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  • State Secretary Simona Leskovar attends International Conference for Women in Business in Tokyo

    At the invitation of the Japanese government, State Secretary Simona Leskovar attended the 24th International Conference for Women in Business. The conference Scale Up was held in Tokyo on 7 July 2019. State Secretary Leskovar was one of the keynote speakers at the conference and one of the panellists at the roundtable on global policies. As a part of her visit, the state secretary met senior representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Cabinet Office of the prime minister as well as the chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs.

  • The Prime Minister checks the situation at the border with Croatia in the Municipality of Ilirska Bistrica

    Prime Minister Marjan Šarec, together with the Minister of the Interior, Boštjan Poklukar and Director General of the Police, Tatjana Bobnar, LLM reviews the situation on the border with the Republic of Croatia in the Municipality of Ilirska Bistrica. He also had a meeting with police officers, members of the Slovenian Armed Forces and the Croatian police operating along the border.

  • The Republic of Slovenia Tap of the EUR 1.1875% notes due 14 March 2029

    The Republic of Slovenia, acting through the Ministry of Finance (the "Issuer"), rated Baa1 (Positive) by Moody’s, AA- (Stable) by S&P, A- (Stable) by Fitch, has mandated Goldman Sachs International Bank, Jefferies and J.P. Morgan to joint lead manage an increase of its outstanding 1.1875% notes due 14 March 2029 (ISIN: SI0002103842). The transaction, in Reg S, dematerialised registered form, is expected to be launched in the near future, subject to market conditions.

  • In its efforts to protect Slovenia's interests in the harmonised use of the radio spectrum, the Slovenian Government continues to be a determined, active and constructive partner

    The Minister of Public Administration, Rudi Medved, and the Acting Director-General of the Information Society Directorate at the Ministry of Public Administration, Marjan Turk, addressed the issue of the harmonisation of radio spectrum use in the border areas with Italy at today's press conference.

  • The Prime Minister reviewed the situation on the border with Croatia

    Prime Minister Marjan Šarec, together with the Minister of the Interior, Boštjan Poklukar and Director General of the Police, Tatjana Bobnar, LLM reviewed the situation on the border with the Republic of Croatia in the Municipality of Ilirska Bistrica on Monday. He also had a meeting with police officers, members of the Slovenian Armed Forces and the Croatian police operating along the border.

  • Prime minister Šarec stresses the importance of EU expansion in strengthening the foundations for economic growth in the Western Balkans

    Slovenian prime minister Marjan Šarec has taken part in the 6th summit of the heads of government of the countries of the Berlin Process in Poznań. The aim of the Berlin Process meetings is to ensure that EU expansion to the Western Balkans continues in accordance with the European agenda: to bring the region closer to European and global corridors via infrastructure, energy and economic projects and, at the same time, to keep up the pressure on the countries of the region to maintain a positive reform dynamic and continue to resolve outstanding issues.

  • State Secretary Dobran Božič attends the meeting of the Quadrilaterale (Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Slovenia)

    State Secretary Dobran Božič attended the traditional meeting of the Quadrilaterale (Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Slovenia) at the level of deputy foreign ministers. This year's meeting took place between 4 and 5 July and was hosted by Austria. The participants exchanged views on cooperation within the Quadrilaterale and on current European and international issues.

  • Foreign Minister Cerar in Poznań: Berlin Process no substitute for region’s expansion project

    Foreign Minister Miro Cerar is attending the Berlin Process’s ministerial session in Poznań, which focuses on the regional cooperation of the Western Balkan countries in security, economic cooperation and transport connectivity, while encouraging youth and enhancing civil society.

  • Slovenia takes possession of former SFRY Embassy premises in Georgetown, Guyana

    The 19th Meeting of authorised representatives for the distribution of diplomatic and consular properties of the former SFRY in compliance with Annex B to the Agreement on Succession Issues continued on Tuesday and Wednesday in Belgrade. Slovenia was represented by Ambassador Damjan Bergant, Secretary General at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

  • Kuhnapato project among the best practice in Europe

    At the Tartu Call for a Healthy Lifestyle seminar organised by the European Commission, the Kuhnapato project was rated among the best practice in Europe in the area of health and sustainability.

  • Action plan for strategic partnership between Slovenia and France

    On a working visit to Paris, foreign minister Miro Cerar and his French counterpart Jean-Yves Le Drian signed a new action plan for strategic partnership between their two countries for the 2019 to 2022 period.

  • Slovenians from abroad embark on traditional visit to the homeland

    Slovenians from neighbouring countries and from around the world embarked on the traditional visit to the homeland on Wednesday for the start of the Welcome Home event. The main part of the event will take place on Saturday in Radovljica, but the meeting opened on Wednesday with football matches in Brdo pri Kranju.

  • 38th ordinary session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today’s session the government adopted an itemisation of budget expenditure by individual budget spending unit. In line with the approved fiscal framework, the ceiling on state budget expenditure was set at EUR 10.45 billion for 2020 and EUR 10.46 billion for 2021. The government is drafting the budget with welfare and stability in mind, but will also take account of the fiscal rule.

  • Minister Purič at the conference Systemic Design for Circular Policy-making

    Minister for Development, Strategic Projects and Cohesion Dr. Iztok Purič gave opening remarks at today’s conference Systemic Design for Circular Policy-making, an interregional dissemination event organised by the Retrace project partner from Slovenia, Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy. The event marked the closing stage of the project which is funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the Interreg Europe Programme.

  • Foreign Minister Dr Miro Cerar meets with OECD Secretary-General Ángel Gurría to discuss cooperation in digitisation, artificial intelligence and the circular economy

    Foreign Minister Dr Miro Cerar is paying an official one-day visit to Paris today, where he will meet French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian and OECD Secretary-General Ángel Gurría, with whom he will discuss the challenges of modern-day societies, which are driven by digital transformation, climate change, artificial intelligence, education, ageing of the population and the impact on the labour market.

  • Foreign Ministers of Slovenia and France sign new Slovenian-French Strategic Partnership Action Plan

    Foreign Minister Dr Miro Cerar and French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian signed the new French–Slovenian Strategic Partnership Action Plan for 2019–2022 in Paris today. Minister Cerar is paying a working visit to France at the invitation of his French counterpart.

  • State Secretary Simona Leskovar expresses Slovenia’s support for Ukraine’s reform efforts

    State Secretary Simona Leskovar participated in a ministerial meeting of the Ukraine Reform Conference, hosted by the Canadian and Ukrainian governments. She commended the progress achieved by Ukraine and called for further efforts in implementing necessary reforms, desired and indeed demanded by the Ukrainian people, and assured Slovenia’s support to this end.

  • The Prime Minister at the opening of new production line of Renault’s model BJA

    At the opening ceremony of the new production line of Renault’s model BJA (the fifth generation of the Clio), Prime Minister Marjan Šarec honoured the official start of serial production of the aforementioned vehicle at Revoz in Novo Mesto with an address. The Slovenian Government has provided Revoz with a financial incentive amounting to EUR 6 million for the implementation of this project.

  • Slovenia 6th in EU in use of eHealth services

    Slovenia is in 16th place among the 28 EU member states in the EU's Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), being above the average only in digital public services (14th). Slovenia performs particularly well in the access to open data and eHealth services, where it ranks sixth.

  • Time Mirrored in the Minutes of the Ljubljana Credit Bank Authorities

    Protocols on the plenary sessions of the Ljubljana Credit Bank management board for the period between 1926 and 1932 contain caligraphically recorded discussions, reflections and findings of the members of the management board of the first "truly Slovenian" bank. Unlike printed annual reports, which were stuffed with numbers, these records reveal a more personal and direct testimonies and witnessing of the events. Reading them can easily take us 90 years back. We find out, for example, that the management of the bank at the start of 1930 was more worried about "abnormal weather" of the past year than about the American stock market crash.