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  • Slovenia and Serbia for the improvement and acceleration of rail transport

    The Minister of Infrastructure, Alenka Bratušek, hosted the Serbian Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Goran Vesić, on a working visit. They have agreed to propose the establishment of a joint standing committee with Croatia, Austria, and Italy, in order accelerate rail transport.

  • Government sent National Assembly reply to interpellation

    On Friday, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia sent the National Assembly a reply to the interpellation on its work and the accountability of its work, in which it completely dismissed as unfounded all of the SDS party’s accusations regarding the alleged inadequacy of its conduct.

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    Ukrainian President thanks the Slovenian people

    Following the visit of Prime Minister Robert Golob to Kyiv yesterday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky thanked the Slovenian nation for its support.

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    Ski Race for the Yugoslav Championship in Planica near Rateče – the Film Debut of Veličan Bešter and His »Re-Birth«

    Between February 21 and March 5, 2023, Planica was hosting FIS Nordic World Ski Championship, and in the first days of April, the valley below the Ponce mountain range was also the venue for the closing competitions of this year's Ski Jumping World Cup.
    Ski competitions in Planica near Rateče have a very long tradition. This is clearly reflected in the film Ski Race for the Yugoslav Championship in Planica near Rateče, which was shot by a photographer and Slovenian film pioneer Veličan Bešter (1891-1938) on February 26, 1922. In addition to being of extraordinary importance both for the history of the Slovenian cinematography as well as for the history of the Slovenian sport, this Bešter's film debut is also the first preserved documentary reportage film by a Slovenian filmmaker and was produced by his newly founded film company.
    In 2021, the film was digitally restored and in the process of doing so, we discovered certain details that are very interesting in the broader context of the history of the Slovenian film. During this year's World Nordic Ski Championship, the Slovenian Film Archives donated a digital copy of the film to the museum of the Planica Nordic Centre, where it will be on display for the visitors.Smučarska tekmovanja v Planici imajo zelo dolgo tradicijo. To dokazuje tudi film Smučarska tekma za prvenstvo Jugoslavije v Planici pri Ratečah, ki ga je Veličan Bešter posnel 26. februarja 1922. Film je izjemnega pomena tako za zgodovino slovenske kinematografije kot tudi za zgodovino slovenskega športa. Je prvi ohranjeni dokumentarno reportažni film slovenskega avtorja in hkrati Beštrov prvenec, ki ga je posnel pod okriljem svojega filmskega podjetja.
    Film smo leta 2021 digitalno restavrirali, pri tem pa odkrili nekaj za zgodovino slovenskega filma zelo zanimivih podrobnosti. Digitalno kopijo filma je Arhiv RS v času letošnjega svetovnega prvenstva v nordijskem smučanju (prav na 101. obletnico nastanka filma) podaril muzeju Nordijskega centra v Planici, kjer bo na ogled obiskovalcem.

  • Prime Minister Robert Golob at the summit in Kyiv: We must strive for respect for international law and just satisfaction

    In the second part of his visit to Ukraine, Prime Minister Robert Golob met with the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Ruslan Stefanchuk.

  • EU Directors-General for development cooperation on Afghanistan and Ukraine

    Acting Director-General of the Directorate for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid Edvin Skrt participated in the meeting of EU Directors-General for development cooperation, which took place within the framework of the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU.

  • Prime Minister Robert Golob visits Ukraine

    Prime Minister Robert Golob arrived today for a one-day working visit to Ukraine, where he will meet with the Ukrainian leadership and demonstrate Slovenia's continued support for the country in its efforts to fight the Russian aggressors.

  • »I feel Slovenia night« also in Novo mesto and Celje

    In the spirit of supporting young basketball players, the Government Communications Office of the Republic of Slovenia (UKOM), together with the municipalities of Novo mesto and Celje and the support of the Basketball Federation of Slovenia, will organise two basketball tournaments in both cities on Thursday, 6 April, during the "I FEEL SLOVENIA night" event in Dallas.

  • Planica, the Snow Queen

    After Planica hosted the biggest winter sport event in the history of Slovenia, the Nordic World Ski Championships, at the end of February, the 44th season of the Ski Jumping World Cup will wrap up in Planica this weekend. The organisers are counting on a packed valley under the Ponce Mountains for the finals.

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    Prime Minister in Bucha: Today we are all Ukrainians and united as never before

    Prime Minister Robert Golob on a bilateral visit to Ukraine at the personal invitation of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

  • Minister Fajon at the Summit for Democracy thematic event: 'Disinformation is a Direct Attack on Democracy'

    At the invitation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, Wopke Hoekstra, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon took part in an online “talk show” event "Media Freedom as a Cornerstone of Democracy". Held in the framework of the second Summit for Democracy, the event started yesterday and featured a video message by the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Nataša Pirc Musar.

  • 43rd regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today’s session, the Government adopted several proposals for amendments to the acts and approved a project to provide drinking water for Slovenian Istria and the Karst hinterland. It also adopted a reply to the interpellation on the work and responsibilities of the Government, in which it rejects in their entirety all the allegations made in the interpellation as unfounded.

  • Slovenian olive oil named best in the northern hemisphere

    An extra virgin olive oil produced by Jasa Olje, a niche Slovenian producer, has been named Best of Show at a major competition in Paris that featured olive oils from across the northern hemisphere.

  • State Secretary Marko Štucin hosts Deputy Foreign Minister of North Macedonia

    State Secretary Marko Štucin met with the Deputy Foreign Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia, Fatmire Isaki. They were pleased to note the intensive political dialogue and the very good relations between the two countries.

  • Slovenian and Croatian prime ministers discuss energy, migration and economic cooperation

    The Prime Minister, Dr Robert Golob, hosted the Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia, Andrej Plenković, in a working visit at Brdo pri Kranju. In the second meeting of the prime ministers in Slovenia, they talked about cooperation in the areas of energy, migration and economy. The two leaders agreed to sign a solidarity agreement on gas supply and also expressed their support for the construction of a second unit of the nuclear power plant in Krško.

  • Changing the law to speed up the recruitment of foreigners

    Members of parliament have approved the bill on amendments and additions to the Employment, Self-employment and Work of Foreigners Act (amendment to the law).

  • The President of the National Assembly, mag. Urška Klakočar Zupančič on a working visit to Belgium

    On 28 March 2023, the President of the National Assembly, mag. Urška Klakočar Zupančič met with the President of the House of Representatives of the Kingdom of Belgium, Eliane Tillieux.

  • Minister attends EU Energy Council meeting

    At an EU Energy Council meeting, EU ministers discuss the reduction of gas consumption, changes in the electricity market and the green transition.

  • State Secretary Dr. Benedejčič on a visit to Slovakia

    State Secretary for National and International Security Dr. Andrej Benedejčič paid a visit today in Bratislava to the Director of the Office of the Security Council of the Slovak Republic Mr. Pavel Franko.

  • State Secretary Benedejčič meets NATO Deputy Secretary General

    State Secretary for National and International Security Andrej Benedejčič has met today with NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană at NATO Headquarters.