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  • Minister Logar on Slovenian EU Presidency in European Parliament

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Anže Logar held working meetings in the European Parliament in Brussels today. He met with the leaders of the three parliamentary groups and the Chairman of the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET), David McAllister, and briefed them on the priorities of Slovenia's EU Council Presidency. During this period, Minister Logar will assume the role of the EU Council representative in dealings with the European Parliament.

  • Minister Logar attends extraordinary FAC meeting and calls for immediate cessation of violence in Israel and Palestine

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Anže Logar today attended an extraordinary videoconference of the EU Foreign Affairs Council. High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell convened the meeting to discuss the escalation of tensions in Gaza, Hamas rocket attacks on Israel and the growing number of civilian casualties. The EU foreign ministers also discussed potential EU assistance in defusing tensions.

  • Consultations between the Slovenian and German IHL committees

    On Wednesday, 12 May 2021, the second round of consultations between the Slovenian and German international humanitarian law (IHL) committees was held in a virtual format. The first round took place in November 2018.

  • State Secretary Dovžan at a rule of law conference in Portugal and in bilateral meetings with Slovakia and Romania

    At the invitation of the Portuguese Secretary of State, Ana Paula Zacarias, State Secretary Gašper Dovžan and German Minister of State Michael Roth took part in the Closing Session of the High-Level Conference “Rule of Law in Europe”. The event was organised by the Portuguese Presidency in Coimbra, Portugal.

  • A letter to EANA regarding the developments around the Slovenian Press Agency.

    We, too, would prefer that the events that occurred in the Slovenian Press Agency had never happened. Unfortunately, they did happen, and they should serve as a reminder and warning to all so that something similar never happens again.

  • EU funding for a cycling connection Tolmin-Modrej

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project Agreement on the development of region: Tolmin-Modrej. The project worth EUR 3.4 million will be implemented by the Slovenian Infrastructure Agency under the Agreement on the development of the Goriška region and will receive EUR 2.1 million of European Regional Development Fund support.

  • EU funding for a cycling connection in municipalities Radlje ob Dravi and Podvelka

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project Agreement on the development of region: the Drava cycling connection in the area of the Municipality Radlje ob Dravi and the Municipality Pdvelka, section Vas-Brezno. The project worth EUR 3.9 million will be implemented by the Slovenian Infrastructure Agency under the Agreement on the development of the Koroška region and will receive a good EUR 1 million of European Regional Development Fund support.

  • Zvone Černač attends the Informal Meeting of European Union Ministers responsible for Cohesion Policy: ‘It’s been almost a year since EU leaders reached a historic agreement and now it’s time for action.’

    Zvone Černač, Minister competent for Development and the EU Cohesion Policy, attended the informal audio-video meeting of EU ministers responsible for cohesion policy at the invitation of the Portuguese Minister for Planning, Nelson de Souza.

  • EU funding for upgrading the Business Zone Pobrežje

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project Road in Zone Pobrežje (upgrading the economic-business zone). The project worth EUR 1.3 million will be implemented by the Urban Municipality of Maribor under the Agreement on the development of the Podravje region and will receive EUR 489 thousand of European Regional Development Fund support.

  • Minister Vizjak outlines the priorities of the Slovenian Presidency to the European Commissioner for the Environment

    Minister of the Environment and Spatial Planning Andrej Vizjak had a meeting with European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries Virginijus Sinkevičius, the Chair of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety of the European Parliament, Pascal Canfin, and the Director-General for Transport, Energy, Environment and Education at the General Secretariat of the Council, Peter Javorčik. At the meeting, Minister Vizjak presented the programme and priorities of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU in the area of the environment and climate.

  • State Secretary Gašper Dovžan participates in the informal meeting of the General Affairs Council

    State Secretary Gašper Dovžan attended the informal meeting of ministers and state secretaries for European Affairs in Coimbra, Portugal. The ministers discussed the European Commission's renewed strategy for the outermost regions. As part of the meeting, an EU-wide Foresight Network has been established at the ministerial level, followed by the first “Ministers for the Future” meeting, which was centred on a debate on EU resilience and strategic autonomy.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša attends ceremony on the 31st anniversary of the MSNP

    Prime Minister Janez Janša today attended a ceremony marking the 31st anniversary of the Manoeuvre Structure of National Protection, entitled: Manoeuvre Structure of National Protection – the Beginning of the Creation of the Slovenian Army. The ceremony, held in the National Gallery in Ljubljana, opened with an introductory address by Interior Minister Aleš Hojs, while the keynote speaker was Igor Bavčar, who served as the minister of the interior between 1990 and 1992.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša in talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel

    Prime Minister Janez Janša had a videoconference talk today with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. They discussed the state of pandemic, which is slowing down in both countries, the vaccination process as well as future challenges. Of particular importance among the latter are combating the new mutations, facilitating the logistics of vaccine distribution and implementing vaccination in less developed countries when there is a plentiful supply of vaccines, a situation which is expected towards the end of this year.

  • EU funding for improving drinking water supply in Slovenj Gradec

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project Improving supply of safe drinking water in Urban Municipality Slovenj Gradec. The EUR 4.5 million environmental infrastructure project will be implemented by Urban Municipality Slovenj Gradec under the Agreement on the development of the Koroška region and supported by the EU, with the contribution from the Cohesion Fund standing at over EUR 2.5 million.

  • Minister Hojs: Slovenia will strive for a strengthened Schengen during the Presidency

    Minister of the Interior Aleš Hojs, joined by members of the delegation, attended the second meeting of the Schengen Forum through a videoconference. The aim of the meeting, convened by the European Commission, was to deepen the political and strategic debate ahead of the presentation of the strategy on the future of Schengen, which is expected to be put forward by the European Commission in early June.

  • Štrukelj: The first truly effective medications against COVID-19 can be made available in January 2022

    Mateja Logar, head of the advisory group at the Ministry of Health, and prof. dr. Borut Štrukelj from the Ljubljana Faculty of Pharmacy participated at press conference on the current situation regarding the COVID-19 disease.

  • EU funding for a cycling connection between Ajdovčina and Lokavec

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project Agreement on the development of region - Slovenian Infrastructure Agency: Ajdovščina-Lokavec. The EUR 2.4 million cycle project that will be implemented by the Slovenian Infrastructure Agency under the Agreement on the development of the Goriška region will be supported by the EU, with the contribution from the European Regional Development Fund standing at EUR 534,000.

  • EU funding for a cycling connection between Kokrica and Brdo

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project Agreement on the development of region: Kokrica-Brdo. The EUR 362,000 cycle project will be implemented by Urban Municipality Kranj under the Agreement on the development of the Gorenjska region and supported by the EU, with the contribution from the European Regional Development Fund standing at EUR 155,000.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša received the 2021 Kocbek Award, awarded by the Slovenian Mountaineering Club Skala – the Association of Mountaineering Clubs

    Today in Luče, Prime Minister Janez Janša attended the 2021 Kocbek Award ceremony. He was one of the two award recipients. Ivo Jakob, a member of the club who passed away last year and would have turned ninety this year, also received the award for climbers posthumously.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša at the Slovenian Army Day ceremony

    Today, Prime Minister Janez Janša attended the Slovenian Army Day central ceremony, which took place at the Training Centre for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief in Ig. Slovenian Army Day is marked on 15 May. On this day in 1991, Slovenian conscripts started serving in the army only in Slovenia, at the two training centres of the then Territorial Defence. A total of 300 conscripts began their military service at the 710th Training Centre in Pekre, near Maribor, and the 510th Training Centre in Ig, near Ljubljana. Slovenian Army Day is a day for preserving the values of Slovenian military history, especially the values of efforts for independence.