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  • Europe Readr launches in the Netherlands

    Amsterdam, 22 September - Ambassador Štiglic launched the Slovenian Presidency's flagship cultural and promotional project Europe Readr in the Netherlands, together with Daria Bouwman, the President of EUNIC Netherlands, in OBA Amsterdam.

  • Minister Logar holds talks with the Foreign Ministers of Armenia, Moldova and Pakistan and Deputy Secretary of State of the United States

    On the margins of the General Debate of the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Foreign Minister Anže Logar held talks with the Foreign Ministers of Armenia, Moldova and Pakistan and the Deputy Secretary of State of the United States. He also participated in a round table on the situation in Afghanistan and lessons learned over two decades of international intervention in the country.

  • Global Governance Group on sustainable recovery, climate change, digitalisation and progress on the 2030 Agenda

    Jernej Müller, Director-General for Common Foreign and Security Policy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, attended this year’s meeting of the informal Global Governance Group (3G) that is taking place on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly.

  • State Secretary Dr Raščan at the High-Level Event on the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen

    State Secretary Dr Stanislav Raščan participated in a high-level humanitarian crisis response event in Yemen, organised by the EU, Sweden and Switzerland on the margins of the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly.

  • Slovenia in favour of the global declaration of the right to a healthy environment at the regular session of the UN Human Rights Council

    The 48th regular session of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) is taking place in Geneva between 13 September and 8 October 2021. At the meeting, Slovenia has been advocating a global proclamation of the right to a healthy environment. In its first substantive resolution on the subject of the elderly, Slovenia addresses the challenges of oldism and age discrimination. Minister of Education, Science and Sport Simona Kustec will also attend the event and draw attention to the importance of young people and education for human rights.

  • EU funding for stepping up disaster preparedness and response

    EU grants to improve flood preparedness and response capacity of civil protection teams at all levels, including of volunteer and professional fire departments, Mountain Rescue Service, Cave Rescue Service and other relevant teams

  • Data economy: human-centric approach at the forefront

    The European Delegation to the United Nations in Geneva, the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN in Geneva, the Permanent Mission of Slovenia to the UN Office and other international organisations in Geneva in capacity as Presidency of the Council of the EU, and the Geneva Internet Platform invite you to a series of dialogues - From Geneva: Reflections on digital future. The first event will be taking place on Wednesday, 22 September 2021.

  • National Drug Coordinators Meeting

    Ljubljana – The Ministry of Health of Republic of Slovenia organised National Drugs Coordinators Meeting on the importance of early prevention and socio-emotional learning skills. The meeting was part of the agenda of the Slovenian Presidency of the EU Council.

  • Minister Logar at the opening of UNGA76 General Debate in New York

    Foreign Minister Anže Logar today attended the opening of the general debate of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly and the reception for the Slovenian community in New York. He also held a series of bilateral meetings.

  • General Affairs Council on the coordination of COVID-19 measures, the Union’s relations with the United Kingdom and the Conference on the Future of Europe

    State Secretary Gašper Dovžan attended the first regular session of the General Affairs Council of the European Union (GAC) as chair.

  • State Secretary Kirbiš Rojs at the 4th Business and Construction Industry Trends Conference

    The State Secretary attended the annual Business and Construction Industry Trends Conference. This year's edition of the event revolved around the issue of ‘’Ways to make best use of the rising investment for sustainable growth’’. At the panel ‘’Investments in green and sustainable building – European Commission guidelines and good practices’’, the State Secretary talked about the investment areas under the Cohesion Policy and Recovery and Resilience Facility.

  • Minister Logar attends informal meeting of EU foreign ministers on the margins of UNGA 76 in New York

    On the margins of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly in New York on 20 September 2021, Foreign Minister Anže Logar attended the informal meeting of EU foreign ministers. He also held a series of bilateral meetings.

  • Prime Minister Janša takes questions from deputies

    At today’s 25th session of the National Assembly, the Prime Minister Janez Janša answered parliamentary questions raised by Robert Pavšič (LMŠ), Marko Koprivc (SD), Luka Mesec (The Left) and Jožef Horvat (NSi). He explained to deputies the circumstances of his contacts with lobbyists and suppliers of medical equipment, and also answered questions about the consequences of bank rehabilitation and the lack of public rental housing.

  • State Secretary Kirbiš Rojs at the roundtable on European Union in the 21st century

    State Secretary Kirbiš Rojs took part in the roundtable on European Union in the 21st century which was held in the scope of the Autumn School at the European Faculty of Law of New University. She underlined the importance of EU funds for the achievement of strategic objectives of the European Union.

  • State Secretary Dr Raščan at a ministerial meeting on the Responsibility to Protect principle

    State Secretary Dr Stanislav Raščan was invited to speak at the regular ministerial meeting on the Responsibility to Protect principle (R2P) that was held in virtual form on the margins of the 76th Session of the UN General Assembly in New York.

  • Minister Cigler Kralj on the COVID-19 situation in homes for the elderly and social welfare institutions

    The press conference on the current COVID-19 situation was attended by the Minister of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Janez Cigler Kralj, and the Commander of the Civil Protection Service of the Notranjska Region, Sandi Curk.

  • Senior officials meet in Ljubljana to talk about strengthened EU-USA relations in justice and home affairs

    As part of Slovenia's Presidency of the Council of the EU, a meeting of senior EU-US officials from the field of justice and home affairs took place today in Ljubljana. The meeting was chaired by Jože Senica, Assistant Director General of the Police and Chair of the Standing Committee on Operational Cooperation in the Field of Internal Security (COSI), and Dr Katja Rejec Longar, Director of the Office for International Cooperation and International Legal Assistance at the Ministry of Justice and Chair of the Coordinating Committee in the area of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters (CATS), representing the field of justice. The meeting served as a preparation for the ministerial meeting to be held later during the Slovenia’s Presidency of the Council of the EU.

  • Exhibition “Alamut - a timeless link between Slovenia and Iran”

    An exhibition on Slovenian author Vladimir Bartol and his novel Alamut was held at the Slovenian Embassy in Tehran; the original manuscript and opera were also presented. On this occasion, the embassy also officially opened a library for Alamut in Slovene and translations to 17 languages (French, Spanish, Croatian, Arabic, Korean, Portuguese, Turkish, Finnish, Bulgarian, Serbian, Slovak, German, Czech, Hungarian, English, Italian and Farsi).

  • Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary celebrates European Cooperation Day

    For the tenth year in a row, events are held under the auspices of the European Commission across Europe to mark the European Cooperation Day. The events aim to highlight the achievements and benefits of cross-border cooperation between EU regions and member states. On Saturday, visitors at the ‘’Picnic of Projects’’ event had the opportunity to see first-hand the results of five cross-border projects that were implemented under the Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary 2014-2020.

  • Consultations of directors-general for EU affairs of Slovenia and Portugal

    Director-General for EU Affairs Barbara Sušnik engaged in consultations with Director-General for European Affairs Rui Vinhas at the Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Lisbon. The consultations were held in the context of excellent cooperation in the Trio Presidency of Germany, Portugal and Slovenia, with a special focus on reviewing bilateral relations and exchanging views on the current European and international issues.