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  • EU funding for nearly 230 kilometers of new cycling routes across Slovenia

    Between July and mid-September 2021 alone, Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy approved EU funding for the development of nearly 230 kilometers of new cycling connections across the country. The new cycling infrastructure will promote sustainable mobility and allow cyclists to enjoy in safe and comfortable rides to and between local and regional centers.

  • Introduction of the RVT rule for most activities

    The COVID-19 update press conference was today attended by the State Secretary at the Ministry of Health, Franc Vindišar, State Secretary at the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, Simon Zajc, and Maja Bratuša, who opened the press conference by presenting the latest epidemiological data.

  • State Secretary Peter Geršak attends the International Investor's Conference in Bled

    Today, State Secretary Peter Geršak attended the International Investor's Conference in Bled, organised by the PanSlovenian Shareholder's Association in cooperation with Better Finance. The State Secretary gave an opening address, and then took part in a round table discussion entitled Digital Transformation and Cybersecurity in Business.

  • Video

    Prime Minister Janez Janša: Science and solidarity are the keywords of the COVID-19 crisis

    In a video address, Prime Minister Janez Janša addressed participants at the 71st session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe, taking place virtually from 13 to 15 September , as one of the keynote speakers. The main topic of the session, which will be attended by the representatives of the 53 member states of WHO's European region, is tackling the COVID-19 pandemic and setting the course for further action.

  • Celebrating 10th anniversary of European Cooperation Day

    For the tenth time in a row, European Cooperation Day events are taking place across Europe under the auspices of the European Commission. On Friday, 10 September 2021, we presented the achievements and the significance of cross-border cooperation projects in the border area of Gorenjska by hiking to Zelenica.

  • Culture and cultural heritage should become the humanist agenda of Europe

    "Culture and cultural heritage should become the humanist agenda of Europe united by European values," was the main message of the two-day international conference entitled The Right to Heritage as a Catalyst for Sustainable Development, which concluded on 12 September 2021.

  • Minister Logar on the 20th anniversary of the US terrorist attacks

    On the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks that hit the United States of America, Minister Anže Logar and Chargé d’affaires of the U.S. Embassy Susan Falatko honoured the memory of nearly 3,000 innocent victims who lost their lives in a series of criminal acts orchestrated by Al-Qaeda extremists in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania.

  • EU directors-general on Afghanistan ahead of the Geneva Donor Conference

    Acting Director-General for Multilateral Affairs and Development Cooperation Igor Jukič attended the extraordinary meeting of EU directors-general for humanitarian aid on the situation in Afghanistan in preparation for the high-level ministerial meeting to be held in Geneva on 13 September 2021.

  • Meeting of Ambassador Stančič with the President of the Parliament and the Prime Minister of Moldova

    Ambassador Lea Stančič, met with the President of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, Igor Grosu, and with the Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița on 8 September 2021.

  • State Secretary mag. Monika Kirbiš Rojs met with the representatives of the Association of Municipalities of Slovenia

    State Secretary mag. Monika Kirbiš Rojs met today with the representatives of the Association of Municipalities of Slovenia. They discussed the implementation of municipal and regional projects in the framework of the Agreements on the Development of Regions, and the allocation of the 2014-2020 EU funding for the already-approved projects. The mayors hope that the mechanism would also be designed for the financial perspective 2021-2027. They also exchanged views regarding the ITI mechanism (Integrated Territorial Investments) and the CLLD mechanism (Community-led Local Development) as well as the future of European Cohesion Policy.

  • Gold Ribbon team gives Minister Logar gold ribbons as a symbol of childhood cancer awareness

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Anže Logar hosted the Gold Ribbon Slovenia team, a group of children and adolescents who have survived cancer or are still battling it, raising awareness about the disease and offering support to their peers. The group’s representatives handed gold ribbons to the Minister as a symbol of childhood cancer awareness. “I will convey your message to the European house of democracy in Strasbourg next week,” said Minister Logar.

  • Entry to the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia allowed only to visitors who meet RVT rule

    We wish to inform our visitors that following the provisions of the Decree on the Method of Meeting the Condition of Recovery, Vaccination and Testing to Cure the Spread of SARS-CoV-2 virus, only those who submit proof of meeting Recovered – Vaccinated – Tested (RVT) rule will be allowed entry to the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia.

    The RVT rule is not mandatory for persons under the age of 12.

  • Slovenia organises an event to mark the publication of the report on EU Guidelines on Promoting Compliance with IHL

    On 8 September 2021, Slovenia, the country holding the EU Council Presidency, organised a virtual event “Publication of the Fourth Report on the EU Guidelines on Promoting Compliance with IHL” in tandem with Portugal. The Report was presented in public for the first time, as recommended by the EU Political and Security Committee, with a view to raising awareness of a number of IHL activities undertaken by the EU and its member states.

  • Prime Minister Janša: In Europe, two processes are needed in the wake of the pandemic: transforming the European economy and building resilience

    The Prime Minister, Janez Janša, attended the 30th Economic Forum in Poland, entitled 'Europe in Search of Leadership'. The Economic Forum in Karpacz is the largest conference in Central and Eastern Europe. The Forum, which is traditionally held in Poland in early September, annually attracts more than 4000 guests (political, economic and social leaders) from over 60 countries in Europe, Asia and America. The purpose of the Forum is to create a favourable environment for the development of political and economic cooperation between EU Member States and their neighbours.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša named Man of the Year 2020 of Central and Eastern Europe

    At tonight's closing ceremony of the 30th Economic Forum in Poland, Prime Minister Janez Janša received the Man of the Year 2020 of Central and Eastern Europe award.

  • State Secretary Dr Raščan at the UN high-level meeting on advance action

    State Secretary Dr Stanislav Raščan today contributed a video address to a high-level event organised by the United Nations entitled: Anticipatory Action: A Commitment to Act Ahead of Crises.

  • An inspiring evening of solos interpreted by Bernarda and Marcos Fink

    The renowned mezzo-soprano Bernarda Fink and bass baritone Marcos Fink enchanted the audience in yesterday's Songs without Borders concert at the Bozar Centre for Fine Arts in Brussels. They paid homage to the outstanding achievements of European, including Slovenian, and Argentine musical and poetic creativity.

  • EU Forest Directors-General on the new EU forest strategy and the role of forests in achieving the global objectives

    An informal meeting of EU Forest Directors-General was held yesterday and today. State Secretary Aleš Irgolič attended the plenary session, which took place yesterday in Maribor. Pierre Bascou, Director at the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development, and Humberto Delgado-Rosa, Director at the Directorate-General for Environment, attended the session as representatives of the European Commission. Today, foreign delegations went on a field trip to Radlje pri Dravi and its surrounding area.

  • Slovenia: Tap of 0,000% Notes due on 12 February 2031

    On the 8th September 2021, the Republic of Slovenia, rated A3 (stable)/A (stable)/AA- (stable) reopened its 10-year Benchmark (SLOREP 12 February 2031) by €250mn to bring the new outstanding issue to €2bn size.

  • Minister Zvone Černač and State Secretary mag. Monika Kirbiš Rojs visit the Goriška region

    As part of the government visit to the region, Minister for Development and European Cohesion Policy Zvone Černač today met with mayor of Brda Franc Muženič and mayor of Vipava Goran Kodelja to discuss the progress and benefits of local and regional projects supported by the EU in the current programming period and the projects coming down the line in the next period. State Secretary Kirbiš Rojs also took part in the government visit to the region to meet with the officials from the municipalities Idrija and Tolmin.