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  • Vacancy Announcement - Embassy Driver

    The Embassy of Slovenia in the Hague is looking for an experienced driver for a full time position of Embassy Driver/Caretaker.

    Interested in joining our team? Apply by March 15.

  • New rules on the labelling of the origin of honey blends adopted at the initiative of Slovenia

    A political agreement was reached between the EU Council and the European Parliament on Tuesday, 30 January 2024, regarding the European Commission's proposals for greater transparency in the labelling of the origin of honey blends.

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    89th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today's session, the Government adopted a proposal for amendments to the Promotion of Digital Inclusion Act, which determine who is eligible to access computer equipment in more detail. It also approved the call for applications for enrolment in undergraduate and integrated master study programmes in the 2024/2025 academic year.

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    Important consensus reached on the role of nuclear energy in energy policy and the activities for Nuclear Power Plant 2

    Slovenia's energy self-sufficiency and the long-term use of nuclear energy warrant the broadest possible national and political consensus.

  • State Secretary Marko Štucin holds political consultations in Warsaw

    During the consultations in Warsaw, State Secretary Marko Štucin met Polish Minister for the EU Adam Szłapka, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Andrzej Szejna, and Head of the International Policy Bureau in the Cabinet of the President of the Republic of Poland Mieszko Pawlak. The talks focused on bilateral relations between the two countries, as well as current European and international issues.

  • Meeting with the Vice-Chair of the CPPCC National Committee

    Prime Minister Robert Golob met with Wang Yong, the Vice-Chair of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

  • State Secretary Štucin at the Intergovernmental Conference encourages active support for Montenegro

    On the margins of the EU General Affairs Council, State Secretary Marko Štucin took part in the EU-Montenegro Intergovernmental Conference, where participants took stock of the overall accession process and provided political steer for future work. The Conference is a recognition of the results achieved by Montenegro and an encouragement to continue reforms, with special focus on the rule of law.

  • State Secretary Štucin presents initiative for more effective decision-making in the enlargement process

    At the EU General Affairs Council meeting in Brussels, the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU set out the priorities for the Council's work in the first half of 2024, with a focus on the topics addressed by the General Affairs Council. The six-month period will be marked by the end of the mandates of the current European Commission and European Parliament, and by the European elections.

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    Prime Minister Golob: "You work miracles. You give hope."

    Prime Minister Robert Golob received today at Brdo pri Kranju representatives of organisations that provided relief to those affected by the floods in August last year.

  • Press release on International Holocaust Remembrance Day

    On 27 January, International Holocaust Remembrance Day, proclaimed by the UN General Assembly, Slovenia remembers the Jewish, Roma and other victims of the Holocaust, including many from Slovenia.

  • MFEA response to the ICJ order in the case South Africa v. Israel

    Slovenia welcomes today's order delivered by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the case of South Africa against Israel, indicating provisional measures, including that Israel must take effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed humanitarian assistance to the civilian population in Gaza and prevent genocide in Gaza.

  • Norwegian launches new route from Copenhagen direct to Slovenia's capital Ljubljana

    Norwegian continues to expand its route network out of Denmark and now adds another new direct route from Copenhagen to Slovenia's capital Ljubljana - recently voted Europe's best city break destination. The route will be Norwegian's 10th new route out of Copenhagen in this year's summer programme and the only direct route to Ljubljana from Denmark.

  • Slovenia's tourism figures hit all-time high in 2023

    Slovenia's tourist destinations attracted more than six million visitors last year, who spent more than 16 million nights at the country's accommodation facilities in what is a new record. The capital Ljubljana saw the most substantial growth.

  • EU funding for the implementation of community-led local development

    Ljubljana, 26 January 2024 – The Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development has issued 37 funding decisions marking the start of the implementation of community-led local development (CLLD) in the framework of 37 Local Action Groups (LAG). A total of 40.1 million euros in ERDF funding was approved for the implementation of CLLD.

  • State Secretary Dr Damir Črnčec opens a guest exhibition in Kadetnica before World Holocaust Remembrance Day

    Today, two days before World Holocaust Remembrance Day, the military facility Kadetnica in Maribor hosted the opening of a guest exhibition entitled A Tale of Two Transports, the Jews of Medjimurje and Prekmurje during the Holocaust, prepared by Boris Hajdinjak, Director of the Centre of Jewish Cultural Heritage Synagogue Maribor.

  • 88th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today's session, the Government adopted a decision on drafting a national spatial plan for reducing flood risks in the Lower Savinja Valley, with a view to comprehensively reducing flood risks in urban areas. It also approved the Agreement on the Amendments to the Strike Agreement with the Higher Education Trade Union.

  • EU interior ministers focus on fight against organised crime

    Minister of the Interior Boštjan Poklukar attended an informal meeting of the Council of Ministers of the European Union for Home Affairs in Antwerp and Brussels on Wednesday and Thursday.

  • Slovenian Parliament Ratified the Lisbon Treaty during Slovenia's First Council of the EU Presidency

    The National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia was among the first national parliaments of the European Union (EU) to ratify the Lisbon Treaty. The law for its ratification was adopted on January 29, 2008, at the beginning of Slovenia's first presidency of the Council of the EU and concurrently the European Council. The presidency itself was one of the reasons for the expedited process, as it aimed to demonstrate Slovenia's commitment to the European integration project.

  • EU Mediterranean countries on common challenges in agriculture

    EU Med Ministers and State Secretaries met today in Brussels on the initiative of the Greek Minister of Agriculture. The group consists of Mediterranean countries that are EU member states: Croatia, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain. Slovenia was represented by State Secretary Eva Knez.

  • 180th correspondence session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    The Government adopted the opinion on the draft recommendation to address the worrying situation in residential care homes and approved an amendment to the Act Regulating the Implementation of the Budgets of the Republic of Slovenia.