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  • Covid-19 tracking application to help the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) and the population

    At Monday's session, the Government, in its extended composition, decided on several actions to contain the spread of coronavirus infections in the country. At the press conference on the current situation regarding COVID-19, the session's conclusions were presented by the Head of the Communicable Disease Centre at the National Institute of Public Health, Mario Fafangel, the Director of the University Clinic of Pulmonary and Allergic Diseases Golnik, Aleš Rozman, and the government spokesman, Ambassador Jelko Kacin.

  • With the deterioration of the epidemiological picture, stricter control over the implementation of quarantine

    "The situation in the Balkans is drastically deteriorating", said official spokesman Jelko Kacin at the start of the government press conference, adding that the situation had worsened, especially in countries which, like some Western countries in the past, decided to hold elections (Serbia, Croatia), which will also be held soon in Northern Macedonia.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša: Until a vaccine is developed, we have only two options

    On Saturday and Sunday, Prime Minister Janez Janša responded on Twitter to the increasing number of confirmed new cases of infection with the new coronavirus during the last two and a half months.

  • Minister Dr Logar and Acting Foreign Minister Cakaj on support for Albania’s EU integration and solidarity for overcoming the Covid-19 crisis

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr Anže Logar hosted Gent Cakaj, Acting Foreign Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Albania, who was in Slovenia on a working visit. The ministers expressed satisfaction with the excellent relations between the two countries and were in full agreement that the current situation calls for solidarity in tackling the economic and social impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. Minister Dr Logar pledged his full support for Albania’s EU integration.

  • 41st Slovenian KFOR contingent assumes tasks in Kosovo

    On Friday, July 3, 2020, a ceremony was held at Camp Villaggio Italia in Pec/Peja, Kosovo, marking the handover and takeover of tasks and areas of operations between the 40th and 41st KFOR contingents of the Slovenian Armed Forces.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša meets with German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas

    The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr Janez Janša, today met with the German Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Heiko Maas, who at the beginning of Germany’s EU Council Presidency paid his first visit to Slovenia.

  • As from 4 July, Belgium and the Netherlands included in the green list while Czechia, Croatia and France are excluded

    The Government of the Republic of Slovenia decided to include Belgium and the Netherlands in the list of epidemiologically safe counties or administrative units of countries (green list) as from 4 July 2020. It also decided to remove Czechia, Croatia and France from the green list, which means that these countries are now on the yellow list.

  • Video

    Agreement and arrangement on cooperation for prosperous Slovenia signed

    The Presidents of the coalition parties, Janez Janša, Zdravko Počivalšek, Matej Tonin and Aleksandra Pivec, and the President of the Slovenian National Party, Zmago Jelinčič Plemeniti, and the deputies of the two national communities, Ferenc Horváth and Felice Žiža, today signed an agreement between the political parties and the deputies of the national communities in the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia on cooperation in the adoption of laws and other acts and documents in the period 2020–2022.

  • OECD Review of Digital Public Administration in Slovenia - Key Findings

    The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) focused on four main aspects in compiling a comprehensive review of digital administration in Slovenia: coordination and management, digital skills, development and provision of services, and data management. In its key findings, the OECD emphasizes that Slovenia is making good progress in the development of a digital public administration, but it needs to improve coordination, vision and analytical approach, and needs stronger leverage to guide digital transformation. For agility and quick adaptation, the comparative advantage of Slovenia is its small size and general enthusiasm for digitalization.

  • 30 years since the adoption of the Declaration of the Sovereignty of Slovenia

    It has been exactly 30 years since the then Slovenian Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Sovereignty of the Republic of Slovenia in 1990, whereby a one-year time limit was set for the adoption of a new constitution. The Assembly also tasked the Government with determining by September which Yugoslav laws would no longer be applicable in Slovenia.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša holds a videoconference with President of the European Council Charles Michel

    Prime Minister Janez Janša today met with President of the European Council Charles Michel via videoconference. They discussed the European Commission’s proposal for the Multiannual Financial Framework for the next seven-year period and the proposed recovery instrument.

  • The problem is no longer only imported cases, but also secondary infections and cases of unknown origin

    The number of infected people in Slovenia has been increasing again in recent weeks, and the source of infections is no longer only imported cases, but also secondary infections and cases of unknown origin, said Bojana Beović, the head of the Government Advisory Group. The number has been increasing exponentially since end of May.

  • Kolemonov žegen - Book of Magic, Charms and Prayers for Protection

    Slovenian folk tradition has preserved a number of “efficient ways of protection” against various misfortunes and one such "weapon" was also Kolemonov žegen.The original is believed to have been written in Latin. It spread across the German territory and as a translated version found its way from the present-day Carinthia across the entire territory of today’s Slovenia. It contained a collection of protective prayers, formulas and magic words, superstitions and instructions on how to get the favour of supernatural beings so as to avoid any misfortunes and be successful in acquiring earthy material goods.

  • Croatia remains on the list of epidemiologically safe countries

    Based on the agreement between the Slovenian and Croatian national institutes and the talks between both prime ministers, Janez Janša and Andrej Plenković, Slovenia will not remove Croatia from the green list of epidemiologically safe countries for now. Croatia plans to implement several measures to curb the spread of the virus, including closing nightclubs and cancelling similar events.

  • 1 July – Start of Trio Presidency of Germany, Portugal and Slovenia

    From 1 July 2020 to 31 December 2021, the Presidency of the Council of the European Union will be held successively by Germany, Portugal and Slovenia. For several months, the trio has worked in the spirit of constructive and friendly cooperation to shape the 18-month programme. In June 2020, the final Presidency programme was presented and approved at the General Affairs Council.

  • Minister Dr Logar attends Three Seas Initiative virtual conference

    Today, Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr Anže Logar attended a video conference of Foreign Ministers and State Secretaries from the Three Seas Initiative (3SI) participating states, where he outlined Slovenia’s views on the further development of institutional ties within the 3SI and closer cooperation process in the wider region of Central and Eastern Europe.

  • Discover Slovenia in Cleveland

    If you saw numerous groups wandering and exploring Cleveland and its neighboring cities on Father’s Day weekend, wearing Slovenian clothing, with Slovenian flags, posters and other props, we hope you weren’t alarmed! It was not an invasion of Slovenian tourists in Cleveland, but a competition and a project, named "Discover Slovenia in Cleveland.”

  • The first ice cream made using Slovenian vanilla

    Ocean Orchids, which is based in Dobrovnik, presented the first ice cream made using Slovenian vanilla in collaboration with the chocolatier Podeželska čokoladnica Passer from Tešanovci. The vanilla was grown in a tropical garden in Dobrovnik and is an organic ingredient of the highest quality.

  • Measures taken in the frame of ACP4 prepare Slovenia for the second wave of the novel coronavirus

    At its last night’s session, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia finalised the text of the proposed Act on the intervention measures to prepare for the second wave of COVID-19 (ACP4) to be submitted to the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia for discussion and adoption under an emergency procedure. The proposed act replaces the proposed amendment to ACP3 adopted by the Government last week.

  • 15th BSF to take place on 31 August 2020

    In light of recent COVID-19 developments, the organisers of Bled Strategic Forum international conference are pleased to inform that the 15th Bled Strategic Forum international conference will take place on 31 August 2020 in Bled, Slovenia.