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  • EU funding for the urban cycle network in Velenje

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, the Managing Authority for the ERDF, the ESF and the Cohesion Fund, has issued a funding decision for the project Velenje urban cycle network - downtown. This ITI-funded project, worth a total of EUR 603,000, will receive a contribution from the Cohesion Fund amounting to EUR 336,000.

  • Government adopts decision to implement border control checks for travellers between Italy and Slovenia

    At its meeting by correspondence, the Government adopted a decision to start carrying out border control checks in the vicinity of the border between Slovenia and Italy on 11 March 2020. This measure is aimed at reducing the risk of spreading the contagious disease SARS-CoV2 (COVID-19) in Slovenia and at protecting the health of its population.

  • Slovenia wins Best of Europe 2020 for its sustainability

    Thanks to its sustainable development efforts in tourism under the Green Scheme of Slovenian Tourism managed by the Slovenian Tourist Board, Slovenia is among the winners of the 2020 Sustainable Top 100 Destination Awards.

  • PM announces closing border with Italy

    The prime minister has ordered the health ministry and the interior ministry to make all necessary preparations for closing the border with Italy, as has been done by Austria. This is a vital step if we want to curb the spread of the virus. The border will not be closed to freight, as this would cause additional economic damage. We are trying to stay for as long as possible in the first stage of the spread of the virus. Currently there are 34 confirmed cases. The border with Italy will be closed as soon as the technical and administrative formalities have been completed.

  • Measures to contain the spread of coronavirus are in force

    By 2 p.m. today there were 31 confirmed cases of the coronavirus infection in Slovenia; the number of tests performed stands at 1643. To provide information and assistance to the public, a call centre has been set up with the toll-free telephone number 080 14 04; furthermore, notification via text messages has been introduced for travellers crossing the Slovenian border.

  • ITALY - Travel advisory

    The MFA advises against all travel to Italy.

  • CHINA - Travel advisory

    In accordance with the measures adopted to contain the COVID-19 epidemic, Slovenian citizens are advised against all but essential travel to China and against all travel to the province of Hubei until further notice.

  • SOUTH KOREA - Travel advisory

    Due to the COVID-19 epidemic and the related restrictive measures of Korean authorities, Slovenian citizens are advised against travelling to the area around Daegu and Cheongju. The MFA advises against all but essential travel to other parts of the Republic of Korea.

  • IRAN - Travel advisory

    Due to the spread of the COVID-19 and the related restrictive measures adopted by the authorities, the MFA advises against all travel to the country. Slovenian citizens temporarily staying in Iran are advised to leave the country as soon as possible.

  • 'I Feel Slovenia Night' basketball game and 'Texas Feels Slovenia' Business Conference with Slovenian Tourism Workshop postponed until autumn

    At the beginning of the year, Slovenia entered into a partnership with several institutions and the NBA Dallas Mavericks where Luka Dončić also plays. Within this partnership, the game at I FEEL SLOVENIA Night was scheduled to take place on Wednesday, 11 March 2020. Due to the uncertainty brought about by the spread of the coronavirus, the expected decline in American tourists visiting Europe and the increasingly restrictive measures recommended by the responsible authorities, the institutions comprising the Government Communication Office (GCO), Slovenian Tourist Board (STB), Public Agency for Entrepreneurship, Internationalization, Foreign Investments and Technology (SPIRIT Slovenia), Tourism Ljubljana and the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, after careful consideration and consultation with key stakeholders, decided that the I Feel Slovenia Night and the Texas Feels Slovenia Business Conference with the Slovenian Tourism Workshop scheduled to take place the day after the match on 12 March 2020, should be postponed.

  • Slovenia allocates EUR 1 billion to mitigate consequences of coronavirus on the economy

    At the meeting of the Council for a Competitive and Stable Business Environment, Minister Zdravko Počivalšek presented eight crisis management measures totalling almost EUR 1 billion in connection with the effects of the coronavirus on the economy and tourism.

  • Hosting UNESCO's Artificial Intelligence Centre the greatest achievement of Slovenian science

    According to Jernej Pikalo, the Minister of Education, Science and Sport of the outgoing government, the establishment of an international research centre for artificial intelligence, which will operate under the auspices of UNESCO and will be located in Ljubljana, is the greatest achievement of Slovenian science. This opportunity will benefit both the scientific and the economic sector.

  • National Security Council adopts measures to contain the spread of coronavirus

    There have now been 23 confirmed coronavirus cases and 1227 coronavirus tests have been carried out in Slovenia so far. According to Minister of Health Aleš Šabeder, new infection cases are predictable and are related to the already identified cases. All patients feel well. A call centre has been set up to assist inhabitants in finding information regarding the coronavirus.

  • Latest information about coronavirus (Covid-19) in Slovenia

    The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the coronavirus outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.

    At this stage there are 19 confirmed coronavirus infections in Slovenia. The Slovenian Tourist Board (STB) is closely monitoring the situation regarding the spread of Covid-19 and its impact on tourist flows in Slovenia and the World. We are in constant contact with the competent institutions, the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology (MGRT), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MZZ), we follow the releases of the National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ), the Ministry of Health (MZ) and other relevant sources.

  • Proportionate measures are in place, no reasons to declare an epidemic yet

    There are currently 16 confirmed cases of coronavirus infection in Slovenia, all originating from abroad. The health condition of all patients is good. Prime Minister Marjan Šarec convened a meeting of the National Security Council for tomorrow to take note of the report submitted by the Ministry of Health and other ministries. The professional services assess that there are no reasons to declare an epidemic yet. He stressed the importance of taking proportionate measures.

  • Official updates on the occurrence of the coronavirus infection

    In Slovenia 12 cases of coronavirus infection have been confirmed. The risk level of transmission has increased, therefore the Minister of Health will sign an order banning larger public events. Prime Minister Marjan Šarec will convene a meeting of the National Security Council on Monday.

  • Minister of Health signs order to ban gatherings at events in public places

    Minister of Health signed an Order imposing a ban on gatherings at events in public places.

  • Official updates on the occurrence of the coronavirus infection

    Statements providing updates on the occurrence of the coronavirus infection have been given by the State Secretary at the Ministry of Health, Simona Repar Bornšek, epidemiologist Zoran Simonovič from the Maribor Regional Unit of the National Institute of Public Health and Dr Nina Gorišek, Head of the Department for Infectious Diseases and Febrile Conditions at the Maribor University Medical Centre.

  • EU funding for the Natura 2000 information centre in the Karst region

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, the Managing Authority for the ERDF, the ESF and the Cohesion Fund, has issued a funding decision for the project Setting up of the Natura 2000 information centre in the Karst region. The project, whose total budget stands at EUR 873,000, will receive a contribution from the ERDF amounting to EUR 688,000.

  • International Women's Day

    This year's slogan of International Women's Day emphasises the recognition of women's rights and highlights the importance of the efforts of all generations to work together to achieve greater equality in the rights and opportunities of both sexes.