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  • Prime Minister Robert Golob: Strategic partnerships with friendly countries such as Algeria are very important for Slovenia

    Prime Minister Robert Golob met today with the President of the People's National Assembly of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, Ibrahim Boughali, who is on an official visit to Slovenia. The meeting focused on energy cooperation and the establishment of strategic cooperation between the two countries, which share a historical friendship.

  • First time in Slovenia: meeting of the HERCA WGE

    On 19 and 20 October 2022, Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration hosted the 24th meeting of the Working Group on Emergencies (WGE) established by the Heads of European Radiological Protection Competent Authorities (HERCA).

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    Prime Minister Golob: A sufficient majority may be expected for certain amendments to the Constitution

    Today, the Prime Minister, Dr Robert Golob, held a consultation with the representatives of coalition and opposition parties and the leaders of deputy groups regarding possible amendments to the electoral legislation and other constitutional amendments for which suitable political will exists during this term of office. It was determined that the five parties could agree on certain issues.

  • State Secretary Štucin at 18th Salzburg Europe Summit on crises facing Europe

    At the invitation of Prof. Dr Franz Schausberger, former Landeshauptmann (Governor) of Salzburg, State Secretary Marko Štucin took part in a debate as part of the 18th Salzburg Europe Summit taking place on 23–25 October 2022 in Salzburg under the title "Visions for Europe: Expectations and Reality".

  • Organisation of a media centre for the 2022 election of the President of the Republic of Slovenia

    The election of the President of the Republic of Slovenia took place on Sunday, 23 October. The Government Communication Office participated in organising the event.

  • Bilateral visit to the Austrian Patent Office

    At the invitation of the Austrian Patent Office, a bilateral visit to Vienna took place on 20 October 2022, where we explored opportunities for mutual cooperation, exchanged examples of good practice and views on current developments in the field of intellectual property rights.

  • Moody's confirmed Slovenia’s credit rating

    The ratings agency Moody's confirmed Slovenia’s credit rating as A3 and maintained its outlook at stable on Friday, 21 October 2022.

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    Prime Minister Robert Golob at the European Council meeting

    Prime Minister Robert Golob attended the European Council meeting held in Brussels on 20 and 21 October.

  • Minister Fajon on concrete measures for EU enlargement at the meeting of Foreign Ministers participating in the Berlin Process

    At the invitation of German Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs Annalena Baerbock, Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon took part in the Foreign Ministers’ meeting of the Berlin Process. The focus was on energy security, the green agenda, the Common Regional Market, reconciliation in the region, and a positive perspective for young people in the Western Balkans.

  • On the Road to a Green Transition – at the annual Slovenia’s Recovery and Resilience Plan event

    One year after the confirmation of Slovenia’s Recovery and Resilience Plan, the Representation of the European Commission in Slovenia, the Slovenian Recovery and Resilience Office, and the Ministry of Infrastructure together with the Slovenian Infrastructure Agency, held the plan’s first annual event, entitled On the Road to a Green Transition. In the morning, the conference participants discussed sustainable mobility and effective energy use, while in the afternoon they had a look at the first results of the project to upgrade the Ljubljana-Divača railway line, which is being financed as part of the plan. The event was also attended by the Head of the Recovery and Resilience Task Force at the European Commission, Céline Gauer, the Finance Minister Klemen Boštjančič, and Minister of Infrastructure Bojan Kumer.

  • State Secretary Žbogar attends the opening of the Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia and the business seminar in Fukui, Japan

    State Secretary Samuel Žbogar addressed the participants at the opening ceremony of the Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Fukui, Japan, along with Honorary Consul of the Republic of Slovenia Tetsuji Shindo and senior representatives of national, regional and local authorities. During his visit, the State Secretary participated in a business seminar on IT solutions and space technologies.

  • Slovenia’s appeal helps abolish certain visa-free regimes for entry to Serbia

    In recent months Slovenia has called upon the European Commission and partner countries in the Western Balkans several times to align the visa regimes of countries in the region – especially Serbia – with the EU visa policy. Large numbers of illegal border crossings are now being made by nationals of third countries who have not been part of previous migration flows. These are above all being made by citizens of India, Burundi and Cuba, who entered Serbia legally and then illegally entered EU countries, including Slovenia.

  • 32 new olms arriving

    The Postojna Cave is expecting new olm babies. One of the females laid new eggs earlier this summer. These have been developing successfully and almost all of the babies have already seen the »darkness of the cave«. The famous litter from 2016 is now joined by new dragon babies.

  • Another Slovenian Home closes its doors forever in Euclid, Ohio

    Images from today's last event, dancing to the sounds of the Eddy Rodick Orchestra, organized by the Cleveland- style Polka Hall of Fame and Museum in the now already sold Slovenian Society Home in Euclid/Recher Hall, which will close its doors on October 24.

  • 38th correspondence session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today's correspondence session the Government adopted the draft Prevention Of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Act, and agreed with the proposed amendments to the draft Slovenian Sovereign Holding Company Act. It also adopted amendments to the Act governing the foundation of Slovenski državni gozdovi d.o.o. (SiDG).

  • Joint action crucial for successful response to the increase in migration flows along the Western Balkan route

    State Secretary Dr Branko Lobnikar attended a Berlin Process meeting of interior ministers, hosted by German Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser in Berlin.

  • Slovenia submits first request for the payment of funds from the Recovery and Resilience Facility

    As announced yesterday by the Minister of Finance, Klemen Boštjančič, at the press conference following the session of the Government, the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Recovery and Resilience, a body within the Ministry of Finance, today forwarded to the European Commission a request for the payment of the first instalment of grants from the European Resilience and Recovery Facility.

  • Climate relay in Slovenia

    The international climate relay, with which young people are raising awareness about climate change, has crossed Slovenia.

  • Slovenia officially declared a Guest of Honour at the 2023 Frankfurt Book Fair

    "I am exceptionally pleased to be here on behalf of the Ministry of Culture and the Republic of Slovenia to announce Slovenia as the next Guest of Honour here at the Frankfurt Book Fair," said Minister of Culture, Dr Asta Vrečko, on today’s occasion of Slovenia’s official announcement as the Guest of Honour. The official acceptance of the title will be on Sunday, 23 October.

  • Government briefed on the report on the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Plan

    Before filing its first request for the payment of Recovery and Resilience Facility grants, the Government was briefed on the report on the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Plan.