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  • 1. 3. 1991: Franco Juri against the transfer of conscripts to the Slovenian Territorial Defence

    On 1 March 1991, the Constitutional Commission of the Slovenian Assembly supported a proposal for the military training of Slovenian conscripts in the Slovenian Territorial Defence and the police. But support was not unanimous.

  • Poltergeist or a Show for the Neighbours?

    Although belief that souls of the dead keep returning to the world of the living has its roots in pagan times and has managed to remain planted in folk memory up to this day, documents describing events of such nature are not frequently found among our archival holdings. An interesting report made by the clerk of the district commissariat in Senožeče in February 1842 revelas how one such "ghost" was swiftly exorcised from the house of Nikolaj Doles.

  • 28. 2. 1991: Prepared defence and protection act proposal to ensure a plebiscite decision

    With an act proposal, the government enabled a gradual transition to a new defence system and ensured the protection of Slovenian sovereignty. Ministers Rupel, Mencinger, Stanič and Puhar explained the decisions and presented assessments of the current situation in the country. The resignation of the rector of the University of Maribor, Dr Alojz Križman, and a view on the introduction of religious instruction in schools presented by the chairman of the Justice and Peace Commission, Dr Anton Stres, attracted much public attention.

  • 27. 2. 1991: The persistently looming red star

    Wednesday, 27 February 1991, was a lively day. On the world stage, the cessation of the fighting in the Iraqi Gulf resonated the most, while the main "star" in Slovenia was the denationalisation act proposal.

  • South African coronavirus variant now in Slovenia

    At today's press conference, Minister of Health Janez Poklukar said that Slovenia has confirmed the first case of the South African coronavirus variant, detected in the Maribor area in a person who has returned from Africa. The Epidemiological Service traced all high-risk contacts and sent them into quarantine.

  • Without research and innovation, there can be no green and digital transition for society and the economy

    EU ministers responsible for research discussed today the links between recovery and resilience plans (RRF) and the European Research Area at an informal videoconference.

  • Restrictions on assembly and movement reinstated in the Coastal-Karst region, schools remain open

    A press conference on the current situation regarding the Covid-19 virus was held by Minister of the Interior Aleš Hojs, Director of the National Institute of Public Health Milan Krek, Head of the Consulate Sector at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Andrej Šter and Slovene living in Argentina Mariana Poznič.

  • State Secretary Raščan held talks with IOM’s Regional Director Henrikson

    State Secretary Raščan held a video call today with the Director of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Regional Office for the European Economic Area, the European Union and NATO Ola Henrikson.

  • Video

    Letter of Prime Minister Janez Janša to the President of the European Comission Ursula von der Leyen

    We are publishing the letter of Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia Mr. Janez Janša to the president of the European Comission Ursula von der Leyen.

  • 26. 2. 1991: A hopeless search for the Yugoslav modus vivendi

    On this day, various attempts to peacefully resolve the Yugoslav conflict and maintain a loose Yugoslav federation were made. Some Slovenian politicians warned of international isolation upon separation from Yugoslavia and hampered the remedy of some past injustices. The Slovenian national minority in Austria aimed for Slovenia's international recognition.

  • Informal videoconference of ministers responsible for internal market and industry

    Minister of Economic Development and Technology Zdravko Počivalšek participated in an informal videoconference of ministers of EU Member States responsible for the internal market and industry. The morning session was dedicated to a political discussion of the European Semester in the context of the Union’s recovery process and national recovery and resilience plans as an instrument for the implementation of industrial strategy, strengthening the internal market, the twin transition and strategic autonomy, and a discussion of the new consumer agenda. The afternoon session featured a discussion of the draft directive on the public disclosure of certain tax information by undertakings (i.e. the Country-By-Country Reporting or CbCR Directive).

  • State Secretary Raščan at the web conference “E-Mobility: Slovenia–Germany” on the common challenges of the rapid development of new technologies

    Today, State Secretary Stanislav Raščan delivered the opening address at the “E-Mobility: Slovenia–Germany” web conference organised by the Slovenian E-mobility Association. In his address, he emphasised the great importance of economic cooperation between the two countries, above all in the automotive industry, which accounts for more than a quarter of total bilateral trade.

  • Substantial additional EU funding to restart business in problematic border areas

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved additional EU funding for the “Call for proposals for financing of initiatives to restart business in problematic border areas – COVID 19” implemented by the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology. The total funding made available under the call for proposals amounts to over EUR 14.2 million of which the European Regional Development Fund contribution represents over EUR 10.5 million.

  • State Secretary Kirbiš Rojs and V4+ counterparts discuss preparation of national recovery and resilience plans

    State Secretary mag. Monika Kirbiš Rojs today participated in a video conference featuring high-level officials from the Visegrad Group, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Slovenia to share experience in the preparation of national recovery and resilience plans. The video conference was organised by the Polish Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy under the auspices of the Polish Presidency of the Visegrad Group.

  • Giro d'Italia to visit Slovenia again

    After seventeen years, the spectacular Italian bicycle race Giro d’Italia will again run through Slovenia.

  • In the light of Slovenia’s presidency of the EU

    Slovenia is the only EU member state that celebrates its cultural holiday as a public holiday, with a day off work.

  • Coastal-Karst region back in red phase

    Today’s press conference on the current situation with regard to Covid-19 was attended by State Secretary at the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology Simon Zajc, State Secretary at the Ministry of Infrastructure Blaž Košorok, Deana Potza of the Health Inspectorate, and Deputy Director General of the Police Tomaž Pečjak.

  • Press release regarding the financing of the Slovenian Press Agency (STA)

    On 27 January 2021, the Communication Office of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia (GCO) fulfilled all of its obligations to the Slovenian Press Agency (SPA) arising from the public service contract.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša: Discussion with parliamentary party leaders “useful”

    Prime Minster and leader of the Slovenian Democratic Party Janez Janša attended a meeting today with the leaders of the parliamentary parties, hosted by Slovenian President Borut Pahor. The meeting was attended by leader of the Modern Centre Party (SMC) Zdravko Počivalšek, leader of the New Slovenia Party (NSI) Matej Tonin, leader of the Social Democratic Party (SD) Tanja Fajon, leader of the Alenka Bratušek Party (SAB) Alenka Bratušek, leader of the Slovenian Nationalist Party (SNS) Zmago Jelinčič and leader of the Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia (DeSUS) Karl Erjavec.

  • Minister Logar with Luxembourg Foreign Minister Asselborn on building a resilient Union

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Anže Logar is visiting the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg today, where he was welcomed by his host, Jean Asselborn, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs and Minister for Immigration and Asylum, and Fernand Etgen, President of the Chamber of Deputies. The Minister also visited the European Investment Bank, where he met with its president, Werner Hoyer.