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  • 44th regular meeting of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today’s session, the Government adopted the framework for the preparation of general government budgets for the 2024–2026 period. The Government also approved the proposed amendment to the State Border Control Act and the Resolution on the National Programme in the Field of Illicit Drugs for the 2023–2030 period.

  • State Secretary Žbogar in Botswana on strengthening Slovenia's partnerships in the international community

    State Secretary Samuel Žbogar visited Gaborone to meet with Botswana’s Foreign Minister Dr Lemogang Kwape. The visit was aimed at strengthening Slovenia's partnerships in the international community and exchanging views on challenges in the region and in the international community.

  • Government on the motion to disqualify Constitutional Court judge from ruling

    At today's correspondence meeting, the Government adopted a motion to disqualify Constitutional Court judge Dr Dr Klemen Jaklič from ruling on the case of reviewing the constitutionality of the Radiotelevizija Slovenija Act, and at the same time sent the motion to the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia.

  • Embassy's working hours during Easter

    The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Tehran will be closed for Easter on Sunday, 9 April, and Monday, 10 April 2023.

  • Minister Fajon at the Meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs

    Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon took part in the two-day Meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs in Brussels, which coincided with the 74th anniversary of the signing of NATO's founding document in 1949, and she also officially welcomed Finland as NATO's 31st member.

  • In cooperation with NGOs, we will develop a strategy for integrating foreigners

    Today, the Ministry of the Interior hosted representatives of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Higher Education, the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, the Office of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for the Care and Integration of Migrants, and NGOs, in order to develop an integration strategy.

  • Meeting between Minister Dr Papič and the Director for Democratic Participation at the Council of Europe, Matjaž Gruden

    Dr Igor Papič, Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, met with Matjaz Gruden, Director for Democratic Participation at the Council of Europe. They discussed current issues and activities planned by the Council of Europe.

  • Public consultation on the new chapter of the Recovery and Resilience Plan – REPowerEU

    In March, the Government adopted the starting points for the preparation of proposed adjustments to the Recovery and Resilience Plan, which will, among other things, address the objectives of the REPowerEU plan to reduce dependence on Russian energy. Government representatives today discussed the starting points for the new chapter of the Slovenian Recovery and Resilience Plan with the interested public at a public consultation.

  • The right to a healthy environment at the core of our engagement at the 52nd session of the UN Human Rights Council

    The 52nd session of the UN Human Rights Council adopted two important initiatives in which Slovenia is participating. The key UN body responsible for human rights approved the renewal of the mandate of the UN Special Rapporteur on minority issues and confirmed that the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment represents a link between the environment and human rights.

  • Call for tenders for enhanced air connectivity of Slovenia

    On the basis of the Act on Aid to Ensure Enhanced Air Connectivity, a Public Tender for Enhanced Aviation Connectivity was published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia on 04/04/2023. In accordance with Article 10 of the law, the tender documentation is publicly published, however, the English translation is merely an information aid for foreign air carriers when preparing applications for the grant of aid.

    The application for aid must be submitted in Slovene language. Submission deadline is 4. 5. 2023.

  • Slovenia ensures its security also within the framework of the collective security of Nato

    On 4 April, the Alliance marks its 74th anniversary. On 29 March 2004, the Republic of Slovenia becomes part of the Alliance with the overwhelming support of its citizens.

  • Ministers of the Brdo Process countries endorse closer operational cooperation in the fight against migrant smugglers in the region

    Minister of the Interior Boštjan Poklukar hosted the 11th informal meeting of the Ministers of the Interior of the Brdo Process countries in Portorož.

  • State Secretary Žbogar in Namibia for consultations

    State Secretary Samuel Žbogar held consultations with Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation of Namibia Jenelly Matundu in Namibia from 3 to 4 April 2023. Their discussion focused on enhancing political dialogue and exchanging views on the situation and challenges in the region, with an emphasis on the work of international organisations.

  • Video

    Prime Minister Golob: North Macedonia can count on Slovenia’s support on its path to the EU

    Prime Minister Robert Golob hosted the Prime Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia Dimitar Kovačevski on an official visit.

  • Transnational Provision of Services Act

    The new Transnational Provision of Services Act (ZČmIS-1) was published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia. The Ministry drew up the Act in order to comprehensively address the position of posted workers when carrying out transnational services provided by Slovenian companies and self-employed persons, economic operators, for clients in other EU member states.

  • Project 'Greater air connectivity of Slovenia' included in the Development Programmes Plan 2023-2026

    At today's correspondence session, the Government decided to include the registered project "Greater Air Connectivity of Slovenia" in the current Development Programmes Plan 2023-2026.

  • Slovenia and Serbia for the improvement and acceleration of rail transport

    The Minister of Infrastructure, Alenka Bratušek, hosted the Serbian Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Goran Vesić, on a working visit. They have agreed to propose the establishment of a joint standing committee with Croatia, Austria, and Italy, in order accelerate rail transport.

  • Government sent National Assembly reply to interpellation

    On Friday, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia sent the National Assembly a reply to the interpellation on its work and the accountability of its work, in which it completely dismissed as unfounded all of the SDS party’s accusations regarding the alleged inadequacy of its conduct.

  • Video

    Ukrainian President thanks the Slovenian people

    Following the visit of Prime Minister Robert Golob to Kyiv yesterday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky thanked the Slovenian nation for its support.

  • Video

    Ski Race for the Yugoslav Championship in Planica near Rateče – the Film Debut of Veličan Bešter and His »Re-Birth«

    Between February 21 and March 5, 2023, Planica was hosting FIS Nordic World Ski Championship, and in the first days of April, the valley below the Ponce mountain range was also the venue for the closing competitions of this year's Ski Jumping World Cup.
    Ski competitions in Planica near Rateče have a very long tradition. This is clearly reflected in the film Ski Race for the Yugoslav Championship in Planica near Rateče, which was shot by a photographer and Slovenian film pioneer Veličan Bešter (1891-1938) on February 26, 1922. In addition to being of extraordinary importance both for the history of the Slovenian cinematography as well as for the history of the Slovenian sport, this Bešter's film debut is also the first preserved documentary reportage film by a Slovenian filmmaker and was produced by his newly founded film company.
    In 2021, the film was digitally restored and in the process of doing so, we discovered certain details that are very interesting in the broader context of the history of the Slovenian film. During this year's World Nordic Ski Championship, the Slovenian Film Archives donated a digital copy of the film to the museum of the Planica Nordic Centre, where it will be on display for the visitors.Smučarska tekmovanja v Planici imajo zelo dolgo tradicijo. To dokazuje tudi film Smučarska tekma za prvenstvo Jugoslavije v Planici pri Ratečah, ki ga je Veličan Bešter posnel 26. februarja 1922. Film je izjemnega pomena tako za zgodovino slovenske kinematografije kot tudi za zgodovino slovenskega športa. Je prvi ohranjeni dokumentarno reportažni film slovenskega avtorja in hkrati Beštrov prvenec, ki ga je posnel pod okriljem svojega filmskega podjetja.
    Film smo leta 2021 digitalno restavrirali, pri tem pa odkrili nekaj za zgodovino slovenskega filma zelo zanimivih podrobnosti. Digitalno kopijo filma je Arhiv RS v času letošnjega svetovnega prvenstva v nordijskem smučanju (prav na 101. obletnico nastanka filma) podaril muzeju Nordijskega centra v Planici, kjer bo na ogled obiskovalcem.