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  • State Secretary Dovžan at Quadrilaterale meeting

    State Secretary Gašper Dovžan took part in a Quadrilaterale meeting between Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Slovenia in Bern at the invitation of State Secretary at the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs Livia Leu.

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    Prime Minister Janez Janša in an interview with Polish television station TVP World

    Today, on the margins of the donors’ conference in Warsaw, Prime Minister Janez Janša had an interview at the Polish television TVP World, where he spoke about the achievements of today’s conference.

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    Prime Minister Janez Janša attends the donors' conference for Ukraine in Warsaw

    Prime Minister Janez Janša today attended the donors' conference for Ukraine in Warsaw. The conference was co-hosted by Poland and Sweden, in cooperation with European Council President Charles Michel and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. The United Nations also joined the donors' conference.

  • Completion of the term of office of Ambassador Kristina Radej

    On 3 May, Ambassador Kristina Radej completed her term of office as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Slovenia to the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan based in Tehran.

  • Minister Tonin talks bilateral cooperation with his Croatian counterpart

    Matej Tonin, the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia, accompanied by the Chief of the General Staff of the Slovenian Armed Forces, Major General Robert Glavaš, visited Croatia at the invitation of Mario Banožić, the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Croatia.

  • Government decisions at sessions of government committees

    At today's session of the Government Committee for the Economy, the Government gave its consent to the Ministry of Infrastructure to assume and pay the obligations on dedicated budget items at the level of a group of budget users through the planned spending rights in the adopted state budget for 2022. At the session, the Government included the "Nature Conservation Investments" project in the Development Programme Plan. At the session of the Government Committee for State Organisation and Public Affairs, the Government included an extension and reconstruction of the Kočevje Nursing Home in the current Development Programme Plan.

  • Ratification of two Council of Europe Conventions from the Republic of Slovenia

    Permanent Representative of the Republic of Slovenia to the Council of Europe Ambassador Andrej Slapničar hand over today to the Deputy Secretary General of Council of Europe Bjorn Berge the instrument of ratification of two conventions: Council of Europe Convention on counterfeiting of medical products and similar crimes involving threats to public health (Medicrime) - CETS No. 211 and Council of Europe Convention against Trafficking in Human Organs – CETS No. 216.

  • Children from Ukrainian Luhansk orphanage arrive in Slavina near Postojna

    On 3 May, twenty children and the accompanying staff from the Ukrainian Luhansk orphanage arrived by bus organised by the Ukrainian Embassy in Slovenia in the village of Slavina, where they will be accommodated in the local adult education centre.

  • Slovenian Industrial Strategy 2021 – 2030

    Slovenian Industrial Strategy 2021 – 2030 is the strategic document of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, that sets out a vision and goals for the development of industry and the economy for the period up to 2030.

  • 50 years of the Slovenian Association Simon Gregorčič in Sweden

    At the end of April 2022, the Slovenian Society Simon Gregorčič from Köping, Sweden, celebrated its 50th anniversary. Köping is an industrial city with around 18,000 inhabitants 150 km west of Stockholm, where most Slovenes came in the 1960s.

  • Slovenska Pristava in Harpersfield celebrates its 60th anniversary

    Such a cheerful dance mood was last Saturday at Slovenska Pristava in Harpersfield, where last year's 60th anniversary of the existence and opening of the new Lobe Hall was celebrated at this year's traditional Pristava Night!

    Stay happy and proud, Slovenska Pristava!

  • When the government works for the people, the result is greater prosperity and security for everyone

    Below is the message by Prime Minister Janez Janša for 1 May, International Labour Day and the feast day of St Joseph the Worker

  • »I Was Told That This Was a Very Mountainous Country and That It Was Difficult to Find a Way in Such Cases.«

    During WW2, there were a number of air formations operating in the Slovenian airspace, especially those of the 15th US Air Force. Increase in Allied aircraft activity led to an increase in a number of planes that crashed or were shot down. When discussing the issue of wounded pilots and their rescue, less attention was given to the issue of the actual burials and subsequent reburials of the pilots who had died. Preserved among the records of the archival fond of the Federal Committee for the Organization of the Transfer of the Fallen Soldiers for Slovenia are tens of letters of inquiry, reports on graves of the deceased pilots, and letters on possible reburials. This month’s archivalia offers a look at the mysterious case of the search for the pilot Martin F. O'Callaghan.

  • Planting of pollinator-friendly plants at the St. Vitus Slovenian School in Cleveland

    Consul General of the Republic of Slovenia Alenka Jerak helped plant pollinator-friendly plants at the St. Vitus Slovenian School in Cleveland today.

  • Government’s decision to provide Ukraine with material assistance

    In light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which puts the Ukrainian population at risk, the Slovenian government made a decision at today’s correspondence session to provide Ukraine with material assistance in the form of IP phones, computer equipment, gas generators, antennas and cables, and to do so via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.

  • 1 May, Labour Day

    The International Labour Day is the right time to reflect on what is happening on Slovenian labour market.

  • Parliamentary elections in Slovenia

    In Sunday’s elections, the voters chose who they want in Deputy seats in the National Assembly for the next four years. The final results of the parliamentary elections are yet to be published.

  • State Secretary Raščan receives Special Representative for 16+1 Cooperation

    State Secretary Dr Stanislav Raščan received the Special Representative for 16+1 Cooperation, Ambassador Huo Yuzhen.

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    Government adopted the Stability Programme and the 2022 National Reform Programme

    At today’s session, the Government adopted the Stability Programme and the 2022 National Reform Programme. It extended the currently applicable Decree on excise duty on energy products and the validity of the Decree fixing the excise duty level for electricity.

  • We can remain calm as the virus is rare

    Standing in front of the Paediatric Clinic in Ljubljana along with Miroslav Petrovec from the Institute of Microbiology and Immunology and paediatrician and infectious disease specialist Tatjana Mrvič, the Minister of Health Janez Poklukar gave a statement regarding the severe acute hepatitis of unknown origin in children.