regional Development Dr Aleksander Jevšek pointed out that Slovenia is closing the 2014-2020 programming period as one of the most successful members in terms of EU Cohesion Policy funds absorption. The Minister also underlined that in the future, more support should be given to regions.

  • Successful first Slovenian-Indian Day of Science and Innovations

    On the initiative of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, high-tech companies, centres of excellence and research institutes, the Slovenian Science Foundation, together with the Jožef Stefan Institute and the Embassy of India in Ljubljana, organised the first Slovenian-Indian Day of Science and Innovations at the Jožef Stefan Institute.

  • Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia is operating normally at its new address

    Please be informed that on 1 February 2024 the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia moved to Rruga ˝Skënderbej˝, number 21/1, Tirana.

  • EU funding for a nationwide awareness-raising campaign on social inclusion of people with disabilities

    The Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development has approved EU funding for the project Nationwide awareness-raising campaign on social inclusion of people with disabilities.

  • Prime Minister Robert Golob meets with UNESCO Director-General, Audrey Azoulay

    Prime Minister Robert Golob met with Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), Audrey Azoulay.

  • State Secretary Štucin in Rome on bilateral relations and Western Balkans

    In Rome, State Secretary Štucin met with Italian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Edmondo Cirielli to discuss the strengthening of bilateral relations between Slovenia and Italy. He also participated in a meeting of the Friends of the Western Balkans and presented a joint Slovenian-German initiative to improve the efficiency of decision-making in the enlargement process.

  • Minister Fajon: "Slovenia will continue humanitarian aid to civilians in Gaza"

    In Brussels, Minister Fajon took part in an informal meeting of EU foreign ministers hosted by Belgian Foreign Minister Hadja Lahbib under the Belgian Presidency of the EU Council. The meeting was chaired by EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell and focused on the EU's relations with Africa and Türkiye, as well as on further assistance to Ukraine and humanitarian aid to Gaza.

  • Ambassador Dr Andrej Benedejčič took part in the visit of the North Atlantic Council to Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Ambassador Dr Andrej Benedejčič, Permanent Representative of Slovenia to NATO, took part in the visit of the North Atlantic Council to Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1-2 February 2024. Led by Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană, Allied Ambassadors and Invitee Sweden met with members of the Presidency, the Chairwoman and members of the Council of Ministers, the Foreign and Defence Ministers as well as members of the Collegium of House of Peoples and the House of Representatives of BiH. The programme included discussions with international community actors and civil society.

  • State Secretary Marko Štucin visits Zasavje Chamber of Commerce and Industry

    As part of the scheduled visits to regional chambers of commerce and industry, State Secretary Marko Štucin joined the plenary part of the visit of the economic diplomacy delegation of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs to the Zasavje region. During the visit organised by the Zasavje Chamber of Commerce and Industry, he met with representatives of the region’s companies and the heads of the Zasavje Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

  • Minister Fajon: “We would like to promote closer cooperation with countries of the Indo-Pacific and Southeast Asia”

    Minister Tanja Fajon attended the EU-Indo-Pacific Ministerial Forum and the EU-ASEAN Ministerial Meeting in Brussels. In her remarks, she underlined Slovenia's commitment to strengthening EU cooperation with Indo-Pacific and Southeast Asian countries, given their great economic and geostrategic importance.

  • Highlights of the Slovenian activities in the UN Security Council in January 2024

    On 2 January 2024, the flag of Slovenia was officially raised in front of the Security Council Chamber together with other four new non-permanent members of the UN Security Council (Algeria, Guyana, Republic of Korea and Sierra Leone). During the ceremony the Representative of Slovenia to the UN Security Council Ambassador Samuel Žbogar stated: "The work of Slovenia in the Council will be guided by the UN Charter, international law, and our foreign policy of peace. We pledge to act in good will and transparency. We trust in the multilateral system with the UN at its core as the only way to find solutions to the most serious crisis." Slovenia will base its activities on four thematic priorities: prevention of conflicts, protection of populations in armed conflicts, women, peace and security and climate, peace and security.

  • EU funding for non-formal education and training

    The Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development has approved EU funding for the project Non-formal education and training.

  • Presentation and degustation of Slovenian wines in America

    Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in the United States hosted a presentation and degustation of Slovenian wines on January 31st 2024. Representatives of Klet Krško and Ptujska klet were personally present at the event, organized by Marq Wine Group and was part of the Wines of Slovenia promotion tour in Chicago, Dallas, New York and Washington D.C..

  • Ambassador Iztok Mirošič presented the letter of credence to First Vice President of Costa Rica Stephan Brunner

    On January 26, Ambassador Iztok Mirošič had the honor of presenting the Letter of Credence from Slovenian President Nataša Pirc Musar to the esteemed First Vice President Brunner in Costa Rica. Subsequently, Ambassador Mirošič participated in substantive discussions with President Chaves and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Worship, André Tinoco.

  • Prime Minister Robert Golob attends special European Council meeting

    Today, Prime Minister Robert Golob attended a special European Council meeting in Brussels. The EU leaders were unanimous in their position on the revision of the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021–2027, in particular as it relates to the envisaged financial support for Ukraine.

  • Slovenia and Belgium are part of the EU core that will always defend the rules and the rule of law

    Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon met Belgian Foreign Minister Hadja Lahbib in Brussels to discuss the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU, the signing of the Ljubljana – The Hague Convention, feminist foreign policy, Slovenia's membership of the UN Security Council and other current European and foreign policy issues.

  • Opening ceremony of the Slovenian EUSALP Presidency

    Slovenia celebrated the official launch of its Presidency of the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP) with an opening event in Postojna, attended by around 100 national and international representatives. The event presented the programme of the Slovenian Presidency and the main upcoming activities of EUSALP in 2024.