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  • 19th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    The Government took note about the liquidity and business risks of the company, Geoplin.

  • Revised plan for activation and use of state aircraft for emergency tasks of protection, rescue and assistance

    Today, on Thursday, 6 October 2022, the ministers of defence, the interior, health and infrastructure signed an updated plan for activation and use of state aircraft for emergency tasks of protection, rescue and assistance.

  • Let’s ensure a better future for children

    This year’s Children’s Week runs from Monday, 3 October, to Sunday, 9 October.

  • Address by Minister Fajon at the start of Diplomatic Academy’s third year

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Tanja Fajon addressed Diplomatic Academy participants at the start of the new academic year. She spoke about her experience during the first months since taking up the post of Foreign Minister, and went on to mention current foreign policy issues and related priorities for Slovenian foreign policy in the coming period.

  • State Secretary Štucin at the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Slovenia and Croatia

    State Secretary Marko Štucin met with State Secretary at the Croatian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Andreja Metelko Zgombić, in Zagreb. They discussed opportunities for strengthening and further deepening bilateral cooperation and topical issues of the EU.

  • Minister Šinko: "I believe our strategic plan is ambitious enough and reflects the situation and trends in agriculture"

    At a press conference today, the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Irena Šinko, and the Acting Director-General of the Agriculture Directorate, Maša Žagar, presented the 2023–2027 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Strategic Plan for Slovenia.

  • World Teachers’ Day dedicated to transformation of education

    The motto of this year’s World Teachers’ Day is "The Transformation of Education Begins with Teachers". It coincides with the recent session of the UN General Assembly and the Transforming Education Summit, which focused on education around the world having found itself in a crisis following the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Digitalisation and the economy

    Dr Emilija Stojmenova Duh, Minister of Digital Transformation, met today with the management of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, the Director-General Aleš Cantarutti and Executive Director Vesna Nahtigal.

  • State budget out-turn in the first nine months

    According to preliminary data, the state budget recorded almost EUR 9.3 billion in revenue in the first nine months, which is about EUR 1.3 billion or 16.2% higher than in the same period last year. Expenditure fell by almost EUR 837 million or 8%, amounting to around EUR 9.6 billion. Accordingly, the budget deficit amounted to EUR 324 million in the first nine months.

  • Amendments to the Family Code confirmed

    ''Slovenia has finally joined the countries in Europe and the world that have already made the status of heterosexual and same-sex couples equal'', said State Secretary Simon Maljevac after the National Assembly confirmed the amended Family Code following decisions made by Slovenia’s Constitutional Court.

  • Business to Diplomacy event focusing on new opportunities for the Slovenian space sector

    Minister of Foreign Affairs, Tanja Fajon, State Secretary for Economic Development and Technology, Matevž Frangež, and State Secretary for Defence, Rudi Medved, addressed the Business to Diplomacy (B2D) event entitled “Slovenia in Space” in the Noordung Centre. The purpose of the event was to help create new connections and opportunities for cooperation at the national and international level, to present the activities and achievements of the Slovenian space sector to representatives of foreign embassies and the Slovenian economic and defence attachés.

  • Lobnikar: Slovenian police successful in addressing smuggling of illicit drugs

    State Secretary dr. Branko Lobnikar inaugurated the eighth annual meeting of the Pompidou Group’s South-East Europe Airports Group with an opening address. The two-day meeting held in Ljubljana was organised by the Council of Europe and the Slovenian criminal police, current holder of the Group’s presidency.

  • Minister Jevšek at Szentgotthárd/Monošter Forum: ‘’There is no alternative to cooperation between neighbours’’

    Minister for Development and European Cohesion Policy, dr Aleksander Jevšek, attended the Szentgotthárd/Monošter Forum and underscored the importance of cross-border (Interreg) programmes in overcoming administrative, language and other barriers people in cross-border regions face.

  • 4 October is World Animal Day

    Today, we celebrate World Animal Day. It is intended to raise awareness among the general public about animals as sentient beings and the necessity of caring for them responsibly and in a way that does not cause them pain, suffering and fear.

  • "Emerald Paradise", a movie about river Soča, shown at the Chagrin Falls Documentary Film Festival 2022

    With today's successful tourism-promotional, cultural and culinary event entitled "In Honor of Slovenia", which took place after the screening of the film "Emerald Paradise" at the opening of the Chagrin Falls Documentary Film Festival 2022, we concluded this year's "Slovenian Days in Cleveland 2022".

  • Prime Minister Robert Golob on his second working visit to Maribor

    Prime Minister Robert Golob visited the Maribor First Grammar School today. With students he discussed the energy crisis, the war in Ukraine, energy self-supply, renewable energy sources and investments in solar panels. The discussion, for which the students were well prepared, took place in a relaxed atmosphere. After a pleasant conversation with the students, the Prime Minister signed the memorial book in the school library. He encouraged the students, "Trust in yourself and in your virtues. Then only the sky will be your limit."

  • UN: Slovenia has made progress in the field of E-Government

    The UN has published the latest global E-Government Survey. This is a regular and respected publication that the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) has prepared every two years since 2001. According to the E-Government Development Index (EGDI), Slovenia comes 21st out of 193 countries, and progress is evident in all components of the survey.

  • Prime Minister Robert Golob at For a Better Future of Children consultation

    The Prime Minister, Dr Robert Golob, today addressed the participants of the For a Better Future for Children consultation at the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia. At the consultation, various stakeholders, from NGOs to deputies and representatives of ministries, discussed solutions to improve the situation of children with special needs and children living in poverty and threatened by violence.

  • Cohesion region Vzhodna Slovenija approves Cohesion Policy Programme 2021-2027

    Development council of cohesion region Vzhodna Slovenija today met at the Rajhenburg Castle in Brestanica and approved Cohesion Policy Programme 2021-2027.

  • Scheduled overhaul in the Krško Nuclear Power Plant

    After 18 months of safe and stable non-stop operations, a scheduled overhaul will take place at Krško Nuclear Power Plant (NE Krško) from 1 October to 2 November.