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  • Minister Asta Vrečko on a working visit to Berlin

    On 13 and 14 February 2023, the Minister of Culture, Asta Vrečko, was on a working visit to Berlin. During her visit, she met with the Minister of State for Culture and Media of the Federal Republic of Germany, Claudia Roth, attended a concert by the Slovenian Vocal Group Gallina featuring Aldo Kumar to celebrate the Slovenian cultural holiday, visited the Museum Europäischer Kulturen and the Aedes Architekturforum gallery, and met with Slovenian artists living in Berlin.

  • The Government adopts a proposal for a public hearing on the constitutional review of the RTV Slovenija Act

    At today's correspondence session, the Government adopted a proposal to call a public hearing and hear witnesses and experts in the proceedings to review the constitutionality of the Act Amending the Radiotelevizija (RTV) Slovenija Act. The Government will send the proposal to the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia.

  • Minister Mesec talks to trade union on ending outsourcing

    Today, Minister Luka Mesec, together with State Secretary Dan Juvan, members of the Minister’s Office and the leadership of the Labour Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia, met with representatives of the Trade Union for Catering and Tourism Industry Employees of Slovenia regarding the outsourcing of chambermaids at Sava Turizem.

  • Economic growth in Slovenia reached 5.4% last year

    Last year, Slovenia recorded a 5.4% increase in gross domestic product (GDP) according to the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. Domestic spending had a positive impact on GDP growth, while exports had a negative impact.

  • Minister Šarec at the NATO Defence Ministers' Meeting

    Slovenian Minister of Defence Marjan Šarec attended the two-day NATO Defence Ministers' Meeting in Brussels. The discussions focused on the war in Ukraine, strengthening the Alliance's deterrence and defence posture, and the upgrading of the commitment on defence spending to be adopted at the NATO Summit in Vilnius in July.

  • Announcement of the Republic of Slovenia Cash Tender Offer on EUR denominated Notes

    Announcement of the Republic of Slovenia Cash Tender Offer on EUR denominated Notes

  • EUR 634.4 million for economic development, tourism and sport this year

    This year, the Ministry of the Economy, Tourism and Sport, together with the implementing organisations and SID Bank, will offer over EUR 634.4 million in new financial incentives to the economy, tourism and sport, of which EUR 304.9 million will come from its own resources. With the planned investment of development funds, the Ministry continues to strengthen the competitiveness and added value of the Slovenian economy.

  • 68th Correspondence Session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today's Correspondence Session, the Government amended the Decree determining the amount of excise duty on energy products and electricity and appointed new employers' representatives to the General Assembly of the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia.

  • Slovenian and Austrian Defence Ministers confirm excellent defence and military cooperation

    At the invitation of the Minister of Defence, Marjan Šarec, the Federal Minister of Defence of the Republic of Austria, Klaudia Tanner, and her delegation paid a one-day official visit to Slovenia. The two ministers advocated further strengthening of good cooperation between the two countries in the defence and military fields, and in the management of natural and other disasters.

  • State Secretary Buzeti at the conference on regional food security in times of crisis

    State Secretary Tatjana Buzeti attended the two-day Balkan Conference on Regional Food Security in Times of Crisis in Bulgaria. The aim of the conference was to improve cooperation in the fields of agriculture and rural development.

  • Information for students who would like to study at the University of Ljubljana

    All information for undergraduate students: Information days, Online session and Q&A session.

  • 67th Correspondence Session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    Vlada je na današnji dopisni seji sklenila, da bo Siriji zagotovila materialno pomoč za blažitev posledic potresa. Seznanila se je tudi s parafiranim sporazumom o reševanju stavkovnih zahtev in odložitvi stavke zaposlenih v Finančni upravi Republike Slovenije.

  • Minister Fajon in the Kyrgyz Republic on strengthening cooperation between the two countries

    Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon paid an official visit to the Kyrgyz Republic to strengthen economic cooperation, political dialogue, and the bilateral and multilateral partnership.

  • Post-earthquake aid to Turkey and Syria

    The Government of the Republic of Slovenia is committing EUR 500,000 in emergency humanitarian aid to victims of the earthquake that struck the Republic of Turkey and the Syrian Arab Republic on 6 February 2023.

  • Video

    Prime Minister Golob: Ukraine is the victim and Russia the aggressor

    On 9 February 2023, Prime Minister Robert Golob attended the special meeting of the European Council in Brussels. The leaders’ agenda included the situation in Ukraine and possibilities for further EU support, the economy and migration. They also discussed the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and the devastating earthquake in Türkiye and Syria. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was the main guest of the first part of the meeting.

  • Half a million euros in emergency humanitarian aid for Türkiye and Syria

    The Government of the Republic of Slovenia has released half a million euros in emergency humanitarian aid to help mitigate the consequences of the earthquake that struck the Republic of Türkiye and the Syrian Arab Republic on 6 February 2023. Of this amount, EUR 100,000 was contributed through the Slovenian Caritas, the strategic partner of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs in emergency humanitarian response, for the purchase of blankets, clothes and food packages.

  • The 66th Correspondence Meeting of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today’s correspondence meeting, the government adopted a draft amendment to the Insurance Act and a regulation on direct payments under the strategic plan of the Common Agricultural Policy and on the implementation of interventions in the apiculture products sector. It also confirmed emergency temporary support for farmers and small and medium-sized enterprises in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

  • Opportunities, shortcomings and challenges of open science

    An informal meeting of the Competitiveness Council (COMPET) has concluded in Stockholm, where ministers responsible for research discussed open science and research infrastructures. The meeting was also attended by Minister Dr Igor Papič.

  • Slovenia's humanitarian aid to the people of Turkey and Syria in the wake of the earthquake

    At the correspondence meeting, the government agreed to provide humanitarian aid to the people of the Republic of Turkey and the Syrian Arab Republic in the wake the earthquake.

  • Slovenian Cultural Day celebration in Tokyo

    On 8 February 2023, the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Tokyo organised a celebration of the Slovenian Cultural Day at the Embassy's premises.