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  • Slovenia grateful for the support of the countries, especially those in the neighbourhood, which were among the first to offer assistance

    In recent days, Slovenia has been hit by the worst natural disaster in the country's history, and messages of solidarity and support have been conveyed to the Government of the Republic of Slovenia by foreign leaders and the heads of EU institutions.

  • Closing of the Archives and the Archival Reading Room

    On Monday, August 14th, the archive, the reading room and the information room will be closed due to a collective leave day.

  • Prime Minister, Minister of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning, and Civil Protection Commander visit affected areas

    Prime Minister Robert Golob, together with Minister of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning Uroš Brežan and Commander of the Civil Protection of the Republic of Slovenia Srečko Šestan, visited the areas affected by the flood in three municipalities in the Gorenjska region – Škofja Loka, Radovljica and Medvode.

  • Slovenia has requested international assistance

    In most of the areas affected by the floods, the rescue efforts are being shifted to the phase when basic conditions for subsistence and communications are being provided. Due to the extent of the damage in the affected areas, the Republic of Slovenia has decided to request international assistance through EU and NATO mechanisms.

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    River waters are slowly receding, conditions on the ground are critical

    The latest situation on the floods in Slovenia was presented at the press conference by meteorologist Blaž Šter and hydrologist Janez Polajnar, both from the Slovenian Environment Agency, Director of the Slovenian Water Agency Neža Kodre and Commander of the Civil Protection of the Republic of Slovenia Srečko Šestan.

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    61st regular session: Slovenia to apply for aid from the EU Solidarity Fund

    At today's session, the Government allocated EUR 10 million in humanitarian aid to the residents of the affected areas. The funds will be granted to two humanitarian organisations, the Slovenian Red Cross and Caritas Slovenia, which will receive EUR 5 million each. It was also agreed at the session that shops selling food, technical goods and children's equipment will also be open on Sundays and public holidays.

  • Prime Minister meets with European Commissioner

    Before the 61st extraordinary Government session, Prime Minister Robert Golob met with the European Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič.

  • 10 million EUR in humanitarian aid for the population in the affected areas

    At today’s session, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia earmarked 10 million EUR in humanitarian aid for the population in the affected areas. The funds will go to the Slovenian Red Cross and the Slovenian Karitas, each receiving 5 million EUR. Another agreement reached at the session was to keep grocery, technical goods and children's equipment shops open on Sundays and public holidays.

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    Prime Minister after the National Security Council session: All political players are united and will work together

    In response to the natural disaster of national proportions, Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob convened the National Security Council (NSC), which met today in an expanded configuration. As he pointed out when he convened the session, the Government, including the opposition, wants to unify the response to maximise the effectiveness of the measures for the benefit of the people.

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    Weather slowly calming down, warning downgraded to yellow

    The latest information on the floods in Slovenia was presented at the press conference by meteorologist Brane Gregorčič and hydrologist Janez Polajnar, both from the Slovenian Environment Agency, Director of the Slovenian Water Agency Neža Kodre and Commander of the Civil Protection of the Republic of Slovenia Srečko Šestan.

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    Worst natural disaster ever to hit Slovenia

    The situation in Slovenia was presented at a press conference by Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob, Minister of Defence Marjan Šarec, Minister of the Interior Boštjan Poklukar, Commander of the Civil Protection of the Republic of Slovenia Srečko Šestan and hydrologist of the Slovenian Environment Agency Janez Polajnar.

  • Activities of Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs in response to devastating floods

    Last night, several parts of Slovenia were hit by severe storms with extreme rainfall, causing multiple landslides, heavy floods and damage to transport infrastructure.

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    We are facing floods similar to those of 1990, 1998 and 2004

    The Environment Agency of the Republic of Slovenia held a press conference to present the first information on the extent of today’s rainfall. In addition to representatives of the Environment Agency, the press conference was attended by Srečko Šestan, Commander of the Civil Protection of the Republic of Slovenia, Neža Kodre, Director of the Slovenian Water Agency, and Marjan Šarec, Minister of Defence.

  • High-level event commemorating this year's Earth Overshoot Day

    In a resounding call for sustainability and innovation, Slovenia’s Ministry of Environment, Climate and Energy ushers in the One-Hour Initiative during high-level event commemorating this year's Earth Overshoot Day
    A new initiative motivating Slovenia’s businesses to align their strategies with the reality of persistent ecological overshoot

  • A Photograph of the Members of the Ljubljana Oblast Assembly Taken After Its First Session

    In the new Yugoslav state of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, the so-called oblasts (administrative regions), which were to operate as the largest administrative and self-governing units in their respective territories, were established with the Vidovdan Constitution of June 1921. The constitution also stipulated the elections for the assemblies of each oblast. Assemblies of the Ljubljana and Maribor Oblasts had 107 representatives elected from 30 Slovenian districts and towns. Presented here as this month’s archivalia is a photograph of the members of the Oblast of Ljubljana assembly, which was taken after the assembly’s first session on February 23, 1927.

  • Slovenia’s Ministry of Environment, Climate and Energy and Global Footprint Network host high-level event to mark Earth Overshoot Day 2023

    Slovenia is the first EU country to include the Ecological Footprint in its National Development Strategy

  • Serbian Minister visits Slovenia

    Minister Dr Aleksander Jevšek and Minister Sanja Ajanović Hovnik met in Ljubljana with Edin Đerlek, Serbian Minister without portfolio in charge of balanced regional development. The meeting focused on the presentation of the area of local self-government, regional development and EU Cohesion Policy from Slovenia’s accession to the European Union to today.

  • Hydrogen Future Map

    With the North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley (NAHV) project, lead partner Holding Slovenske Elektrarne (HSE), the Ministry of Environment, Climate and Energy and the entire consortium of 37 partners, drawn from Slovenia, Croatia and the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia in Italy are proud to position their macro-region firmly ON THE HYDROGEN FUTURE MAP.

  • Promotion of I feel Slovenia brand at European Youth Olympic Festival in Maribor

    The 2023 Maribor European Youth Olympic Festival began on Sunday, 23 July 2023, with a grand opening ceremony. More than 5,000 spectators attended the opening at the stadium. Some 2,419 competitors from 48 countries will be competing in Maribor.

  • Working lunch of the Prime Minister with the President of the Republic

    In the contecxt of maintaining regular dialogue and good cooperation, the Prime Minister Dr. Robert Golob and the President of the Republic, Dr Nataša Pirc Musar, met for a working lunch.