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  • EU funding for cooperation between employment offices, social work centres and other stakeholders

    The Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development has approved EU funding for the operation Strengthening cooperation between the employment offices, the social work centres and other stakeholders in the integration in the labour market of the long-term unemployed.

  • Guidelines for the mainstreaming of gender equality in development cooperation now available in English

    The Guidelines for the Mainstreaming of Gender Equality in Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid, endorsed by the Minister for Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon in May 2023, are now also available in English. This has made the Guidelines accessible to all implementing NGO partners and institutions carrying out development cooperation projects in partner countries.

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    Draft Act Determining Intervention Measures for Flood and Landslide Recovery of August 2023

    The Government of the Republic of Slovenia has set out the text of the draft Act Determining Intervention Measures for Flood and Landslide Recovery of August 2023 and is sending it to the National Assembly for consideration under the urgent procedure. The adoption of the draft Act will allow for the taking of urgent and effective measures to deal with the consequences of floods and landslides.

  • 111th Session of the International Labour Conference

    The 111th Session of the International Labour Conference, held in Geneva from 5 to 16 June 2023, is attended annually by members of the International Labour Organization (ILO) in a tripartite configuration of representatives of governments and workers’ and employers’ organisations. Important decisions, including the Recommendation concerning quality apprenticeships, were discussed and adopted by the conference in committees and plenary sessions.

  • Message from Minister Luka Mesec on the occasion of the Pride Parade

    This year marks the 22nd anniversary of the “mineral water drinking protest” – a political action by members of the LGBT community that gave birth to the first Pride Parade in this country.

  • Transnational Provision of Services Act

    The new Transnational Provision of Services Act (ZČmIS-1) was published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia. The Ministry drew up the Act in order to comprehensively address the position of posted workers when carrying out transnational services provided by Slovenian companies and self-employed persons, economic operators, for clients in other EU member states.

  • Changing the law to speed up the recruitment of foreigners

    Members of parliament have approved the bill on amendments and additions to the Employment, Self-employment and Work of Foreigners Act (amendment to the law).

  • Message from the Minister on World Social Work Day

    On the occasion of World Social Work Day, we are publishing a message from Minister Luka Mesec. “Our goal is to make social work socially recognised and properly rewarded,” the minister emphasized.

  • Amending the law to accelerate the employment of foreigners

    At today's correspondence session, the Government adopted a bill on amendments to the Employment, Self-employment and Work of Foreigners Act and will send it to the National Assembly for consideration under fast-track procedure.

  • Minister Mesec talks to trade union on ending outsourcing

    Today, Minister Luka Mesec, together with State Secretary Dan Juvan, members of the Minister’s Office and the leadership of the Labour Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia, met with representatives of the Trade Union for Catering and Tourism Industry Employees of Slovenia regarding the outsourcing of chambermaids at Sava Turizem.

  • Minister's statement on kindergarten prices

    Today, the Minister of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Luka Mesec, responded to the current issue of kindergarten prices. The Minister personally supports the idea of free kindergartens, but stresses that such a measure would require an additional €200 million.

  • Implementation of the amendment to the Family Code

    On 31 January 2023, the Act Amending the Family Code will enter into force, amending the definitions of marriage and cohabitation for opposite-sex and same-sex partners. The Act defines marriage as a life union of two persons and no longer as a life union of husband and wife.

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    31st regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today’s session, the Government became acquainted with the initialled agreement on resolving the strike demands of FIDES and authorised the Minister of Health to sign the agreement. It also adopted the proposed amendments to the Act determining aid to the economy to mitigate the consequences of the energy crisis and the proposed Act on the aid to provide greater air connectivity.

  • 52nd Correspondence Meeting of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today's correspondence meeting, the Government adopted a new draft Transnational Provision of Services Act and issued an amendment to the Decree on the establishment of programmes of compulsory health insurance services.

  • Programme for the elimination of material deprivation approved

    The European Commission has approved the new Programme for the elimination of material deprivation in the Republic of Slovenia for the 2021–2027 period. A total of EUR 32.6 million has thus been secured until 2029 to help the most vulnerable population groups and eliminate their material deprivation, of which the EU will contribute EUR 29.4 million.

  • The Slovenian Government’s response to a public letter from NGOs

    We hereby publish the Slovenian Government’s response to a public letter from NGOs concerning the resolution of the housing issue.

  • New calculation of minimum cost of living

    The ministry has received the final report on research into the minimum cost of living. Before determining the size of the adjustment to the minimum wage, and drawing up the basis for raising the minimum basic income, we will coordinate with the government and the social partners. The latter were today briefed on the report within the framework of the Economic and Social Council.

  • Amendments to the Family Code confirmed

    ''Slovenia has finally joined the countries in Europe and the world that have already made the status of heterosexual and same-sex couples equal'', said State Secretary Simon Maljevac after the National Assembly confirmed the amended Family Code following decisions made by Slovenia’s Constitutional Court.

  • Minister Mesec at the conference on the prevention of violence against women

    As part of Ireland’s Presidency of the Council of Europe, a conference entitled 'No safe haven: Integrated prevention measures to end domestic, sexual and gender-based violence' was organised in Dublin between 29 and 30 September 2022. The conference was attended by Minister Luka Mesec who, in his message, highlighted as the central objective, "A Europe with zero tolerance for violence against women, whether taking place publicly, at work or within the family."

  • Presentation of the 2022 Economic Survey of Slovenia

    The presentation of the 2022 Economic Survey of Slovenia, prepared by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), took place on Monday at Brdo pri Kranju. The Economic Survey provides a comprehensive picture of the macroeconomic situation in Slovenia, with special attention paid to the topical issue of the digitalisation of society and the economy.