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  • 30 years ago, Slovenians decided on an independent country at the plebiscite

    30 years have passed since the plebiscite, on the basis of which Slovenians decided to separate from Yugoslavia and form the independent country of Slovenia. A large majority of voters chose independence.

  • Mass testing and the first vaccination doses in Slovenia

    Mass testing with rapid antigen tests has started in 13 locations in Slovenia this week. Mass testing began in all municipalities (Ljubljana, Celje, Maribor, Novo mesto, Nova Gorica, Murska Sobota, Slovenj Gradec, Koper, Kranj, Velenje and Ptuj) and in Lenart and Sevnica, the two hardest hit areas.

  • We wish you calm and joyful holidays and all the best in 2021

  • Slovenia Highlighted as a Region of Gastronomy in Lonely Planet

    This is the first time since the European Region of Gastronomy title has been awarded that an entire country could participate as a region. Until now, only individual regions of countries have been awarded the title. Following the expert panel assessment in the summer over whether we deserve the title, Slovenia rightly received the European Region of Gastronomy title in autumn 2018.

  • Nova Gorica and Gorizia will be named the European Capital of Culture 2025

    The selection panel recommended Nova Gorica as the Slovenian city that will be named the European Capital of Culture 2025 (ECoC), together with the German city of Chemnitz. Nova Gorica prepared its candidacy for the ECoC 2025 in collaboration with cross-border Gorizia. The candidature slogan is Go! Borderless.

  • Obvestilo o začasni spremembi poslovanja ENIC-NARIC centra v obdobju od 25. 12. do 31. 12. 2020

    Spoštovane stranke, obveščamo vas, da v skladu s sklepom Vlade RS št. 01000-4/2020/4 z dne 17. 12. 2020, ENIC-NARIC center zapira svoja vrata med 25. 12. 2020 ter 3. 1. 2021.

  • Pioneers of Slovenian Beekeeping

    On 20 May we celebrate World Bee Day. This date marks the birth, more than 270 years ago, of Anton Janša, a pioneer of modern beekeeping, an academy-trained painter and beekeper, and the first teacher of beekeping in imperial Vienna.

  • 1653 rapid tests carried out yesterday, 30 of which positive

    Today’s press conference on the current situation regarding COVID-19 was attended by the Minister of the Interior, Aleš Hojs, the state secretary at the Ministry for Economic Development and Technology, Simon Zajc, the deputy head of the Centre for Infectious Diseases at the National Institute for Public Health (NIJZ), Nuška Čakš Jager, and the government spokesperson, Jelko Kacin.

  • Important dates for Slovenia

    The year 1991 was a turning point for Slovenia and Slovenians. In that year, Slovenia appeared on the world political map as an independent country. The year 2004 was an important milestone for Slovenia, as in that year it joined the European Union and NATO. On 1 January 2007, Slovenia became the first of the new Member States to adopt the EU's common currency. It was also the first new Member State to hold the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, during the first half of 2008.

  • After the winter, spring is coming.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2021.

  • Open competition for selection of creative design of ‘Golden honeybee’ symbolic award model

    Today, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food published an open competition for selection of an innovative, creative design and plan for a symbolic object – the ‘Zlata čebela’ / ‘Golden Honeybee’ award model. This open and anonymous competition is addressed to all the interested citizens of the Republic of Slovenia with the required skills in the realms of authorship, technical know-how and organisational competencies.

  • Make a wonderful year

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša: Managing the coronavirus will be much more successful if we cooperate

    Prime Minister Janez Janša participated at the meeting of four presidents at the presidential palace today, which is traditionally organised by the President of the Republic, Borut Pahor. The meeting was attended by Prime Minister Janez Janša, President of the Republic, Borut Pahor, President of the National Assembly, Igor Zorčič, and the President of the National Council, Alojz Kovšca.

  • Voluntary and free rapid testing is starting; the first doses of the vaccine to arrive in Slovenia presumably by the end of the week

    Today’s press conference on the current situation regarding the COVID-19 disease was attended by Marija Magajne from the Ministry of Health, Prof. Dr Borut Štrukelj, psychologist Dr Andreja Poljanec, and the government spokesperson Jelko Kacin.

  • Slovenian monasteries

    Monasteries seem to be a remnant of some distant past, but there are quite a few that are still very much alive. Slovenia has 42 operating monasteries, 14 that have been closed down, and some monasteries that have fallen into ruin.

  • Symbols of Slovenia

    We also show our respect for the country through respect for its symbols. The coat of arms, flag and national anthem of the Republic of Slovenia are symbols that indicate affiliation with the country.

  • International Research Centre on Artificial Intelligence in Ljubljana

    Slovenia seems to be globally known only thanks to its extraordinary athletes and magnificent nature. Are we really simply the country of sport heroes, the Planica giants ski jumping hill, Bled Island and wonderful Piran? Certainly not. Slovenia is a country of many talents. Whatever we undertake, we make a difference. We triumph, we are the first to ascend peaks, we make scientific breakthroughs.

  • The innovative spirit of Slovenian youth - My company project

    On 8 May 2020, the 7th Student Company Fair took place. This year, it was held online. At the concluding event the panel presented prizes and awards to the best student companies.

  • Meeting of Slovenian, Italian and Croatian foreign ministers

    At the invitation of Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio, the first meeting of foreign ministers of the three countries was held today in Trieste, and focused on the joint management of the Adriatic Sea. Bordering the same sea, Slovenia, Italy and Croatia share a vision of the Adriatic Sea as a bridge uniting the people of the region and as a source of prosperity for all.

  • The Government has extended the declared state of epidemic by one month

    At a session, the Government issued the Ordinance on the declaration of the COVID-19 epidemic in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia and published it in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia. By this ordinance and on the basis of the Communicable Diseases Act, an epidemic of the COVID-19 communicable disease was declared in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia. The ordinance shall enter into force on 18 December 2020 and remain in force for 30 days.