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  • Registrations are now open for participation in the 10th Meeting of the Parties to the Water Convention MoP 10, which will be held in Ljubljana in October

    The world is facing a triple planetary crisis – biodiversity loss, pollution of natural resources and climate change. The latter is also manifested in extreme, water-related phenomena – floods, low flows, and droughts. As all countries are confronted with climate change, they must contribute to increasing climate resilience in transboundary river basins and river basins in concert and through common approaches.

  • 20 years of Slovenia’s assistance to EU candidate countries and potential candidates

    This month marks 20 years since the launch of Slovenia’s first project of close inter-institutional cooperation, in which Slovenia, just a few months after joining the EU, began sharing its knowledge and experience in the pre-accession process.

  • State Secretary Štucin at political consultations in Bucharest

    As part of his visit to Bucharest, State Secretary Marko Štucin held political consultations with the State Secretary for European Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania, Clara Staicu. The talks focused on strengthening bilateral relations and exchanging views on current European, regional and international issues.

  • First consultation on post-2027 cohesion policy in Slovenia

    ‘’Cohesion policy funding helps us create jobs and support projects that improve our transport, energy, healthcare and education infrastructure, promote cooperation between partners, improve security at our borders, contribute to fight against climate change and foster the digital transition of our society,’’ underscored Minister Jevšek at the event.

  • Prime Minister Dr Golob meets Olympic medal winners

    Prime Minister Dr Robert Golob today attended a reception and award ceremony for athletes and coaches to commemorate the Olympic medals that Slovenia took home from the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. The Prime Minister and the Minister of Economy, Tourism and Sport, Matjaž Han, and the President of the Olympic Committee of Slovenia, Franjo Bobinec addressed the athletes.

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    Prime Minister Golob: "Slovenia and Andorra have immense opportunities for successful cooperation"

    Prime Minister Robert Golob met today with the Prime Minister of the Principality of Andorra, Xavier Espot Zamora. This is the first-ever visit at the level of Prime Ministers between the two countries.

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    Government proposes Marta Kos for appointment as Member of the EU Commission

    At today's session, the Slovenian Government has decided on a proposal for the appointment of the candidate as a Member of the European Commission and to submit the proposal to the National Assembly. The Government nominates Marta Kos as a candidate for appointment as a Member of the European Commission.

  • Prime Minister Robert Golob accepts Tomaž Vesel's resignation as European Commissioner candidate

    Prime Minister Robert Golob today received Tomaž Vesel, the Slovenian Government's candidate for European Commissioner. Mr Vesel informed the Prime Minister of his decision to withdraw his candidacy due to differences of opinion regarding the future composition of the European Commission. These differences emerged from a conversation between him and the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen.

  • Budapest hosts informal meeting of ministers responsible for cohesion policy

    The Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU organised an informal meeting of the General Affairs Council that took place in Budapest on 6 September 2024. The meeting brought together EU ministers responsible for cohesion policy to discuss the role of cohesion policy in addressing demographic challenges in the EU.

  • Government gives green light to amended Programme of Development Incentives for Border Problem Areas

    The Government of the Republic of Slovenia has adopted amendments to the Programme of Development Incentives for Border Problem Areas in the 2022-2025 Period.

  • 118th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today's session, the Government adopted the proposal for the Road Tolling Act and proposed new amendments to the Inheritance Act and the Enforcement of Criminal Sanctions Act. The main objective of the proposed Road Tolling Act is to promote the use of more environmentally friendly vehicles on the roads, thereby contributing to the reduction of environmental pollution.

  • Petra Bezjak Cirman and Stephanie Sutton in Bled on cooperation on countering disinformation

    Director of Government Communication Office (UKOM) Petra Bezjak Cirman Meets with Chief of Staff to the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy at Bled Strategic Forum.

  • Bled panellists on the future of the North Atlantic Alliance

    Dr Damir Črnčec, State Secretary at the Ministry of Defence, participated in a plenary discussion titled "NATO Beyond 75: An Alliance Fit for the Future" at the Bled Strategic Forum on 3 September. On the occasion NATO’s 75th anniversary, which has had several enlargements whilst successfully exercising deterrence, the panellists focused on current security challenges and the way forward.

  • According to Minister Fajon, 19th Bled Strategic Forum exceeded all expectations

    The 19th Bled Strategic Forum is coming to an end, having exceeded all expectations with its challenging and complex discussions. The event brought together over 180 speakers from 48 countries and 2500 participants. This turnout proves that the Bled Strategic Forum has become an established platform for the presentation of views, constructive debate, confrontation of different positions and even exchange of opposing opinions.

  • Prime Minister Golob: "Appointing a Commissioner in charge of enlargement is the right approach"

    The Slovenian Prime Minister, Robert Golob, today attended the opening of the Bled Strategic Forum. After welcoming the foreign leaders attending the Forum, Prime Minister Golob took part in a panel of leaders. After the panel, he presented the Bled Strategic Forum Award to Yulia Navalnaya and met with Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković.

  • Prime Minister Robert Golob: "Slovenia responded quickly to last year's floods, as did the European Commission"

    President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen is visiting Slovenia today at the invitation of Prime Minister Robert Golob. In the morning, the two leaders together visited Črna na Koroškem and were briefed on the situation in the field one year after the floods.

  • Minister Fajon discusses the challenges of a divided world with young people at the Bled Strategic Forum

    The 19th Bled Strategic Forum was preceded by the Young BSF, where young people discussed with Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon the divided world, in which we live in, the conflicts that have become part of everyday life, the importance of being heard, listening and working together. The young people asked her a number of specific questions about Slovenia's foreign policy, thoughts and plans.

  • Slovenia Assumes Presidency of the UN Security Council

    Today, Slovenia begins its first presidency of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in the 2024–2025 term. On assuming the mandate, Slovenia will present its monthly Programme of Work (PoW), priorities and signature events to the Member States of the Security Council, the wider UN membership, NGOs and the general public.

  • Confirming of the Privileges Granted to the Poor Clare Convent in Mekinje/Minkendorf

    Between 1300 and 1782, the Poor Clares founded six convents in the Slovenian ethnical territory. The oldest and the most important among them was the convent in Mekinje near Kamnik (Minkendorf near Stein), which was granted its first princely privilege already in 1338. Presented here as this month’s archivalia is a 300-year-old privilege preserved among other charters of the Poor Clare convent. The privilege was issued by Emperor Charles VI of Habsburg (1711-1740) and confirmed the convent's earlier rights, freedoms and good habits.

  • State Secretary Marko Štucin attends GLOBSEC Forum in Prague

    On 30–31 August 2024, State Secretary Marko Štucin attended the GLOBSEC Forum in Prague, where he participated in a panel discussion entitled The Road Ahead: Key Priorities for the EU’s New Leadership, and held two bilateral meetings.