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  • Slovenia makes successful presentation at international film production fair in London

    One of the world’s largest international fairs promoting filming locations, FOCUS 2019, was held in London this week.

  • 53rd ordinary session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today’s session the government adopted the Cultural Heritage Strategy 2020-23, a Plan of Investment in Transport and Transport Infrastructure 2020-25 and a National Strategy for Prevention of Terrorism and Violent Extremism.

  • Closing event of the 'Young Women Ambassadors' project

    Today marks the closure of the project, which was initiated on 8 March by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in cooperation with women ambassadors to Slovenia. At the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, participating students were first informed of the activities for the promotion of Slovenia and its brand 'I Feel Slovenia', and later they were acquainted with the functioning of the Office of Youth and the role of the youth delegate to the United Nations.

  • International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance holds plenary meeting

    Luxembourg hosted the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Plenary Meeting between 2 and 5 December. Slovenia reaffirmed its commitment to remembrance of the Holocaust and the need to disseminate knowledge of the tragic historical events to prevent such horrors from happening ever again.

  • Slovenia recognised as reliable and responsible NATO partner with above-average commitment

    Slovenian Prime Minister Marjan Šarec attended the NATO summit in London, the final event of the marking of this year’s 70th anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

  • International conference: Public procurement in Slovenia and the European Union focuses on the relevance of transparent and efficient use of public funding

    Public procurement affects our lives significantly which is why the quality of how we implement public procurement procedures is in the interest of us all believe the participant of the International conference Public procurement in Slovenia and the European Union: Ensuring transparency and integrity in the use of public funding. Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy participated in the conference with the selected pilot project of energy-saving renovation of the Trbovlje General Hospital which was subject to EU funds support.

  • State Secretary dr. Nevenka Ribič at the 3rd conference “Programme of projects eSpace”

    State Secretary dr. Nevenka Ribič attended the 3rd conference “Programme of projects eSpace” which focused on the 3-year programme implementation period and the presentation of the achievements and results of the project in the field of spatial management, construction and real-estate management. In her address the State Secretary underlined the fact that the projects contribute to our development and that such projects are also welcomed in the next financial perspective.

  • Minister Dr Cerar: Slovenia supports Serbia on its path towards Europe

    Foreign Minister Dr Miro Cerar concludes his two-day official visit to Belgrade. Foreign Minister Dr Miro Cerar and Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić met today to discuss economic cooperation between the two countries, regional challenges, the dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo, the EU’s enlargement policy. At the Serbian National Assembly, the Slovenian delegation was met by its Speaker Maja Gojković.

  • Over EUR 8 million of EU support for research infrastructure investments

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, the Managing Authority for ERDF, ESF and Cohesion Fund, issued a grant decision for three projects in the field of developing research infrastructure for enhancing the international competitiveness of the Slovenian RDI field, namely SI-LifeWatch, RI-SI-EATRIS and RI-SI-ELIXIR. European Regional Development Fund contribution for all three projects amounts to EUR 8.4 million.

  • EU funding for material and energy efficiency of tourism-related companies

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Managing Authority for ERDF, ESF and Cohesion Fund, issued a grant decision for the call for proposals “Support for micro, small and medium-sized tourism-related companied to enhance their material and energy efficiency” to be published by Ministry of Economic Development and Technology on Friday. The total European Regional Development Fund support available under the call for proposals stands at EUR 21.5 million of which EUR 18 million will be allocated to cohesion region Vzhodna Slovenija and EUR 3.5 million to cohesion region Zahodna Slovenija.

  • EU funding for improving economic activity in Metlika

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Managing Authority for ERDF, ESF and Cohesion Fund, issued a grant decision for the project “Zone at Pild – stage 2”. The project worth EUR 1.4 million will receive European Regional Development Fund support in the amount of EUR 375,000.

  • Public Administration Minister Rudi Medved at the EU Telecommunications Council: European sovereignty over data should be based on ethical principles

    The Minister of Public Administration, Rudi Medved, attended the meeting of the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council of the EU (TTE Council), which was held on Tuesday, 3 December 2019, in Brussels.

  • This Merry Day of Culture

    On 3 December, the anniversary of the birth of poet France Prešeren, Slovenia’s cultural institutions once again opened their doors to the people.

  • University of Ljubljana celebrates 100th anniversary

    On 3 December 2019, Slovenia’s oldest and largest institution of higher learning – the University of Ljubljana – celebrated its one hundredth birthday.

  • PISA 2018: Slovenian adolescents surpass OECD average, with digital world presenting their main challenge

    In taking the PISA literacy test, Slovenian students achieved 507 points on average, which is above the OECD average.

  • EU funding for expanding the business infrastructure in Ajdovščina

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Managing Authority for EU Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund, has issued a grant decision for the project Expansion of the business-economic infrastructure in the Business Zone Ajdovščina – Pod železnico 3. The project is worth a good EUR 645,000 with the European Regional Development Fund contribution amounting to EUR 245,000.

  • The 4th International Conference, Ljubljana, November 20-21, 2019

    As part of the ongoing project, the 4th International Conference was held at Austria Trend Hotel in Ljubljana on November 20-21, 2019.

  • 30th Anniversary of a Decisive NO to the Rally of Truth in Ljubljana

    This year marks the 30th anniversary of the stopping of the "rally of truth" in Ljubljana. The rally was planned to take place on December 1, 1989 and was organized by the Committee of the Association for the Return of Serbs and Montenegrins to Kosovo - Božur. It was officially announced on November 6 and on November 20 it was prohibited based on the decision made by the City Secretariat of the Interior. Since despite the prohibition the rally organizers insisted on coming to Slovenia - according to some estimations approximately fifty to sixty thousand people were to participate - Slovenia was forced to take special measures.

  • The Fourth Review Conference of the Ottawa Convention in Oslo

    Special Envoy of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Andrej Benedejčič attended the Fourth Review Conference of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction (Ottawa Convention), held in Oslo between 25 and 29 November 2019.

  • The Slovenian national archives is opening an information office in our reading room

    On Monday, December 2, 2019, the reading room of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia is opening an information office, where visitors are welcome to use lists of our archival records and other finding aids, order archival records, or obtain information about the use of such records.