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  • The Republic of Slovenia issued an open call for the 2021 Golden Bee Award

    The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food has issued an open call to citizens, legal persons or other organisations for identification of the candidates for the 2021 Golden Bee Award.

  • Agriculture ministers support Action plan for development of organic agriculture and take note of initiative to set up cage-free farming

    At the meeting of the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council, headed by Agriculture Minister Jože Podgoršek, ministers discussed items on the agriculture agenda. They unanimously adopted the Council conclusions on the action plan for the development of organic agriculture, which stress the awareness of member states of the importance of organic farming in ensuring the sustainability of future European agriculture and food production. As regards the "End the Cage Age" European Citizens’ Initiative, the Council supported activities aimed at promoting animal welfare.

  • Minister Podgoršek presented the priorities of the Slovenian Presidency to the European Parliament

    In the meetings of the Committees of the European Parliament, competent for purports within the scope of work of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, the Minister Jože Podgoršek presented the sectoral programme and the priority tasks of the Slovenian Presidency. These fall within the scope of “Resilience, recovery and strategic autonomy of the EU”, focusing on strategic significance of food security within the EU and sustainable agriculture (care for rural areas) and forestry. In fisheries, priority tasks arise from the significance of conservation of coastal communities and of tradition of sustainable fishing.

  • Minister Podgoršek on EU promotion policy: "Maintaining the competitiveness and equality of agricultural sector"

    On behalf of the Slovenian Presidency of the EU Council, the Minister Dr Jože Podgoršek participated today in a 2-day high level event, a video conference of the EU promotion policy stakeholders. The conference addresses the question of such policy as a possibility of transition to a more sustainable EU food system, of improving the healthy alimentary habits, and of fostering the competitiveness of this sector in the global markets. The organiser of the conference is the European Commission (General Directorate for Agriculture and Rural Development). In the opening part, the participants were addressed by the EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Mr Janusz Wojciechowski.

  • Minister Jože Podgoršek at a conference on the New vision for sustainable fisheries and aquaculture in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea

    Minister Jože Podgoršek has attended the high-level video conference of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) entitled A new vision for sustainable fisheries and aquaculture in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea.

  • EU agriculture and fisheries ministers hold the last Council meeting under the Portuguese presidency – Slovenia takes the helm of agrifish

    Today, EU agriculture and fisheries ministers finished a two-day meeting where they focused on confirming the deal on the reform of the common agricultural policy. As part of fisheries items, the ministers discussed the Communication on the state of play of the common fisheries policy and consultation on the fishing opportunities for 2020. As part of phytosanitary items, the ministers adopted a Council Decision requesting the Commission to submit a study on biological control agents (macroorganisms) of plant pests. They also discussed setting a protection goal for honey bees. Minister Jože Podgoršek attended the meeting on behalf of Slovenia. The Portuguese ministers responsible for agriculture and fisheries symbolically handed over the Presidency of the AGRIFISH Council to Minister Podgoršek. Agriculture minister also held several bilateral meetings with ministers of other EU member states.

  • EU agriculture ministers confirm the compromise deal on the reform of the common agricultural policy

    At today's meeting of the Council of the EU, EU ministers confirmed the compromise deal on the reform of the common agricultural policy (CAP). The European Parliament and the Council of the EU came to a political agreement on the deal last Friday. The deal covers all three legislative proposals (Strategic Plans Regulation, amendments to the Regulation on the common market organisation and Horizontal Regulation). Minister Jože Podgoršek has attended the meeting on behalf of Slovenia.

  • Minister Jože Podgoršek attends an informal Council meeting in Lisbon

    Minister Jože Podgoršek has attended an informal meeting of EU agriculture and fisheries ministers. The meeting was important in view of the possible continuation of the ministerial discussion on key remaining questions about the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy, taking into account that the Council of the EU, the European Commission and the European Parliament did not reach an agreement at the last meeting of the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council. The ministers have also discussed the topics of "Food systems, innovation and management of natural resources" and "Future of the Common Fisheries Policy". The meeting was important in light of the preparation for the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU.

  • Minister dr. Podgoršek at a meeting with Ambassadors on MAFF priority tasks and presenting Tradicional Slovenian Breakfast

    Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Dr Jože Podgoršek, hosted today at Brdo the Ambassadors of the Member States of the European Union (EU). Central focus was on presentation of priority tasks of Slovenia’s Presidency of the EU Council in the sector of agriculture, forestry and food, and on principal events to be organised by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food (MAFF) during the Presidency. Using this opportunity, the Minister presented to the Ambassadors the Traditional Slovenian Breakfast project to take place tomorrow in all the Slovenian schools and kindergartens – in the past year, on account of the epidemic, the breakfast could not be carried out, and had to be postponed.

  • Secretary of State Aleš Irgolič at Informal Videoconference of Fisheries

    Secretary of State, Mr Aleš Irgolič, MSc, participated in the Informal Videoconference of Fisheries Ministers. The session was important as the ministers competent for fisheries conducted the discussion and confirmed the final agreement in principle on fishing possibilities in 2021, and on the deep sea fish stocks for 2021 and 2022, which had most recently been reached between the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom.

  • Minister dr Podgoršek meeting Italian Minister of agriculture, forestry and food, Stefano Patuanelli, ing.

    In videoconference, the Minister Dr Jože Podgoršek met today with the Italian Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Sig. Stefano Patuanelli, Ing. The meeting was arranged as a forerunner of the Slovenian and Italian Ministerial Coordination Council to take place on 14. 6. 2021.

  • Minister Podgoršek at the Third Ministerial Conference of the Mechanism for the Cooperation in Forestry between China and Central and Eastern European Countries

    At the invitation of Mr Guan Zhi'ou, the administrator of the National Forestry and Grassland Administration of the People’s Republic of China, Minister Podgoršek attended today by videoconference the Third Ministerial Conference of the Mechanism for the Cooperation in Forestry between China and Central and Eastern European Countries (17+1 Forestry Mechanism). 17+1 Forestry Mechanism strengthens business, scientific research and political cooperation in the field of forestry and forest-wood chains.

  • The negotiations on the legislative package for the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy will continue in June

    It was not possible to reach a political agreement with the European Parliament and the European Commission on the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy in a super trilogue and the meeting of the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council. The Portuguese Presidency will continue the negotiations until the end of its Presidency, aiming to reach a final agreement at June's meeting of the EU Council that will be held in Luxembourg. Minister Jože Podgoršek has attended the meeting on behalf of Slovenia. After the suspension of negotiations, Mr Podgoršek said early this morning that, even though we still have different views from the European Parliament and the Commission on some questions and final solutions, we are closer to a final agreement. "It is vital to go through a democratic process to reach important agreements, such as the agreement on the new Common Agricultural Policy. This means that opinions and specific characteristics of numerous stakeholders and Member States are included and taken into account. We obviously have to find some more political will to reach a real compromise and seek solutions that, in the end, will benefit agriculture and rural areas. I believe that the Portuguese Presidency will do everything in its power to conclude the negotiation process in June's Council. If the negotiations are not concluded by then, Slovenia will continue these complex negotiations during its Presidency of the Council of the EU."

  • Interview with Minister Jože Podgoršek on World Bee Day

    Today is World Bee Day. We welcome you to read an Interview with minister Podgoršek on World Bee Day.

  • Today we celebrate the fourth World bee day

    Today we celebrate World Bee Day. On the initiative of the Slovenian Beekeepers’ Association, the Republic of Slovenia proposed that the United Nations Organisation proclaim 20 May as World Bee Day. Numerous events have taken place today. On the occasion of this year's World Bee Day, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) addresses the general public under the slogan Bee Engaged: Building Back Better for Bees.

  • The fourth World Bee Day next Thursday - Bee Engaged: Building Back Better for Bees

    In a week's time, on 20 May, Slovenia and the rest of the world will celebrate World Bee Day for the fourth time. The UN General Assembly proclaimed World Bee Day on 20 December 2017. The main purpose of World Bee Day is to raise awareness among the international public about the importance of bees and other pollinators for humanity in the light of ensuring global food security, eliminating hunger and caring for the environment and biodiversity. On the occasion of this year's World Bee Day, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) addresses the general public under the slogan Bee Engaged: Building Back Better for Bees.

  • Minister Podgoršek at a meeting with the European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Stella Kyriakides

    Today, Minister Jože Podgoršek held a meeting by video conference with the European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Stella Kyriakides. They discussed Slovenia's priorities during the Presidency of the Council of the EU.

  • Two weeks until the fourth World Bee Day

    In two weeks' time, on 20 May, Slovenia and the rest of the world will celebrate World Bee Day for the fourth time. The UN General Assembly proclaimed World Bee Day on 20 December 2017 as the result of cooperation between the Slovenian Beekeepers’ Association as the initiator, the Republic of Slovenia and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and as the result of the widespread European and wider international support of countries and organisations, including Apimondia (International Federation of Beekeepers' Associations).

  • EU Agriculture Ministers on international trade in agricultural products, the situation on agricultural markets and green architecture

    EU Ministers responsible for agriculture met today by videoconference. Agriculture was the main item on the agenda. The key discussion revolved around some questions that remain open in tripartite negotiations on the legislative package for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform, namely the elements of green architecture. They have also discussed the international trade in agricultural products and the situation on agricultural markets in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic. States Secretaries Aleš Irgolič and Anton Harej attended the meeting on the part of Slovenia.

  • EU Agriculture Ministers on international trade in agricultural products, the situation on agricultural markets and green architecture

    EU Ministers responsible for agriculture met today by videoconference. Agriculture was the main item on the agenda. The key discussion revolved around some questions that remain open in tripartite negotiations on the legislative package for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform, namely the elements of green architecture. They have also discussed the international trade in agricultural products and the situation on agricultural markets in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic. States Secretaries Aleš Irgolič and Anton Harej attended the meeting on the part of Slovenia.