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  • State Secretary Črnčec: The strongest message is the unity of the European Union and NATO

    State Secretary Dr Damir Črnčec was recently a guest on the State of the Alliance programme produced by the Centre for European Policy Analysis (CEPA).

  • Minister Šinko and Japanese Minister on intensified cooperation

    Ms Irena Šinko, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food (MAFF), met with the Japanese Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Mr Tetsuro Nomura. During her visit to Japan, the Minister held several meetings with representatives of different institutions, taking also a field tour of several show cases of good practices in agriculture and in fisheries.

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    LEK d.d., a member of the Sandoz Group, plans an investment in Lendava worth an estimated EUR 400 million

    A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed for an investment in a high-tech centre for the production of biosimilars.

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    Prime Minister Golob: Flexibility should be the guiding principle of the reform of the fiscal rules

    The consultation on the EU Economic Governance Framework Reform at Brdo pri Kranju was opened by Prime Minister Robert Golob, who stressed the importance of fiscal rules for the stability of public finances and the need to adapt the rules to new challenges and reality. Fiscal rules need to be reintroduced, and flexibility and a balance between investment and the sustainability of public finances will be key.

  • Meeting of State Secretary Maksimiljana Polak with a representative of the Association for the Protection and Assistance of Animals in Need Lajka

    State Secretary for the Dialogue with Civil Society and Coordination of Citizens' Initiatives Maksimiljana Polak met with Jadranka Juras, a representative of the Association for the Protection and Assistance of Animals in Need Lajka, and other representatives of animal advocates.

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    Slovenian biometric identity card wins prestigious international award

    This year's High Security Printing EMEA™ Conference is taking place in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, from 7 to 9 March 2023 and its award for the best ID card of the year was claimed by the Slovenian biometric identity card.

  • Meeting of State Secretary Maksimiljana Polak with representatives of the Association of Helping Paws

    State Secretary for the Establishment of Dialogue with Civil Society and Coordination of Citizens' Initiatives Maksimiljana Polak and Head of the Cabinet of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Dejan Süč met with representatives of the volunteer association "Tačke pomocčke" and other representatives of animal advocates.

  • European Commission gives the green light to Slovenia's first payment request for European funding for recovery and resilience

    The European Commission has given a preliminary positive assessment of the first payment request for European funding for recovery and resilience. "We have been eagerly awaiting the news that was announced today by Commissioner Gentiloni. I am very pleased that the Commission has given the green light to our first payment request for the Recovery and Resilience Facility," said the Minister of Finance Klemen Boštjančič at a press conference.

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    Minister Fajon presents feminist foreign policy as a modern, future-oriented policy

    On International Women’s Day, Minister for Foreign and European Affairs, Tanja Fajon, set out the concept of a feminist foreign policy, which is a cross-cutting theme of the new foreign policy strategy, and announced that the Ministry intends to increase its focus on gender equality and respect for the rights and the empowerment of women and girls around the world. The Feminist Foreign Policy Strategy will be launched on the International Day of Women in Diplomacy, on 24 June.

  • State Secretary Dr. Benedejčič receives high representatives of the State of Colorado

    State Secretary for National and International Security Dr. Andrej Benedejčič received today the Lieutenant Governor of the State of Colorado Dianne Primavera and the Adjutant General of the State of Colorado Laura Clellan on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of cooperation between the Slovenian Army and the Colorado National Guard.

  • Informal meeting of EU defence ministers ends in Stockholm

    Minister of Defence Marjan Šarec attended the informal meeting of EU Defence Ministers in Stockholm, which was hosted by the Swedish capital yesterday and today in the framework of the Swedish Presidency of the EU Council.

  • State Secretary Štucin in Dublin for consultations with Irish Minister of State Burke

    During a visit to Dublin, State Secretary Marko Štucin held bilateral consultations with Peter Burke, Minister of State for European Affairs and Defence in the Department of Foreign Affairs of Ireland. The two officials discussed the strengthening of bilateral relations and engaged in an in-depth exchange of views on current European and international topics.

  • For gender equality

    Women's Day is an international women's holiday celebrated every year on 8 March in around 100 countries, including Slovenia.

  • The Minister of Culture, Dr Asta Vrečko, on 8 March

    On 8 March, we celebrate one of the most important holidays, Women’s Day, which stands for courage, determination and the pursuit of solidarity and equality. It has been celebrated for over a hundred years, and marks the struggle for a world in which people can live with dignity and equality, whatever their circumstances.

  • Government decisions from the Government committee meetings

    At the meetings of the Government committees, the Government, among other things, agreed to the proposed amendments to the amended Scientific Research and Innovation Activities Act and to the expansion of the inscription of dry stone walling on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, as well as to the modification of the baseline value of the AV Media Programmes 2022–2023 project, which is included in the current Development Programmes Plan.

  • Slovenia presenting premium quality food products in Japan

    Ms Irena Šinko, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food (MAFF), is participating in the formal opening of the 48th FOODEX Japan 2023, the largest international food and beverages show, jointly with a delegation of Slovenian industrial and economic operators. At the show, regarded as the leading food and beverage show in Asia, 11 Slovenian companies are presenting themselves.

  • Naming a meeting room after the great Slovenian inventor Peter Florjančič

    A ceremony was held today at the Intellectual Property Office to name a large meeting room after the outstanding Slovenian inventor and cosmopolitan Peter Florjančič. The event was attended by his daughter and grandson, and addressed by State Secretary Dejan Židan and the Director of the Office Karin Žvokelj.

  • State Secretary Štucin meets Minister for Europe Docherty in London for consultations

    State Secretary Marko Štucin met Leo Docherty, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Europe at the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, during a visit to London. They talked about further strengthening bilateral relations and exchanged views on topical European and international affairs.

  • Prime Minister met with Gallup International representatives

    he Prime Minister, Dr Robert Golob, and the Minister of Public Administration, Ms Sanja Ajanović Hovnik, met with representatives of the international company Gallup.

  • Minister Fajon at the UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries: “We must leave no one behind”

    At the UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries in Doha, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon participated in the round table entitled ‘Leveraging the power of science, technology and innovation for the sustainable development of least developed countries’. She stressed the importance of cooperation, solidarity and development aid to eradicate poverty and inequality. On the sidelines of the Conference, Minister Fajon held a number of bilateral talks.