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  • Cohesion region Vzhodna Slovenija approves Cohesion Policy Programme 2021-2027

    Development council of cohesion region Vzhodna Slovenija today met at the Rajhenburg Castle in Brestanica and approved Cohesion Policy Programme 2021-2027.

  • Scheduled overhaul in the Krško Nuclear Power Plant

    After 18 months of safe and stable non-stop operations, a scheduled overhaul will take place at Krško Nuclear Power Plant (NE Krško) from 1 October to 2 November.

  • Minister Mesec at the conference on the prevention of violence against women

    As part of Ireland’s Presidency of the Council of Europe, a conference entitled 'No safe haven: Integrated prevention measures to end domestic, sexual and gender-based violence' was organised in Dublin between 29 and 30 September 2022. The conference was attended by Minister Luka Mesec who, in his message, highlighted as the central objective, "A Europe with zero tolerance for violence against women, whether taking place publicly, at work or within the family."

  • Minister Šarec visits Osilnica and examines the situation after heavy rainfall

    Heavy rainfall, which again hit Slovenia in recent days, caused additional damage to the already affected and waterlogged areas in south-eastern Slovenia. Minister of Defence Marjan Šarec and his colleagues visited the Municipality of Osilnica, which was among the most affected by the flash floods in mid-September. The Slovenian Armed Forces will again help to remedy the consequences of the rainfall, the swollen Kolpa River and torrent streams.

  • Majority of aid for farmers and fishermen already paid out within the measures to mitigate price increases

    In the first half of September, the Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Agricultural Markets and Rural Development (ARSKTRP) started paying aid to the agricultural and fisheries sectors, which are facing increasing costs of production and processing due to the rising prices of fuel, electricity and intermediate goods. By 30 September, almost EUR 22.2 million of aid was paid out from the anticipated EUR 22.3 million.

  • International Day of Older Persons 2022 dedicated to resilience and contributions of older women

    This year’s International Day of Older Persons, celebrated on 1 October, is dedicated to the resilience and contributions of older women. The discrimination and inequalities that women face can increase with age. For this reason, the contributions and experiences of older women, who play an important role in social, political, economic and cultural life, often remain disregarded.

  • A Slovenian scientist helped bring about a new discovery using the James Webb telescope

    An international research group has succeeded in identifying the most distant globular star clusters ever discovered using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).

  • Slovenia ranks 33rd in the Global Innovation Index 2022

    Switzerland has retained its top spot among the world's most innovative countries, a position it has held for almost a decade. Slovenia has dropped one place in this year's ranking to 33rd out of 132 countries.

  • Subscribe to Slovenia Weekly Newsletter

    Every friday the Slovenian Weekly Newsletter brings you the latest updates on the work of the Slovenian Government.

  • European Researchers’ Night

    European Researchers’ Night, taking place on Friday, 30 September, is a Europe-wide event within the Programme for Research and Technological Development. Its purpose is to bring science and research closer to the wider public, especially younger people.

  • The Enigma of Janko Soklič

    This month's archivalia presents some documents created in 1947 during the handing over of Janko Soklič by the British military intelligence Field Security Service to the Yugoslav authorities. Soklič's activities both during and after WW2 were often contraversial and shrouded in mystery, since many believe him to have been a triple agent. After being handed over to the Yugoslav authorities, he was charged with collaboration with the Gestapo during the war, liquidations and organizations of Quisling activities. On April 16, 1948, he was sentenced to death, and was believed to have been executed on June 10 of the same year. However, some reports indicate that Soklič continued to work for the state security administration for some years after that time and that he was actually executed in November 1950. For a long time, many people from the Upper Carniola believed that Soklič was still working as a Yugoslav intelligence officer somewhere abroad even after that time.

  • The Government reviewed and adopted the draft Implementation of the Republic of Slovenia Budget for 2023 and 2024 Act

    At its meeting by correspondence, the Government again discussed the draft Implementation of the Republic of Slovenia Budget for 2023 and 2024 Act. As per the draft Act adopted on Wednesday, the Government restructured the article referring to the payment of the annual allowance for pensioners. The amounts of annual allowance will increase by EUR 5 as per 2021 in all grades.

  • State Secretary Štucin at international conference in Gorizia on cross-border cooperation

    State Secretary Marko Štucin attended the international conference in Gorizia held under the title European Cultural Links - Cross-border cities as European meeting points. In a panel entitled How to further define cross-border cooperation and remove barriers: policy instruments and territorial perspectives, he highlighted the European Capital of Culture 2025 project and the successful partnership between Nova Gorica and Gorizia as outstanding examples of cooperation between the two border towns.

  • Initialled Agreement regulating measures relating to salaries and other labour costs in the public sector

    Today, Sanja Ajanović Hovnik, head of the Government negotiating team and the Minister of Public Administration, and the heads of negotiating teams of representative public sector unions, Branimir Štrukelj and Jakob Počivavšek, initialled the agreement after several negotiating sessions.

  • Slovenia in Brussels decisively advocates that the public intervention regarding sustainable energy prices is also permissible for industry

    The EU Competitiveness Council met today in Brussels, attended by State Secretary Matevž Frangež on behalf of Matjaž Han, the Minister of Economic Development and Technology. The meeting took place in the light of the exacerbated energy crisis and the Member States displayed a great degree of unity in all key decisions. The ministers supported the proposal of the new crisis instrument to protect the internal market.

  • European funds for the efficient fight against climate-related disasters

    As per the Partnership Agreement with the European Commission and the Operational Programme for the Implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy in the 2021–2027 Period that was confirmed yesterday, Slovenia will earmark a proportion of funds for the activities implemented by the Administration for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief.

  • Secretary of state Buzeti at OECD conference on impacts of war in Ukraine on agriculture

    Secretary of State, Ms Tatjana Buzeti, participated in the 13th OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) Rural Development Policy Conference. The 3-day Conference, “Building sustainable, resilient and thriving rural places”, organised by the Irish Government, exposed a number of burning issues, relevant to coherent rural development.

  • The adopted amendments to the copyright laws do not burden the educational process

    The National Assembly adopted amendments to the Copyright and Related Rights Act and the Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights Act. With the amendments, Slovenia transposes the provisions of two European Directives into the Slovenian legal order.

  • Slovenia gains EUR 7.3 mio from the sale of former SFRY real estate in New York

    In March 2022, the successor states of the former Social Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) signed the joint sale contract and in September 2022, the closing documents for the sale of the real estate of the former SFRY Mission to the United Nations. Slovenia will receive EUR 7.3 million from the sale of the property at 854 Fifth Avenue, New York, which is 14 per cent of the total purchase price.

  • 7 sustainable tourism stories from Slovenia among the hundred best in the world

    At the Global Green Destinations Days in Athens, seven Slovenian destinations were awarded for their sustainable practices: Jeruzalem, Ljubljana, Maribor, Miren Kras, Rogaška Slatina, Rogla-Pohorje and Vipava. They are also the Slovenia Green label holders.