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  • How can Europe's cyber resilience be strengthened?

    This was the main topic discussed by the participants at the Cybersecurity Conference today in Bled, which was organised by the Government Information Security Office in cooperation with the Ministry of Public Administration as part of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU. Minister of Public Administration Boštjan Koritnik and Acting Director of the Government Information Security Office Uroš Svete opened the conference by addressing the participants.

  • Minister Logar at the Bled Strategic Forum on cooperation in the North Adriatic, the Mediterranean and the Indo-Pacific

    Foreign Minister Anže Logar participated in three panels at the Bled Strategic Forum today. The first panel focused on the possibilities of enhanced cooperation in the North Adriatic and the second discussed the geostrategic role of the Mediterranean, while the third emphasised the possibilities of cooperation between the European Union and India in the Indo-Pacific region.

  • Minister Logar and Indian External Affairs Minister Jaishankar on enhancing cooperation between the two countries

    Minister Anže Logar today hosted Dr Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, External Affairs Minister of the Republic of India. This is the first visit to Slovenia at the level of foreign ministers in 30 years. The Indian Minister is also a guest of this year’s Bled Strategic Forum and will be attending a working lunch on the margins of the informal meeting of EU foreign affairs ministers (Gymnich) at Brdo pri Kranju.

  • Presentation of Priorities before the EP Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

    Minister of the Interior Aleš Hojs presented the Slovenian Presidency's priorities to members of the LIBE Committee. The priorities include the current migration situation.

  • Minister Logar and NATO Deputy Secretary General Geoană on strengthening the EU-NATO Strategic Partnership

    Foreign Minister Anže Logar met with NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană on the fringes of the Bled Strategic Forum today. In the light of current developments, the two high officials focused on the situation in Afghanistan and condemned the recent terrorist attacks in Kabul.

  • State Secretary Dr Raščan receives Kenyan Deputy Foreign Minister

    State Secretary Dr Stanislav Raščan today received Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kenya and Chief Administrative Secretary for Foreign Affairs Ababu Namwamba.

  • Minister Logar and United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Lacroix on the situation in Afghanistan

    Foreign Minister Anže Logar met with the United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, Jean-Pierre Lacroix, on the margins of the Bled Strategic Forum. The talks focused on the current situation in Afghanistan and the future mandate of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA).

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša at the Bled Strategic Forum's leaders' panel on EU enlargement to the Western Balkans

    Prime Minister Janez Janša today attended the 16th Bled Strategic Forum, which is being held under the title "The Future of Europe".

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša at the Bled Strategic Forum's leaders' panel on the future of Europe

    Prime Minister Janez Janša today attended the 16th Bled Strategic Forum, which is being held under the title "The Future of Europe".

  • Experts discuss a common approach for rapid and safe recovery of missing persons

    An international conference on one of the thematic priorities of the Slovenian presidency – missing persons, in particular missing children – is taking place in Ljubljana today and tomorrow. The conference is held under the auspices of the Police Expert Network on Missing Persons, which was officially recognised by the Council’s Law Enforcement Working Party, and in cooperation with AMBER Alert Europe.

  • In Bled, leaders begin a strategic discussion on the future of Europe

    One of the flagship events of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU, the 16th Bled Strategic Forum, started with the opening addresses by its host, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia Dr Anže Logar, Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia Janez Janša and President of the European Council Charles Michel. “It is imperative we identify strategic responses to the challenges facing both our citizens' everyday lives, and those Europe as a continent might yet see. We must identify those policies where the EU is a global example and incorporate the lessons learned from the crises of the past decade,” urged Minister Dr Logar in his opening speech in the Bled Festival Hall.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša: We see a strong Europe made up of strong Member States

    Prime Minister Janez Janša attends the Bled Strategic Forum, which he opened with an opening address. The unauthorised Prime Minister's speech is published below.

  • Instruction for Sugar-Free Canning of Fruit

    Long war and bad harvest lead to shortage of food, high prices, requisitions, food coupons etc. In such state of general shortage, the Imperial and Royal Office for Public Nutrition in Vienna turned its attention to fruit as well. In May 1917, it issued a regulation on fruit trade, allowing the trade to be conducted only by those who obtained special permission. In mid-June, the office sent letters to all major agricultural corporations in the monarchy and enclosed a set of instructions on how to can fruit without any sugar. The recipients of the letter were urged to pay special attention to the issue in question, since sugar was an increasingly rare commodity in any household. One copy of the letter was also received by the Agricultural Society for Carniola and we have chosen it for this month’s archivalia.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša at the 16th Bled Strategic Forum international conference

    Prime Minister Janez Janša is attending the 16th Bled Strategic Forum, which is being held under the theme "The Future of Europe".

  • Concerted response of EU home affairs ministers regarding implications of the situation in Afghanistan for the EU

    At today's extraordinary meeting in Brussels, EU home affairs ministers adopted a joint statement on the EU's response to the situation in Afghanistan and the potential implications for migration and security in the EU.

  • Republic of Slovenia launches Tender Offer for its outstanding March 2022 and March 2023 EUR securities

    The Republic of Slovenia (the Issuer), rated A3 (stable) / AA- (stable) / A (stable), has mandated Barclays, BNP Paribas, Deutsche Bank, HSBC and J.P. Morgan as Joint Dealer Managers for a Tender Offer for the Issuer’s outstanding March 2022 and March 2023 EUR securities. Additionally, the Republic will consider an ultra-long Euro-denominated Reg S transaction in dematerialised registered form, subject to market conditions and the results of the concurrent Tender Offer. Relevant stabilisation (including FCA/ICMA) applies. Target Market: Manufacturer target market (MIFID II product governance) are eligible counterparties and professional investors (all distribution channels) and also retail investors (all distribution channels).

  • State Secretary Raščan meets with Secretary General of Caritas Internationalis

    State Secretary Stanislav Raščan received Secretary General of Caritas Internationalis Aloysius John. They agreed that the pandemic had brought new challenges and exacerbated the hardships of individuals. Therefore, mutual solidarity and concerted efforts to stem it and alleviate its consequences are essential.

  • Minister Logar and Spanish Foreign Minister Albares for a stronger and more resilient EU

    At the invitation of the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, José Manuel Albares Bueno, Foreign Minister Anže Logar is visiting Spain today. He met with the Committee on Foreign and European Affairs of the Spanish Congress of Deputies. Slovenia and Spain have been deepening bilateral relations, coordinating and maintaining a regular dialogue, aiming at a stronger, more resilient European Union, acting in a coordinated manner and speaking with one voice.

  • Lejko Zupanc: Vaccination and adherence to self-protection measures continue to be necessary and reasonable

    The main topic of today's press conference was the situation in hospitals, as the number of people who need medical help due to COVID-19 infection is increasing again. Dr Tatjana Lejko Zupanc presented the situation in hospitals and Maja Bratuša presented an overview of the current epidemiological data.

  • Bilateral political consultations with Qatar

    Political consultations between Slovenia and Qatar took place today, led by Political Director/Director-General Jernej Müller on the Slovenian side. Together with Ahmad Hassen Al-Hammadi, Secretary-General of the Qatar Ministry of Foreign Affairs, they focused on reviewing bilateral political and economic relations, including identifying ways to upgrade them.