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  • Importance and strengthening of self-sufficiency and short supply chains in rural areas through the LEADER/CLLD approach

    At a time when Slovenia is once again facing an epidemic, the importance of local self-sufficiency and short supply chains is particularly highlighted. Every third Friday in November we celebrate Slovenian Food Day, in whose context the Traditional Slovenian Breakfast project, consisting of locally produced and processed foods, will be carried out this year for the tenth consecutive year.

  • Minister Podgoršek at conference on new Strategy for fisheries and fish farming in the Mediterranean and in the Black sea

    This morning, the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Dr Jože Podgoršek, participated in the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) High-level Conference, taking place in the form of an audio-video conference. The topics of the Conference included the preparation of a new strategy for fisheries and fish farming in the Mediterranean and in the Black Sea.

  • EU Ministers Reach Agreement on General Approach to Common Agricultural Policy Reform

    Early this morning, the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council reached agreement on the general approach to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform beyond 2020 legislative package. This is an important achievement as the agreement facilitates opening the negotiations with the European Parliament. On behalf of Slovenia, the meeting was attended by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Dr Jože Podgoršek, who earmarked the compromise as extremely important achievement within the EU for the entire agricultural sector. “It is most important that we, the ministers, have come to an agreement that facilitates the continuation of the demanding CAP reform process and its subsequent timely implementation. In negotiations, Slovenia succeeded in ensuring the essential elements for the development of agriculture in Slovenia, while simultaneously following the environmental protection guidelines. Particular attention has been on small farmers in terms of reducing the administrative burdens.” At the meeting that commenced on Monday, the ministers discussed certain other topics in agriculture and fisheries.

  • Minister dr Pivec at the V4+7 Visegrád group meeting

    At the invitation of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of Poland, Mr Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski, the Minister, Dr Aleksandra Pivec, participated in the meeting of Ministers of Agriculture of the Visegrád Group, extended to include Slovenia, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria and Romania (hereinafter referred to as V4+7 VG) that took place in Poznań, Poland.

  • The German, Portuguese, and Slovenian Ministers of Agriculture make a joint declaration on agricultural priorities

    The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Aleksandra Pivec, today attended the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting in Brussels (AGRIFISH). On the margins of the meeting, the Ministers of Agriculture of Germany, Portugal and Slovenia made a joint declaration in which they presented the programme of work of the future Trio Presidency regarding agriculture, fisheries and forestry.

  • EU Ministers of Agriculture on the farm to fork strategy and the CAP reform

    The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Aleksandra Pivec, today attended the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting in Brussels (AGRIFISH). At the meeting, the ministers were briefed on the report on progress in consideration of the CAP reform legislative package beyond 2020 and continued to discuss the CAP reform, focusing on green architecture, the farm to fork strategy and a new implementation model.

  • World Bee Day celebrated for the third year

    Yesterday, World Bee Day was celebrated around the world for the third year. The main event was the international conference organised by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with the International Federation of Beekeepers' Associations (Apimondia) and the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and with the support of the Slovenian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food. In the afternoon, a formal session of the Slovenian Beekeepers’ Association was held at its headquarters to mark World Bee Day.

  • Minister of Agriculture Aleksandra Pivec: "Let World Bee Day also be a day to raise awareness about the working conditions of beekeepers and the issue of bee survival"

    A formal session of the Slovenian Beekeepers’ Association was held at its headquarters to mark the third World Bee Day in Slovenia. Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, only a small number of participants gathered at this beekeeping event, which had initially been planned to take place in Dolenjske Toplice. The participants were representatives of beekeepers, local communities, diplomats and others involved in the World Bee Day project. Minister of Agriculture Aleksandra Pivec also attended the event. In her address, she highlighted the importance of beekeeping and the role of the state in supporting this important sector.

  • FAO international conference marking World Bee Day

    The third international celebration of World Bee Day was held virtually due to the COVID-19 epidemic. The international conference was organised by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with the International Federation of Beekeepers' Associations (Apimondia) and the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and with the support of the Slovenian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food. The aim of the conference, entitled "Bee Engaged", was to highlight the importance of the engagement and actions of every person for the preservation of bees and other pollinators.

  • Next Wednesday the third World Bee Day - “Bee engaged”

    In a week, on 20 May, Slovenia and the rest of the world will celebrate World Bee Day for the third time. The UN General Assembly proclaimed World Bee Day on 20 December 2017. The main purpose of World Bee Day is to raise awareness among the global public about the importance of bees and other pollinators for humanity, in light of ensuring global food security, eradication of hunger, and care for the environment and biodiversity. With the title "Bee Engaged", FAO as the organiser of the event wishes to draw attention to the importance of engagement and actions of countries, organisations, research and educational institutions, civil society, the private sector, farmers, beekeepers and the public for the conservation of bees and other pollinators.

  • Two weeks until the third World Bee Day

    This year's World Bee Day calls on the global public to “Bee Engaged”

  • Third World Bee Day to be celebrated next month

    In exactly a month’s time, on 20 May, Slovenia and the rest of the world will celebrate World Bee Day for the third time. The UN General Assembly proclaimed World Bee Day on 20 December 2017 as a result of cooperation between the Slovenian Beekeepers’ Association, as the initiator, and the Republic of Slovenia. The main purpose of World Bee Day is to raise awareness among the global public about the importance of bees and other pollinators for humanity, bearing in mind food security, global elimination of hunger, and care for the environment and biodiversity.

  • Second anniversary of World Bee Day proclamation

    In collaboration with the Slovenian Beekeepers’ Association and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, the National Assembly organised an event to commemorate the second anniversary of the historical proclamation of World Bee Day. 20 December will mark two years since the UN General Assembly, on the initiative of Slovenia, unanimously adopted the resolution designating 20 May as World Bee Day. The purpose of the event was to highlight all key beekeeping achievements that can also be attributed to the proclamation of World Bee Day. The attendees were received by their host, the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr Dejan Židan. The event, attended by State Secretary Dr Jože Podgoršek on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, began with the painting of beehive panels in the company of the pupils of the France Bevk Primary School in Ljubljana.

  • EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council discusses progress on CAP reform, fish quotas and the importance of forests

    The last meeting of the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council under Finnish Presidency, which was attended by State Secretary Dr Jože Podgoršek, focused on fishing, agricultural and forestry issues. The ministers adopted the Regulation fixing for 2020 the fishing opportunities in the Black and Mediterranean Seas, reviewed the progress made in negotiations on the reform of the common agricultural policy and exchanged views on the importance of forests and forestry for a sustainable future. As part of preparations for the Presidency of the Council of the EU, the State Secretary met with the German and Portuguese ministers of agriculture.

  • EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council discusses environmental and climate aspects of the Common Agricultural Policy beyond 2020

    At the meeting of the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council attended by State Secretary Dr Jože Podgoršek, the ministers discussed the environmental and climate aspects of the common agricultural policy (CAP) beyond 2020. The Commission put before the Member States two proposals for regulations laying down the CAP transitional provisions that would ensure continuity in terms of policy implementation and the granting of support to farmers in 2021.

  • Successful presentation of Slovenian winemakers in Shanghai

    Under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, 16 Slovenian winemakers made a successful appearance at the ProWine Fair in Shanghai. The three-day event is one of the most important wine-related trade fairs in the Asian market. According to the winemakers, the presentation was a great success.

  • State secretary Stanonik at the meeting of agriculture ministers from South Eastern Europe

    State Secretary Damjan Stanonik is attending the 13th meeting of SEE ministers of agriculture in Pristina, Kosovo. This year's host country of the ministerial meeting is the Republic of Kosovo, in collaboration with the Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group (SWG RRD) that is coordinating cooperation between the Western Balkan countries.

  • Minister Pivec on a state visit to Norway

    The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Dr Aleksandra Pivec joined the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, on his state visit to Norway. The visit, hosted by King Harald V of Norway, covered numerous events and meetings attended, among others, by Norway's Prime Minister and President of Parliament. One event that received a lot of attention focused on the promotion of beekeeping and the role of pollinators in sustainable food processing, at which Minister Pivec was one of the speakers. On the occasion, President Pahor gifted the King of Norway a Slovenian beehive with painted panels.

  • Minister Pivec: "I believe that Slovenia has good prospects for increasing trade in goods with Canada"

    On the last day of her visit to Canada, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Aleksandra Pivec attended Slovenia's promotional event presenting Slovenian businesses to potential business partners and the media. Ms Pivec met today with the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs of the Province of Ontario, Ernie Hardman, and representatives of Slovenians living in Canada.

  • Slovenia and Canada have several potential areas of cooperation

    Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Aleksandra Pivec spent the second day of her Canadian visit in Ottawa. Ms Pivec met with Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Chris Forbes at the Ministry of Agriculture and Agri-Food. She also attended the ceremonial handover of a photograph featuring the image of a bee to the Canadian Museum of Nature and visited a research institution – an experimental farm.