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  • We enter the New Year with great articles about Slovenia

    They say January is like a blank page. That does not seem to be the case for Slovenia, though, as we have been surprised by outstanding coverage of our tourist delights in world-famous media such as SKI Magazine, Le Monde, The Sunday Times, and The Times.

  • Decision on the selection of the provider of the medium-range air defence system becomes final

    On the margins of the NATO Ministerial Meeting in October 2022, the Republic of Slovenia, together with 14 other countries, signed a Letter of Intent to join the European Sky Shield Initiative (ESSI), initiated by the Federal Republic of Germany and involving 19 European countries as of July 2023.

  • Video

    86th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today's session, the Government adopted the draft Act on the Implementation of the EU Regulation on a Single Market for Digital Services, and a Resolution on Slovenia's participation in the procedure for rendering an Advisory Opinion by the International Court of Justice in The Hague on the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem.

  • Minister Fajon: Slovenia one of the few EU Member States in the ICJ advisory opinion proceedings against Israel

    The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs proposed to the Government that Slovenia participate in the ICJ proceedings initiated by the UN General Assembly in 2022 concerning Israel's allegedly controversial activities in Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, which the Government approved. Minister Fajon stressed that the alleged violations in question cover a broad spectrum and have been taking place in the region for decades, going beyond the recent conflict.

  • Tanja Fajon: We seek intensive cooperation with Styria and support for the Slovenian minority

    The Joint Committee Slovenia - Styria, which meets once a year in plenary session, held its sixth meeting in Celje. It was co-chaired by Tanja Fajon, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, and Christopher Drexler, Governor of Styria. In a joint statement, the two sides welcomed the initiative of the Slovenian minority to establish a "House of Cooperation" in Graz.

  • Government decisions from the Government committee meetings

    At the Government committee meetings, the Government adopted, among other things, an opinion on the proposal to temporarily suspend the implementation of parts of the Act on status transformation of Vzajemna health insurance company d.v.z., gave its consent to the 2024–2025 Business Plan of ARAO – the Agency for Radioactive Waste Management, and adopted a number of responses to decisions of the National Council of the Republic of Slovenia and its commissions.

  • The solution is a comprehensive overhaul of the salary system and an agreement at the negotiating table

    On Monday, 8 January 2024, the Government appointed the Government negotiation team for the negotiation of the strike demands of the Union of Doctors and Dentists of Slovenia – Fides, and today invited it to start negotiations on a solution to the strike demands.

  • Slovenia is a major player in the European Green Transition

    The European Commission has announced the New European Bauhaus Academy (NEBA), a pan-European consortium led by the University of Primorska and based at InnoRenew CoE, as the winner of the call for proposals for the establishment of a New European Bauhaus (NEB) Academy.

  • Slovenian and French Ministers confirm excellent cooperation with signing of 2024–2027 agreement

    During her visit to Paris, Minister Tanja Fajon and Catherine Colonna, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs of France, discussed strengthening cooperation between the two countries and concluded a new Strategic Partnership Action Plan. Minister Fajon stressed that Slovenia will strive to overcome differences in the UN Security Council and actively seek opportunities to promote its priorities.

  • Limited operation of the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Tirana due to relocation

    We would like to inform that the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Tirana on January 2024 will be moving to the new premises with mailing address Rruga ˝Skënderbej˝, nr. 21/1, Tirana

  • Prime Minister at the award ceremony for the personality of the year 2023: Good people enrich our society

    The Prime Minister, Dr Robert Golob, today attended the traditional award ceremony for the personality of the year campaign "SHE or HE 2023 – Act of the Year".

  • Prime Minister Golob at the memorial service for Jacques Delors

    Prime Minister Robert Golob today attended the memorial service in Paris to mourn the death of former President of the European Commission Jacques Delors. The ceremony was also attended by the president of the first Slovenian Government, Lojze Peterle.

  • 60 years of the Golden Fox

    The Golden Fox competition attracts large crowds every year. The 60th Golden Fox will take place on 6 and 7 January 2024 and from now on will be officially held in Kranjska Gora.

  • Prime Minister Golob meets with International Criminal Court Judge Beti Hohler

    Prime Minister Golob met today with Beti Hohler, judge at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. They discussed the role of the International Criminal Court and the challenges it faces in its work.

  • The Republic of Slovenia: EUR 1.5bn 3.000% long 10-year notes

    On Wednesday, 3 January 2024, the Republic of Slovenia, rated A3 (stable) / AA- (stable) / A (stable), successfully accessed the international capital markets with a EUR 1.5bn long 10-year Reg S issuance due 10 March 2034. This transaction marks the first sovereign EUR-denominated transaction of 2024 benefitting from start of year investor liquidity.

  • The Republic of Slovenia - EUR 10-year mandate

    The Republic of Slovenia - EUR 10-year mandate

  • Plans for Celebrating the Twentieth Anniversary of Slovenia's EU Membership

    On May 1, 2024, Slovenia will mark the 20th anniversary of its accession to the European Union, coinciding with the largest EU enlargement in history. In collaboration with institutions such as the National Assembly, the Office of the President of the Republic, and the representations of the European Commission and the European Parliament in Slovenia, the government has curated a comprehensive program of activities.

  • Statement by Prime Minister Robert Golob on the occasion of the Republic of Slovenia becoming a member of the UN Security Council

    We begin our membership of the UN Security Council in a period full of complex challenges for the international community. This will make it all the more important that, as we have done in the past, we work for balanced international relations and for the protection of the most vulnerable.

  • Archive of the Archivalias of the Month of 2024

    The online column Archivalia of the Month has been published since January 2011. Its purpose is to promote the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia and its archival holdings. Presented in the column are archival documents that are interesting visually and content-wise, as well as newly acquired documents or the ones that have so far been overlooked. Also published are documents relating to various anniversaries, current events and many more.

    Below you will find the Archivalias of the Month of 2024.

  • Slovenia takes up non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council

    On 1 January 2024, Slovenia becomes a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the second time in its history. Following its successful election by an overwhelming majority of 153 votes, and after three months as an observer, Slovenia will participate in decisions to maintain international peace and security during the 2024–2025 term. It will act in an inclusive and responsible manner, committed to the principles of the UN Charter, international law and human rights.