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  • EU Economic governance framework reform – finding consensus to ensure sustainability and growth

    The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Slovenia and the Representation of the European Commission in Slovenia are organising an event EU Economic governance framework reform – finding consensus to ensure sustainability and growth.

  • Minutes of the Brežice Town Council Saved From a Shop Counter

    A community of free inhabitants of the town of Brežice, through their elected representatives, exercised jurisdiction of the administrative and judicial authority on the territory of the town and its surroundings. However, it is solely thanks to the intelligence and soundness of judgement of one particular female resident of the town that the minutes of the town's council between 1585 and 1651, which are in fact the earliest records on the implementation of the town's autonomy, managed to escape from being destroyed forever. Presented here are some details from among the preserved records.

  • Government decisions at a session of the government committee

    At the session of the government committee, the Government included the acquisition of new owned business premises for the needs of the operations of the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Bucharest in the applicable Plan of Development Programmes and it also adopted a response in connection with the Action plan regarding the provision of special rights of the autochthonous Italian and Hungarian national communities.

  • Settlement of the Tender Offer and New Issue executed on 21 February 2023

    Today, on 28 February 2023, the settlement of the liability management transaction, executed on 21 February 2023, took place which consisted of an additional issue of RS85 bonds in the value of EUR 200 million and buying back of RS83 and RS66 bonds.

  • 73rd correspondence session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today’s correspondence session, the Government extended the provisional agreement regarding the hours paid for the work of trade union representatives and authorised Minister Poklukar to negotiate about the Collective Agreement for Police Officers. The Government also appointed the Director-General of the Treasury Directorate.

  • Government amends Decree on excise duties on energy products and electricity

    At today’s correspondence session, the Government amended the Decree determining the amount of excise duty on energy products and electricity, with which it changed the excise duty on automotive gas oil (diesel) and heating gas oil (extra light fuel oil – KOEL).

  • Minister Fajon: "Peace can only be achieved through respect for human rights"

    At the 52nd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon stressed that Slovenia will always stand for respect for international law, human rights, multilateralism and solidarity. She also participated in the High-Level Pledging Event for the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen, where she announced Slovenia's humanitarian contribution of EUR 300,000.

  • Address by Minister Marjan Šarec: Ceremony in support of Ukraine on the first anniversary of the war

    Today, Minister Marjan Šarec and State Secretary Dr Damir Črnčec attended a ceremony at Congress Square in support of Ukraine on the first anniversary of the war in Ukraine.

  • An event in support of Ukraine and in memory of the victims of Russia's brutal aggression against Ukraine

    The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs organised an event in support of Ukraine and in memory of the victims of Russia's brutal aggression. Acting Secretary-General Renata Cvelbar Bek addressed the Diplomatic Corps and the Ministry's staff on behalf of Minister Tanja Fajon, who is attending the Emergency Special Session of the UN General Assembly. Andrii Taran, Ambassador of Ukraine to Slovenia, also addressed the participants. The speeches and a minute's silence for the victims of the aggression against Ukraine were followed by the raising of the Ukrainian flag.

  • State Secretary Heferle attends the European Conference on Border Management in Athens

    State Secretary Tina Heferle attended the 2nd European Conference on Border Management in Athens. The discussions focused on the effectiveness of European Union's border management and return policies as well as on the issue of EU funding to upgrade member states' operational capacities at the external borders.

  • Statement by Minister Fajon on the first anniversary of the war in Ukraine

    Below is a statement by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Tanja Fajon, on the first anniversary of the Russian aggression against Ukraine.

  • Slovenia: We remain in solidarity with Ukraine

    "There has never been any doubt in Slovenia that Ukraine is the victim and Russia is the aggressor, and we will continue to help Ukraine in every possible way," said Prime Minister Dr Robert Golob on the anniversary of the Russian attack on Ukraine. Last year, Slovenia helped Ukraine with almost €30 million in various forms of aid: from humanitarian and material assistance to direct aid to Ukrainian refugees who have taken refuge in our country. We have also been a strong supporter of Ukraine on the political stage and have been working hard to clearly condemn Russia's aggression and its crimes.

  • Statement by Prime Minister Robert Golob on the anniversary of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine

    In the following we publish the statement by Prime Minister Robert Golob on the anniversary of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine.

  • Meeting between the Slovenian Prime Minister and the European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights

    Prime Minister Robert Golob met with the European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights Nicolas Schmit. Their discussion focused on strengthening competitiveness, transforming the labour market to support the green and digital transitions, and on EU-level solutions to labour shortages.

  • 37th Regular Session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today's session, the Government adopted proposals for legislation to speed up the green transition, a draft amendment to the Macro-prudential Supervision of the Financial System Act to facilitate and protect minimum wage earners who wish to take out a loan, and amendments to the Decree on self-employed professionals in culture. It approved investments to improve the water supply in Slovenian Istria and the Karst hinterland, and adopted a number of personnel matters in the Ministry of the Interior.

  • Government set out the text of the draft of Resolution on the overall long-term programme for the development and equipping of the SAF until 2040

    At today's meeting, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia set out the text of the draft Resolution on the overall long-term programme for the development and equipping of the Slovenian Armed Forces until 2040 (hereinafter: the Resolution) and sent it to the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia for consideration and adoption.

  • At the third U.S.-Slovenia Strategic Dialogue, the two countries reaffirm their mutual commitment to partnership and alliance

    State Secretary Samuel Žbogar and US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman led the third Strategic Dialogue between the two countries in Washington today. Established in 2020, the Dialogue provides a framework for discussions and exchanges of views on bilateral cooperation and current political, security and other issues and challenges in the international community.

  • On the first anniversary of the war in Ukraine, Minister Fajon addresses the Eleventh Emergency Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly

    Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon addressed the Eleventh Emergency Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York marking the first anniversary of the start of the Russian aggression against Ukraine. Slovenia strongly supports the efforts of the UN Secretary-General and Member States working towards a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine.

  • Video

    Prime Ministers of Slovenia and Luxembourg: We should not turn Europe into a fortress

    The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Robert Golob, hosted the Prime Minister of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Xavier Bettel, on his official visit to Slovenia. This is the second official visit of a foreign leader at Mr Golob’s invitation.

  • One more week to apply to the open call for the 2023 Golden Bee Award

    In December, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food issued an open call to individuals, legal persons or bodies governed by public law for submitting the applications for the 2023 Golden Bee Award. The Republic of Slovenia gives out the Golden Bee Award as the highest national award for the preservation and protection of bees and other pollinators. The call remains open until 1 March 2023. The topic of this year's call is research on bees and other pollinators.