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  • Video

    Prime Minister Janez Janša: We firmly support the Greek initiative for the introduction of a green certificate

    After having participated today at the 6th Delphi Economic Forum, where he introduced the priorities of the Slovenian presidency of the Council of the EU and also talked of some current issues, Prime Minister Janez Janša met with his Greek counterpart Kyriakos Mitsotakis. After the meeting, the press releases of both prime ministers followed.

  • Minister Logar at working meetings in the European Parliament

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Anže Logar today met with President of the European Parliament David Sassoli, Secretary-General Klaus Welle, and Leader of the European People’s Party in the European Parliament Manfred Weber.

  • Video

    Prime Minister Janez Janša: The European way of life and the rule of law will be the priorities of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union

    Prime Minister Janez Janša is on a working visit to Greece today. During the visit, the Prime Minister addressed the 6th Delphi Economic Forum. This is the central event and annual conference of the organisation of the same name, which brings together leaders from different countries who are committed to implementing and promoting innovative ideas for sustainable and competitive growth in Europe and the wider Eastern Mediterranean region. At this year’s conference, Prime Minister Janez Janša spoke about the future of Europe and presented the priorities of the Slovenian Presidency of the European Council, as well as addressing other current topics in the conversation with the moderator.

  • EU Foreign Affairs Council on transatlantic relations in the Western Balkans

    Foreign Minister Anže Logar today attended a regular meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council. Ministers discussed the situation in the Western Balkans and transatlantic relations. They also held an informal video conference with the US Special Climate Envoy John Kerry.

  • Vaccination no longer limited to priority groups

    The press conference on the current situation regarding COVID-19 was attended by the State Secretary at the Ministry of Health Franc Vindišar and the head of the vaccine advisory group Dr Bojana Beovič. Maja Bratuša of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs presented the current epidemiological picture.

  • Interview of Prime Minister Janez Janša for spanish El Correo

    Prime Minister Janez Janša, in an interview for the Spanish newspaper El Correo, spoke about his appearance in the European Parliament, where the MEP Sophie in 't Veld, ironically through the very Group that is supposedly the stronghold defending the freedom of speech, grossly censored his address; in the interview, the Prime Minister also discussed the developments in the European People's Party, as well as the communist era in Slovenia and the spread of communist ideas in Spain, and Slovenia's recent history.

  • 9. 5. 1991: Facilitated processing of independence laws

    In accordance with the obligations arising from the plebiscite act, the Slovenian government sent to the assembly a package of proposed independence bills, with which Slovenia wanted to assume more powers of the federation and solidify the main areas of its statehood.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša: Countries that implement a lifelong learning system in good time will be better capable of making both digital and the green transition

    Following Friday’s EU Social Summit, an informal meeting of EU leaders was held in the Portugal city of Porto today, and was also attended by Prime Minister Janez Janša. At today’s meeting, the leaders concentrated on how to best ensure an inclusive recovery, with education and skills at the heart of the EU's political action. They also focused on how to create jobs and improve their quality, and on how to combat poverty and social exclusion.

  • Europe Day

    Europe Day is celebrated every year on 9 May. The date marks the anniversary of the historic Schuman Declaration of 1950, in which the then French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman presented a central idea to set up transnational economic cooperation in Europe. The core motive of this proposal was to create the conditions for lasting peace and enhanced cooperation in Europe. His ideas set into motion the process of European integration and a year later, the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) was created, the predecessor of the European Economic Community and the European Union.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša: The European social model is an essential component of the European way of life

    An informal meeting of the members of the European Council is taking place today in Porto, where EU leaders, including Prime Minister Janez Janša, will continue the debate launched at the Social Summit, in particular on how to give political impetus to the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša: The best social policy is the policy of creating new and well-paid jobs

    Today, Prime Minister Janez Janša attended the Porto Social Summit, a high-level conference organised by the Portuguese presidency.

  • EU funding for a cycling connection between Turnišče, Dobrovnik and Lendava

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project Agreement on the development of region – Cycling network Turnišče-Dobrovnik-Lendava. The EUR 477,000 cycle project that will be jointly implemented by municipalities Dobrovnik and Turnišče under the Agreement on the development of the Pomurje region will be supported by the EU, with the contribution from the European Regional Development Fund standing at EUR 305,000.

  • EU funding for a cycling connection between Lendava, Dobrovnik and Kobilje

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project Agreement on the development of region – Cycling connection between Lendava, Dobrovnik and Kobilje. The EUR 1.2 million cycle project that will be implemented jointly by municipalities Lendava, Dobrovnik and Kobilje under the Agreement on the development of the Pomurje region will be supported by the EU, with the contribution from the European Regional Development Fund standing at EUR 490,000.

  • EU funding for a cycling connection between Muta, Vuzenica and Gortina

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project Cycling connection between school centre and industrial zone Muta and the settlements Muta, Vuzenica and Gortina. The EUR 1,1 million cycle project that will be implemented by the Slovenian Infrastructure Agency under the Agreement on the development of the Koroška region will be supported by the EU, with the contribution from the European Regional Development Fund standing at EUR 482,000.

  • Minister Logar visits Austrian Carinthia

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Anže Logar paid a visit to Austrian Carinthia on Friday, 7 May 2021. As part of the visit, he met with Governor of Carinthia Peter Kaiser and separately with the Mayor and Vice Mayor of Klagenfurt, Christian Scheider and Lojze Dolinar, respectively.

  • A symbolic start of the main construction works for the transparent construction of the second railway line

    The minister of infrastructure, Jernej Vrtovec, attended the ceremonial event on Wednesday for the signing of the contract for the main construction works at the second railway line between Divača and Koper at the section Divača – Črni Kal, which is the symbolic start of the main construction works.

  • EU funding for the small business zone in Markovci

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project “Arrangement of the small business zone – Phase 4”. The project worth EUR 600 thousand will be implemented by the municipality Markovci in the framework of the Agreement on the Development of the Podravje Region and will receive EUR 259 thousand of European Regional Development Fund support.

  • EU funding for upgrading water supply system in municipalities Ormož, Središče ob Dravi and Sveti Tomaž

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project “Drinking water supply in the Dravinja River basin – lot 4 – the Ormož area”. The project worth EUR 8.4 million will be implemented by the municipality Ormož, municipality Središče ob Dravi and municipality Sveti Tomaž in the framework of the Agreement on the Development of the Podravje Region and will receive a good EUR 4 million of Cohesion Fund support.

  • Participants of the EU Foreign Affairs Council in Defence Ministers’ configuration discuss the Strategic Compass and security challenges

    Yesterday, Minister of Defence Matej Tonin, MSc, attended a meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council in Defence Ministers’ configuration. The main topic of the ministers' discussion was the current state of preparation of the Strategic Compass, with an emphasis on its first pillar - crisis management.

  • Minister Janez Poklukar: Vaccination is the most extensive, most demanding and most important project of our time

    A press conference on the state of play on COVID-19 brought together Minister of Health Mr Janez Poklukar, Ms Deana Potza from Health Inspectorate and Mr Tomaž Pečjak, Deputy Director-General of the Police.