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  • Prime Minister Janez Janša and Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković on foreign policy issues

    Today, Prime Minister Janez Janša and his Croatian counterpart Andrej Plenković spoke on the phone about foreign policy issues. They discussed measures to protect the EU's external borders against the rising wave of illegal migrations, the need for rapid expansion of the Schengen zone, the situation in Afghanistan, and the preparations for the Bled Strategic Forum 2021.

  • Slovenia to introduce the Passenger Locator Form for passengers travelling by airplane and ship on 16 August

    Slovenia is introducing the Passenger Locator Form for passengers travelling by airplane and ship on 16 August to facilitate contact tracing. Every passenger will be asked to fill out his or her own form, including passengers travelling together as a family or in a group. Passengers in transit, who will remain in the airport's transit area (unless they should decide to leave the airport area for whatever reason) and airplane or ship crewmembers will not be asked to fill out the form.

  • Learning digital skills and tackling digital inequality are key priorities for Minister of Digital Transformation Andrijanič

    The Minister of Digital Transformation, Mark Boris Andrijanič, today attended the opening of the travelling mobile classroom named Simbioza Mobiln@. It is the latest acquisition that will bring, through modern digital educational initiatives, the use of ICT tools closer to senior citizens who want to learn how to use computers and smartphones.

  • State Secretary Raščan attends virtual European archival symposium

    State Secretary Stanislav Raščan attended the introductory part of the first virtual European archival symposium entitled Digital Transformation in Archival Science. Dieter Schlenker, Director of the Historical Archives of the European Union, Peter Pavel Klasinc, Head of Archival Sciences Alma Mater Europea, and Bojan Cvelfar from the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia also took part in the introductory part of the meeting.

  • Introduction of Digital Passenger Locator Form (dPLF)

    All passengers entering Slovenia by aircraft or cruise ship will have to fill out a Digital Passenger Locator Form (electronic PLF form - dPLF) from 16 August 2021 before entering the country.

  • EU funding for arranging the coastal area in Koper

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project Revitalising part of the coastal area between the outfall of the Badaševica and Žusterna. The project worth EUR 4.5 million will be implemented by Urban Municipality Koper under the Sustainable Urban Strategy of Koper and will receive EU support with the contribution from the European Regional Development Fund standing at EUR 616 thousand.

  • Virtual meeting of Minister for Digital Transformation Mark Boris Andrijanič with Microsoft regional representatives

    Yesterday, in an audio-video conference, the Minister of Digital Transformation Mark Boris Andrijanič met with the Microsoft's regional representatives for services from Central and Eastern Europe. The topic of the conversation was the search for solutions in the field of improving digital skills in the Republic of Slovenia and the use of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence. These will make it possible to simplify the user experience of citizens in the near future.

  • State Secretary Raščan holds talks with Undersecretary of the Mexican Foreign Ministry

    State Secretary Stanislav Raščan held a video conference with the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico, Carmen Moreno.

  • Interview of Prime Minister Janez Janša for the Polish news agency PAP

    The following is an interview with Prime Minister Janez Janša for the Polish news agency PAP. In the interview, the Prime Minister spoke about the situation in the judiciary, the fact that he was a political prisoner twice, the second time during democracy, the reform of judicial legislation, the need for self-reflection of the judiciary, respect for EU law and the future of the EU.

  • Japan-Slovenia Relations, Call for Designs Japan - Slovenia 30th Anniversary Logo

    Japan-Slovenia Relations

    Call for Designs Japan - Slovenia 30th Anniversary Logo

  • Talks between State Secretary Dr. Raščan and the German State Secretary of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

    Acting as Minister for Development Cooperation, State Secretary Dr. Stanislav Raščan held a telephone conversation with Martin Jäger, the German State Secretary of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

  • State Secretary Dr. Raščan addresses young people at the International Session of the European Youth Parliament

    State Secretary Dr. Raščan addressed young people at the 94th International Session of the European Youth Parliament organised by the European Youth Parliament of Slovenia and taking place in Slovenia for the first time between 31 July and 8 August 2021.

  • Memorandum and Letter of the Regional National Liberation Committee for the Slovenian Littoral and Trieste Presented to the Inter-Allied Boundary Commission

    On March 7, 1946, members of the Inter-Allied Boundary Commission arrived to Trieste to compile a report and to suggest the drawing of the state border between Yugoslavia and Italy. On March 11, 1946, the commission received the representatives of the Regional National Liberation Committee for the Slovenian Littoral and Trieste and was presented with their memorandum. The memorandum consisted of three parts, all aimed to justify the necessity for the entire Julian March and Trieste to be assigned to Yugoslavia.

  • Plečnik's works added to the UNESCO World Heritage List

    The UNESCO World Heritage Committee has inscribed the selected works of architect Jože Plečnik in Ljubljana on the UNESCO List of World Natural and Cultural Heritage. Slovenia submitted the nomination proposal for Plečnik's selected works in January last year. By being inscribed on the list, the selected works of Jože Plečnik in Ljubljana have been recognised as having outstanding universal value. Monuments and sites of significance for all humankind now include the works that constitute a monument site that was created in the short period between the two world wars as a result of the architect's interventions in the urban fabric of Ljubljana.

  • The Information Security Administration of the Republic of Slovenia was transformed into the Government Information Security Office

    The Government Information Security Office, which succeeded the Information Security Administration of the Republic of Slovenia, was established on 20 July 2021 and became operational on 31 July 2021. The Government Information Security Office is the competent national authority in the field of information and cyber security.

  • The Library of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia and Interesting Books Stored on its Shelves

    The Library of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia is a special library operating in the field of archival science. Although its primary mission is to meet the needs of those employed at the Archives, its books and newspapers can also be viewed by external users. The beginnings of the library go back to 1953, when the then State Archives of the People’s Republic of Slovenia moved out of the National Museum of Slovenia.While searching among the shelves of the library, one can often come across a publication, which can be seen as a “hybrid” between library and archival material. One such publication is a 32 double pages long booklet titled Traffic and Police Regulation for the Provincial Capital of Ljubljana.

  • State Secretary Dr. Raščan at the 105th memorial event at the Russian Chapel

    State Secretary Dr. Stanislav Raščan attended on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the 105th commemoration at the Russian Chapel below the Vršič Pass.

  • The Republic of Slovenia issued an open call for the 2021 Golden Bee Award

    The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food has issued an open call to citizens, legal persons or other organisations for identification of the candidates for the 2021 Golden Bee Award.

  • What happend on an avarage day in Slovenia in 2020?

    In 2020, fewer births, more deaths, more immigrants, more emigrants, fewer marriages and fewer divorces

  • Selected works of Plečnik in Ljubljana included on the World Heritage List

    The selected works of Jože Plečnik in Ljubljana have been added to the UNESCO World Heritage List. The final act in preparing the nomination "The works of Jože Plečnik in Ljubljana – Human-Centred Urban Design" took place today, 28 July 2021, as the inscription on the World Heritage List was confirmed during the two-week session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee. The nomination was prepared by a working group of experts in the fields of protection, conservation and management of cultural heritage in cooperation with the owners and managers of Plečnik's works. The process was led by the Ministry of Culture and coordinated by the Museum for Architecture and Design.