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Prime Minister Janez Janša: Timeline for anti-corona packages will be realised
Today, after the 10th session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, Prime Minister Janez Janša said that the government took note of the reports from all five working groups that prepared proposals for the second anti-corona legislative package.
Prime Minister Janez Janša expressed his condolences on the death of the retired Archbishop Alojz Uran
Today, retired Archbishop of Ljubljana Alojz Uran passed away at the age of 76.
Minister Logar receives Apostolic Nuncio to Slovenia Speich
Today, Foreign Minister Dr Anže Logar received the Apostolic Nuncio and Dean of the Diplomatic Corps in the Republic of Slovenia, Archbishop Jean-Marie Antoine Joseph Speich.
This year’s Easter Triduum will be different
For Christians around the world, Thursday night marks the end of the 40-day fast and the beginning of the Easter Triduum culminating on Easter Sunday. Believers are about to celebrate Easter, the most important holiday of the Catholic Church. Although it is usually celebrated within the family and includes visits to church, the epidemic has changed this tradition.
Prime Minister Janez Janša visits the University Medical Centre Maribor
Today Prime Minister Janez Janša visited the University Medical Centre Maribor, which provides secondary and tertiary healthcare in the Maribor, Pesnica, Ruše, Ormož, Lenart, Ptuj and Slovenska Bistrica areas, including some subspecialty services for the needs of north-eastern Slovenia and the Koroška region.
Minister Šircelj on the Eurogroup agreement: "We made a step in the right direction. We have some new instruments, and now, we must focus on the recovery. We showed a rational, responsible, quick, but also an ambitious and prudent way to recovery."
At today’s Eurogroup video conference, EU Ministers of Finance agreed on short-term measures to mitigate the effect of the coronavirus pandemic. During the crisis, all euro area Member States will be able to access the resources within the newly established Pandemic Crisis Support, which will be based on the existing precautionary credit line of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM). A temporary European instrument to support national safety nets – called SURE, and EIB guarantee schemes will also be created. Fiscal and state-aid rules are relaxed, and the work on mid-term measures continues as well.
Prime Minister Janez Janša discusses measures to contain the COVID-19 epidemic with Massimiliano Fedriga, President of the FVG autonomous region
In a video conference today the Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša and the President of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia (FVG) autonomous region, Massimilano Fedriga, exchanged information on the current situation regarding COVID-19 and the measures adopted by Slovenia and the FVG region to combat the epidemic.
Prime Minister Janez Janša: Easing lockdown measures possible only if certain conditions cumulatively met
Prime Minister Janez Janša pointed out today on Twitter, in connection to the easing of measures adopted by the Government to contain and mitigate the spread of the coronavirus, that Japan, which appeared to have contained the epidemic in the first wave, declared a state of emergency again today. “Let me state once again that easing lockdown measures is possible only if we cumulatively meet certain conditions that I mentioned on Tuesday and that are respected in all the countries which have been successful in the fight against the coronavirus.
Foreign Minister Logar thanks employees for their persistence, solidarity and long working hours during the crisis
The emergence of a novel coronavirus, its rapid spread and subsequent declaration of a pandemic have posed a common challenge to the employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs both in internal and foreign service: Covid-19.
MFA advises against all travel as holiday season approaches
At the outbreak of the pandemic, the Slovenian authorities advised against all travel and repeatedly called on Slovenian citizens to postpone their travel plans. This also applies to the coming Easter season.
Development cooperation ministers support a coordinated response to assist partner countries in fighting the Covid-19 pandemic
State Secretary Tone Kajzer attended an informal meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council in the format of development cooperation ministers via an audio/video conference. The ministers discussed the EU’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic and upheld a joint approach to assist partner countries termed ‘Team Europe’. The main goal is to ensure emergency assistance to partner countries, particularly the most vulnerable countries in Africa, the European neighbourhood and the Western Balkans, and at the same time to strengthen the EU’s role and increase the visibility of its development and humanitarian aid.
Three decades since the first multiparty elections in Slovenia
Thirty years have passed since the first multiparty elections were held in Slovenia. They were won by Demos, a coalition of new parties, which then formed the government.
Slovenian cookbook Cook Eat Slovenia receives double accolade
The Gourmand World Cookbook Awards culinary event honoured the cookbook Cook Eat Slovenia with not one, but two awards.
Prime Minister Janez Janša: Slovenia is showing the world what it is made of
In his statement to the press today, Prime Minister Janez Janša spoke about the situation in Slovenia at the time of the COVID-19 epidemic and the gradual resumption of economic activities.
Slovenia successfully returned to the markets
On the 7th of April 2020, the Republic of Slovenia successfully returned to the markets with a triple-tranche transaction, consisting of a €1.15bn Mar-23 tap, a new €1bn 10yr (Jul-30) issuance and a €100m Aug-45 tap.
Vegetables instead of flowers
The company Ocean Orchids from Dobrovnik has started growing vegetables on a trial basis. Ocean Orchids is a ten-year-old company with forty employees located in the extreme northeast of Slovenia that cultivates 2 million orchids every year.
World Health Day
This year, World Health Day puts nurses and midwives at the forefront and the importance of community support for them. In recent months, nurses and other healthcare professionals have been on the frontline to care for those falling ill with COVID-19.
Reopening of the Holmec border crossing
The Holmec border crossing reopened on 6 April and it will remain open every day from 5.00 to 8.00 and from 15.00 to 18.00.
The Government coronavirus call centre
A call centre has been operating ever since the declaration of the coronavirus pandemic in Slovenia to provide the public with reliable and up-to-date information on the new coronavirus. Information is available at the toll-free telephone number 080 1404 (+38614787550 for calls from abroad) every day between 8:00 and 20:00.
Information for passengers at border crossings regarding quarantine and isolation
Upon their arrival from abroad, all healthy persons are required to remain in quarantine due to a possible infection with the new coronavirus. Persons with signs of COVID-19 infection must be isolated.